
Pure Blue Tanzanite?


Feb 11, 2019
Hi guys...

New here... but hoping for a simple answer to a lingering question. I'm a huge fan of tanzanite stones... and I've collected a lot of jewelry pieces. Some violet blue, some blue violet, some totally purple... and one, very much blue. But is this possible? Perhaps I'm missing some sort of glimmer of violet/purple somewhere in the stone? Has anyone ever seen or heard of completely blue tanzanite with no violet/purple visible?

Thanks for your help :)
I’m no expert, but my understanding is that it’s a trichroic gemstone, so you should be seeing 3 colours.

Do you have a photo?
Must be affected by the direction it's cut.
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New Era Gems often offers Tanzanite in uncommon colors, including versions of blue.
I would guess that most blues are the other axis color of the famous purple-blue-violet variety, but there certainly are other possibilities.
Aren't most Tanzanites a yellow beige before they're heat treated? So, variations are bound to happen, as with any colored stones.
This is a late response here but yes there are tanzanite stones that are completely blue without the pink or violet flashes. However, I personally believe the pink and purple sparkles provide tanzanite stones extra beauty, and the completely blue stones were dull and uninteresting in comparison. I've held high-end deep saturated tanzanites next to very costly Kashmir and Ceylon sapphires at recent jewelry shows and while they were definitely bluer, they were nowhere near as captivating as tanzanites in person. I just wish the stones were harder for everyday wear.
Yes, there are pure blue or slightly violet blue Tanzanite's. These are incredible stones and demand the highest prices for Tanzanite except for some of the fancy color non treated stones.

In my opinion they are the most beautiful of Tanzanite's, heated or not. Of course, everything is subjective, but if you want a $50,000 carat look, this is your stone.
Just a warning though. Tanzanite is not a everyday wear ring stone. It is 6 1/2 hardness on the mohs hardness scale, the same as Peridot. It should be worn with delicate care. If it is worn too much and you bump the stone a lot, it will get abraded and scratched to the point it may need to be taken out of the ring and be polished again. If you take care of your Tanzanite, it can last a lifetime. Take care being the operative words.

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