
Question about re-doing a setting, please.


Dec 4, 2007
Say, if one finds a wonderful setting like this:

but I am a size 6 and this setting is a size 4.5. To size it to a 6, one could cut off the back half or so of the shank and re-shank it. However, would the relative size of the "head" be smaller on what was originally made as a size 4.5 compared to the size it would be on another setting made originally as a size 6?

I hope I explained that well enough.

thanks so much
Correct; the jeweller has to "open up" the setting so now the proportion of the basket will look smaller than what it originally would look like on a size 4.5 finger.
Thanks so much, great & knowledgeable Chrono.

Just to clarify, you are saying that the head/basket would actually be smaller on smaller size ring than the head/basket of a larger size ring?

Lovely setting, though, eh?
Posh, stop teasing me! :oops: The basket remains the same size but when viewed in relation to a larger shank or finger size, it will appear smaller. Yes, a very pretty setting indeed!
Did you end up winning it?? It's very pretty!
Thanks all. No, I didn't get it, as I wasn't bidding on it. I wasn't sure about it as I had that question regarding if the entire ring is smaller, not just the band. I wasn't able to post this until after it ended.

Now I know the answer is that it would have been OK (to size it from 4.5 to 6) ? ?
I was also wondering if that would disrupt the side sapphires. Also, I find it mentally hard to reshank quality vintage pieces, as I'd have guilt about cutting them appart.
Think about it this way - to make a ring larger, you cut the shank and then open up the arms wider and insert a piece. With this particular setting you can probably do 1.5 sizes but any larger you may struggle. Also, what would have to be considered is what effect this would have on the sapphires set on the top of the shank. If you're pulling the shank apart, there will be some stress on the filigree work and also on the prongs holding in the sapphires. Again 1.5 sizes is probably at the very limit purely because of the integrity of the metal/prongs after.

As Chrono says, it would also look proportionally different.
If altering half a size, the side sapphires will be fine but for the size you indicated, as LD said, it will disrupt the flow of the ring, putting the sapphires squarely up front, rather than at the sides (providing it can even be safely upsided that much).
OK, got it now. So, I did do the right thing by passing it up.

Thanks so much for discussing !

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