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Jun 16, 2006
I''m rarely on this site anymore and don''t know what kind of responses were made. Evidently, my "What if" post caused a heated debate. To me, the post was about ILLEGAL immigrants. Not about Mexicans. IMO, Mexicans were used as an example because there ARE so many ILLEGAL Mexicans in America. To me, it doesn''t make any difference if they''re Mexican, Chinese, African, Arab, German, French, etc. It is the fact that they are in this country ILLEGALLY. I thought I should post the definition of the word illegal.
From Miriam-Webster Dictionary- il·le·gal : not according to or authorized by law : unlawful, illicit; also : not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game)

I know on a previous post, people said that they took offense and they were Legal immigrants. Ok, then you should know what is involved to come to America legally. If your ancestors came legally, shouldn''t others have to also? What makes them so "priviledged" to not have to go through the channels to be here? Or is it ok for anyone to come here illegally? All of us are/were immigrants unless we''re Native Americans.
I guess the post hit a little too close to home for some of you.
Just so you know...I read the first couple of sentences...and it was too heavy for me. You know my IQ
is a tad low...and so is my attention span.
It had no bling pictures...and no cutesy smiley faces So I didn''t continue to read. I can not comment on what it contained or whatever came of I didn''t return.

There are many instances where someone will type a sentence or something that is directed at an individual. When that happens, I will be the first to jump in and protect and find out the real meaning. I just did today...I felt there was an injustice and I stood up for the redemption. I think yours was intended to begin a conversation...or express a view...not an attack. Forgive me I didn''t read it. But I know you, and I feel you didn''t get up with ill will and intention to spark WW3.

I think discussions are just discussions. If someone mentions plastic some how somewhere someone is going to take offense. "I was offended that you used the word plastic. I am a green consumer and don''t you know plastic kills." Or something. Sensitivity can be protecting for some...but it can''t be an excuse to live in a "plastic" bubble your entire adult life. Yes, things will be said that you may not agree with. But to take offense at every thing and have someone else held accountable for your lack of strength is a sad state of affairs.

When I was a parents taught me about name calling I wasn''t to do it. If it happened to me...I was taught how to deal with it and let it roll off my back. A word is a word. It isn''t a weapon 2007 says it is. Just a word. Heck today kids are expelled...adults loose jobs...adults have to go to sensitivity classes to be taught that words are hurtful. Our population is turning into doughboys.

Does anyone else see this practice as extreme? What examples are you teaching your children. By the time they mature, the word rain will crumble them. Can''t you just agree to disagree and know we are all individuals with seperate thoughts.

Again...not sure this rambling of mine has anything to do with what ever happened to your thread...I think you are a valuable member of this forum...(weren''t you the millionith poster? forgive me if I didn''t remember that right.) and I am glad you find things to discuss that you find informative or is your right to express your thoughts as long as the admins terms are met.

Just a few pennies tossed in the kitty. You can call me boogerhead...and I won''t shed a single tear. §
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