
Question for the Ladies

Jim Rentfrow

Feb 7, 2008
Hello Ladies,

I have a client who is looking for Moissanite ear rings for Christmas. She is looking at either getting a 9 or a 10 mm stud. She thinks 10mm is a bit too big for her size and would look rediculous. I tend to agree, but I figured I would ask you ladies. Is 10mm too big for a stud ear ring? The client is about 5'5 and petite which makes me think a 10mm size stone would look huge on her.

Hi Jim!

I think this is such a personal thing where everyone is different, BUT with that said, I personally think 10 mm studs would be huge!!!

I like mine much smaller, in the range of 5 mm to 6 mm. My ideal size is 5.5-6, for the "main" piercing at least (I wear smaller studs in my extra piercings, I prefer 3.5ish down to 2.5mm). If I saw someone wearing 10mm studs I would think it looked a bit silly. 7-8 mm or so would still be quite noticeable and more tasteful, IMO.

I don't know if this is helpful at all for you, but there's my opinion :)
I too think 10mm for cut gems to be too big as they don't sit properly because of the weight (pearls are another matter!). I do think though that if they are set on a small hook that they will sit correctly. Does that make sense?
Hmmm...I have big lobes but 10mm would be enormous on me, and make me feel uncomfortable. I'd go with 9mm or lower. Much much much lower! Hah!

(those 5cters in that other thread are INSANE)
Depends what you like. I usually wear 5mm gemstone studs. I have a pair of 10mm pearl earrings that I wear with large backs so they won't droop.
I have a pair of bezeled onyx earrings that are, including the bezel, 17 mm, and they look great. They have lever backs, so don't droop forward. I'm 5'4". Given a choice, 9 mm might be better in a cut stone, though.
As others have written it depends on the specific earlobes. How big is the earlobe, where is the piercing located (lower or higher on the lobe) and overall shape of the lobe. Personally I like an earring stud to be centered as much as possible on the lobe, as flat against it as possible (hate when studs stick out too much-looks silly IMO) and the weight has to be light enough to cause no droop whatsoever. Sure bigger backings can help with that but I do not want any undue stress on the lobe so the piercings don't get stretched out over time (any more than they have to that is).

Jim, can your client visit a B&M store to try on different sizes and settings to get an idea of what suits her ears best?
Here is an earring size guide, but you'd have to do the carat to mm conversion yourself

The visualizer is halfway down the right side. Remember, it's TCW for the pair.

I think 7 mm is plenty for something that sparkles. Get too much bigger and you look like a rapper. :D
Might be an idea to ask what her friends/colleagues wear. If she lives in a town where the Mayor's wife wears 0.5ctw studs, 10mm is probably not in the game. If, on the other hand, she lives next door to the lady with those 10ctw studs....
Too big for me! I'd prefer smaller.
I agree with some of the others, 10mm might be too large for studs. I have 5mm diamond studs and for those I don't need them to be bigger. They're more than big enough to be noticed on my average sized ears, but not so big they take attention away from me (if that makes any sense). For colored stones I'm okay with 5-7mm and for pearls I like 7-8mm.

Have you suggested drops to your client? I've always loved they way bigger stones look on a tiny drop. 1373388274_20_1_5086_diamond_drop_earrings__2_of_2__0.jpg

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like even the most petite of women can get away with really large stones if they're on drops.
Jim Rentfrow|1385085912|3561064 said:
Hello Ladies,

I have a client who is looking for Moissanite ear rings for Christmas. She is looking at either getting a 9 or a 10 mm stud. She thinks 10mm is a bit too big for her size and would look rediculous. I tend to agree, but I figured I would ask you ladies. Is 10mm too big for a stud ear ring? The client is about 5'5 and petite which makes me think a 10mm size stone would look huge on her.


Honestly if she thinks 9mm is okay on her ear, a 10mm won't be much bigger. I do hope she has experience wearing 9mm studs, or has found similar sized studs in stores so she truly understands their size.
I think most people want something that looks big enough to be noticeable, but small enough to not look flashy . To me, that's about 6 mm max for studs.

However, some people want to look flashy, and 10 mm would do that.
I am 5'3" and petite and have small earlobes, and I am perfectly happy with 4-6mm studs. My earlobes are only about 16mm across, and due to the construction of them, there's no way a 10mm stud with the post in the center would hang naturally. For 10mm I'd prefer drops, with thick posts so they didn't cut into the flesh.
Agree. I'm 5'3 but my lobes are on the medium-full size. A huge element is also where her ears are pierced. Mine are pierced higher to center -- a wise call by my grandmother to prevent later in life droop. I remember thinking she was nuts having me walk to her and away 10 times but I get it now! think it's worth evaluating not only how big her lobes are but where they're pierced as that so drastically impacts the balance.

That said 10 is so big. 8 max I'd assume on any woman. Flashy / not / large / petite.
Thanks for all the feedback. We took a look at her ear lobes and decided on the 9mm studs. I appreciate the feedback, as a cutter I usually concentrate on one aspect of the business. I am now getting into more jewelry creation and have been at the bench lately doing some gold smithing. Its a nice change of pace and a large learning curve!

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