When I am composing an email or word document the first letter in
every line gets capitalized. I''m sure it''s some quick setting I have to change
but I can''t figure it out.
Does anyone have a suggestion? Please? Thanks
I would think just go to settings, and see if that''s the culprit. It should be pretty self-explanatory from there, but if not come back and let us know.
Once you've hit the return key or put in a full stop Word assumes you're starting a new sentence and that the first letter should be capitalised. In your email you should be able to change your settings to stop the Word check function and then the words will appear exactly as you type. You'll lose the automatic spell checking and grammer checking though. I don't know what to do about it in Word. I always just go back and change the letter to a small character but you have to finish typing the word and put a space after it before you go back and change it, or else it'll just change it back to the capital again as soon as you hit the space bar!
Maybe someone will have a magic solution to this as it's actually something that bugs me too!
In word there should be an Autocorrect tab. When you select that there should be a menu of various check boxes you can tick on and off, including Capitalize first letter of sentences. See if you can find it and ''uncheck'' it.
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