
Queen Consort Camilla and the Queens jewels


Sep 24, 2004
Just wondering ... now that the new monarch is a male, will Queen Consort Camilla wear the treasure trove of jewels as often as Queen Elizabeth did? I hope we continue to see the diamonds, tiaras, pearls and stunning jewelry.
I think there’ll be plenty of official duties where the opportunity to wear the jewels will present themselves.

I imagine any personal items, like her engagement ring, her pearls, gifts from Phillip, have been bequeathed to family members.
I was curious about the Queen’s engagement, and more specifically what engagement ring would befit a future monarch? I came across this fascinating article about the history of her ring and the diamonds in it.

I was curious about the Queen’s engagement, and more specifically what engagement ring would befit a future monarch? I came across this fascinating article about the history of her ring and the diamonds in it.

I have always liked her ring. It is balanced, has nice detail and was very pretty.

Camilla's ring is very deco. It doesn't photograph well though.
Another question, sorry if it's seen as a thread jack, IMO it's related.

If the Queen had wanted to will, say, a relatively minor piece of the crown jewels like relatively modest earrings (as if anything modest could be in the collection) to someone other than the next monarch, could she?
And could that recipient be a commoner?

How about if it is not considered part of the crown jewels, or is any jewelry owned by the monarch classified as part of the crown jewels?

IOW who owns both the crown jewels and other jewelry not in the CJ collection, the monarchy, the state, or the individual monarch his/herself?
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Another question, sorry if it's seen as a thread jack, IMO it's related.

If the Queen had wanted to will, say, a relatively minor piece of the crown jewels like relatively modest earrings to someone other than the next monarch, could she?
And could that recipient be a commoner?
How about if it is not considered in the crown jewels collection, or is any jewelry owned by the monarch part of the crown jewels.

IOW who owns them, the state or the individual monarch?

I think she could will away any personal property she had but anything that belongs to the “Crown” can’t be? That includes gifts from heads of state etc.
I have always liked her ring. It is balanced, has nice detail and was very pretty.

Camilla's ring is very deco. It doesn't photograph well though.

Camilla‘s ring belonged to the Queen Mother, I believe. I wonder who will get the Queen’s ring?
OMG I love the Queen’s engagement ring, so perfectly executed and that OEC center….stuff of dreams right there.
Very good points to consider. Maybe sweet Charlotte will inherit something. Or one of the grandchildren. Didn't the Queen Mother receive jewels from a close friend? And what happens to the Queen's horses?
Camilla‘s ring belonged to the Queen Mother, I believe. I wonder who will get the Queen’s ring?

As the Queen’s granddaugters are already married and have their own engagement rings, maybe it will pass to Charlotte? She’s not the oldest great granddaughter, that would be Peter Phillips‘ daughter, but Charlotte is a direct descendent of an heir, so perhaps it’ll be set aside for her?
As the Queen’s granddaugters are already married and have their own engagement rings, maybe it will pass to Charlotte? She’s not the oldest great granddaughter, that would be Peter Phillips‘ daughter, but Charlotte is a direct descendent of an heir, so perhaps it’ll be set aside for her?

I don’t know much about the topic of the royal family but Charlotte was my very first thought as to who I’d love to see that ring pass down to. That could be such a sweet gift and sentiment, especially if it’s used as her engagement ring.
The Crown Jewels are owned by the state and are on display in the Jewel House at the Tower of London. No monarch can give any of those away, because they don't own them. The state owns them. They include all the crowns and the two Coronation rings, plus the globe and scepter, and other pieces.

The rest of the Queens' jewelry is her personal collection and she can do what she likes with all of those. So that's most of the jewelry you see - including the magnificent tiaras, like the Cambridge Lovers' Knot tiara that Kate often wears for events.

However, there's a gray area...Many of the jewels were wedding gifts from other heads of state, often Middle Eastern states, like Diana's famous huge-sapphire parure. While they are not technically part of the Crown Jewels, as they were given as personal gifts, since they were gifts from heads of state, it would be seen as very bad form and way too political to ever sell them or give them to anyone except senior royals.

Then there are items like the Greville earrings, which were bequeathed to the Queen Mother from a lady named Mrs. or Lady Greville, can't remember exactly. Those are the kind of items the Queen could bequeath to someone outside the family.

Basically it depends on the piece's provenance. Ancient pieces that are state jewels? No. Gifts from heads of state? Technically yes, but you just wouldn't. Gifts from friends or from her own family? Yes.
I was curious about the Queen’s engagement, and more specifically what engagement ring would befit a future monarch? I came across this fascinating article about the history of her ring and the diamonds in it.

The article calls her engagement ring a brilliant cut. Clearly it’s an OEC!
The Crown Jewels are owned by the state and are on display in the Jewel House at the Tower of London. No monarch can give any of those away, because they don't own them. The state owns them. They include all the crowns and the two Coronation rings, plus the globe and scepter, and other pieces.

The rest of the Queens' jewelry is her personal collection and she can do what she likes with all of those. So that's most of the jewelry you see - including the magnificent tiaras, like the Cambridge Lovers' Knot tiara that Kate often wears for events.

However, there's a gray area...Many of the jewels were wedding gifts from other heads of state, often Middle Eastern states, like Diana's famous huge-sapphire parure. While they are not technically part of the Crown Jewels, as they were given as personal gifts, since they were gifts from heads of state, it would be seen as very bad form and way too political to ever sell them or give them to anyone except senior royals.

Then there are items like the Greville earrings, which were bequeathed to the Queen Mother from a lady named Mrs. or Lady Greville, can't remember exactly. Those are the kind of items the Queen could bequeath to someone outside the family.

Basically it depends on the piece's provenance. Ancient pieces that are state jewels? No. Gifts from heads of state? Technically yes, but you just wouldn't. Gifts from friends or from her own family? Yes.

Yes, you are spot on right. I knew the Crown Jewels belong to the state, but it is her personal items that I was wondering about.
The article calls her engagement ring a brilliant cut. Clearly it’s an OEC!
*Puts on old stuffy professor hat*
For diamonds:
An OEC is a brilliant cut(OEC,MRB, princess) as opposed to a step-cut(Emerald cut, Asscher) or a mixed cut which has both step and brilliant cut faceting.
Some shapes are cut in all 3 forms even today, for example pears and ovals.
Rounds these days are almost always brilliant cuts but historically they have been cut in all 3.
For gemstones it is somewhat different.
There are sub-groups of the big 3 that have gained enough of a following to be a group themself.
You have to add the portuguese cut, checkerboard cut, sugaeloaf cut to the list as well as some other obscure variants.
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*Puts on old stuffy professor hat*
For diamonds:
An OEC is a brilliant cut(OEC,MRB, princess) as opposed to a step-cut(Emerald cut, Asscher) or a mixed cut which has both step and brilliant cut faceting.
Some shapes are cut in all 3 forms even today, for example pears and ovals.
Rounds these days are almost always brilliant cuts but historically they have been cut in all 3.
For gemstones it is somewhat different.
There are sub-groups of the big 3 that have gained enough of a following to be a group themself.
You have to add the portuguese cut, checkerboard cut, sugaeloaf cut to the list as well as some other obscure variants.

:lol-2: Ok, duly noted! It's just that when you say "brilliant cut" most people think MRB. I wish that the articles would correctly call the diamond a European cut. But I am terribly biased because I love old cuts!
Very good points to consider. Maybe sweet Charlotte will inherit something. Or one of the grandchildren. Didn't the Queen Mother receive jewels from a close friend? And what happens to the Queen's horses?

Both the Queen's children are horsemen, Charles and Anne. Anne competed internationally in 3-Day Eventing, an extremely tough sport that requires meticulous care. Those horses will continue to have the same good life. Those are the last horses I would worry about.
My favorite photos of the Queen are of her riding, side-saddle or astride.
Yes, you are spot on right. I knew the Crown Jewels belong to the state, but it is her personal items that I was wondering about.

As I said, everything but the Crown Jewels are her personal items. "The rest of the Queens' jewelry is her personal collection." Perhaps you missed that part? ;)2
It's been written that she rarely took off her engagement ring. I was hoping she would be buried with it.
I would like to see the Princess Royal receiving the bulk of HM's personal jewellery collection, as in those that are not designated as Crown Jewel, especially some of the more personal pieces like the brooch the Queen had made for her mother for her 100th birthday.

I would also like to see the other royal ladies receiving something from the Queen's personal jewellery collection, especially Sophie and Catherine.

It would be interesting to see if Camilla would wear The Girls of Great Britain and Ireland tiara, allegedly the Queen's favourite. She had been loaned bigger tiaras by the Queen when she was alive. She will have a bigger selection at her disposal from now on.

DK :))
I don’t know much about the topic of the royal family but Charlotte was my very first thought as to who I’d love to see that ring pass down to. That could be such a sweet gift and sentiment, especially if it’s used as her engagement ring.

Me too - I love the idea of it being gifted to Charlotte!! I always admired her ring and the tradition of the Welsh gold wedding bands. Such perfection and class!
I would think Zara and Lady Louise would get the horses.
It would be interesting to see if Camilla would wear The Girls of Great Britain and Ireland tiara, allegedly the Queen's favourite. She had been loaned bigger tiaras by the Queen when she was alive. She will have a bigger selection at her disposal from now on.

DK :))

That would be a mistake, in my opinion. It would give the impression (to people like me lol) that she couldn't wait to clap it on her head. The bigger tiaras suit her face better and wouldn't stir up negative sentiment.

She looks good in the Greville tiara. The aquamarine one might looks great on her too. The Girls tiara should be set aside for a bit, I think.
Camilla‘s ring belonged to the Queen Mother, I believe. I wonder who will get the Queen’s ring?

So maybe I'm ignorant, but would it be possible that George would give it to whomever he married? I don't know the protocol. Or do you think it will go to one of the female heirs?
So maybe I'm ignorant, but would it be possible that George would give it to whomever he married? I don't know the protocol. Or do you think it will go to one of the female heirs?

I guess he could. I suppose it’s possible she might leave it to Anne? We never get to know the contents of the will.
I would like to see the Princess Royal receiving the bulk of HM's personal jewellery collection, as in those that are not designated as Crown Jewel, especially some of the more personal pieces like the brooch the Queen had made for her mother for her 100th birthday.

I would also like to see the other royal ladies receiving something from the Queen's personal jewellery collection, especially Sophie and Catherine.

It would be interesting to see if Camilla would wear The Girls of Great Britain and Ireland tiara, allegedly the Queen's favourite. She had been loaned bigger tiaras by the Queen when she was alive. She will have a bigger selection at her disposal from now on.

DK :))

in theory yes
but that might well mean a lot of very lovelly things will end up on the auction block when Peter and Zara have to pay death duties when their own mother is gone

i would like to see HM's ER become a heiloom of the crown like the brooch Albert gave Victoria
IMHO we should be more concerned about the late Queen's brooches and will they be worn after Queen Camila ?

Personally i hope when the time is right (perhaps in the lead up to his corrination) HM the King will take a deep look into the vault and dig out some long forgotten baubles
they must still be pieces we havnt seen from the Greenville bequest that have no royal president that could perhaps go to granddaughters etc

THen there should be plenty of spectacular things in the fault to dust off more than suitable for everyone including Queen Camila

then set up a royal jewlery foundationlike some Euro royal families (the Swedish come to mind) so other royal ladies may borrow pieces perhaps as lifetime loans but with no risk of anything being lost to future death duties as descendents removed from the proximity of the crown have more use for money that grand jewles

Sophie needs a few new pieces

also i hope King Charles has an arrangment with his sister to get their Grandmother's tiara back into the fault and not destended to the future auction block

also anything that is left that King George vi gave the Queen mum because things like that need to stay in the family and not end up at Southerbies (again Ann as she has the pinecone tiara)

this is a real issue, there is one tiara laft in the main line avialbale for a Queen or Queen consort to wear that once belonged to Queen Victoria and only one that belonged to Queen Alexandra
thankfully Queen Mary left a lot of things to Queen Elizabeth ii, and those then became her personal property and now .... ??? hence this thread i guess

this has happened in prevouse generations as in relativly rescent timesas the Kents have had to sell a ton of family heirloms -its very sad
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Pleased to see Queen Camilla with a wrist full of VCA, as she signs as a witness to King Charles's ascension in front of the Privy Council this morning.