
RB 0.82 J vs 0.72 H GIA color or size? which to choose?


Feb 20, 2014
Hey guys,
I've been reading a lot of threads on PS recently which has been super helpful. 
I'm ready to buy an engagement ring and need all the help I can get in making this choice.

I've filtered my choices down to a choice between these two specs - Round Brilliant (RB):
1) 0.82 carat J color ~6.1mm diameter, VS2, Ideal Cut Triple EX GIA
2) 0.72 carat H color ~5.7mm diameter, VS2, Ideal Cut Triple EX GIA
Both would have HCA under 2.
I am capping my budget for the diamond at below $3,000.
 Setting will be small pave diamonds on both sides "I" color.

Main question: Bigger J color? Or Smaller H color? Which would you choose?
0.4mm to me seems like quite a noticeable difference in size - what do you think?

Other questions I had:
1) Is there a big difference between H and J? Will I be able to notice the yellow tinge?
2) To those that have these color grades, how do you feel about your diamond? Any regrets with the color? Are you 100% happy with it? Would you have traded it for a smaller stone with a higher color?

Worried that the "J" will be too yellow and obvious, but at the same time it is quite significantly bigger than the other.
Any advice will be much appreciated!
Thank you!!
For me I'd choose color over size. You really need to look at the different colors yourself to see what you prefer. Just make sure they're GIA or AGS graded, so you're comparing apples to apples.
I love my J! As long as its AGS or GIA graded and ideal cut, it should still be very white. The J was a very good value. I used to want an H, but not for 3-4K more! For that kind of money, I love my J even more.

I can see the slight yellow tint from the side but only because I'm scrutinizing and looking for it. I doubt 99% of people who I come in contact with will ever see it as anything less than white.

Here is the ring in natural lighting.


Also, it made me feel better to know if I didn't like the color, I could mail it back, without losing anything.
Color is something you have to decide about. It's worth it to some. It's not worth it to me. Also, not all J's are created equal, and some are shaded darker and tinted differently than others. It's a stone-by-stone decision for me, and you have to see that exact stone to be sure you're okay with it. To know what I'm talking about, rotate around some J's at
For me personally if it's under a ct Id say size over color. That's where you can really notice any increase in size, but the color difference isn't as noticeable.

I have a 80pt k and. Would never trade it in for a 60 pt h. Ever.
If you could find an acceptable eyeclean SI1, that might be another option. But of the 2 stones you described, I'd say try the J first and then exchange it if it's too tinted. But Neil and others are correct that the ideal cuts face up very white, and that the tint may not be an issue at all.
J stones have too much body color, for my liking.

I also know that one of my fiance's friends has a J-colored stoned (GIA certed) and all of her friends give her a hard time about how 'yellow' the diamond is. Then again, we do live in LA, so people here are pretty judgmental.

Easy decision for me - I would purchase the H without a second thought!
Not to make things more confusing, but have you considered compromising to an I color?
RockyRacoon|1392917595|3619363 said:
J stones have too much body color, for my liking.

I also know that one of my fiance's friends has a J-colored stoned (GIA certed) and all of her friends give her a hard time about how 'yellow' the diamond is. Then again, we do live in LA, so people here are pretty judgmental.

Easy decision for me - I would purchase the H without a second thought!

Haha her "friend" sounds like a terrible person.

No one has ever commented about the color other than how white it is. Admittedly it's not stark white. But I don't want stark white so that's cool :)
Niel|1392919821|3619385 said:
RockyRacoon|1392917595|3619363 said:
J stones have too much body color, for my liking.

I also know that one of my fiance's friends has a J-colored stoned (GIA certed) and all of her friends give her a hard time about how 'yellow' the diamond is. Then again, we do live in LA, so people here are pretty judgmental.

Easy decision for me - I would purchase the H without a second thought!

Haha her "friend" sounds like a terrible person.

No one has ever commented about the color other than how white it is. Admittedly it's not stark white. But I don't want stark white so that's cool :)

Pretty silly to judge someone from one statement.

This group of friends is all Asian, and they place a higher value on color/clarity. Even I-color would not be acceptable.

Many people DO notice a lower colored stone. Whether they mention it or not is a different story.
RockyRacoon said:
Pretty silly to judge someone from one statement.

This group of friends is all Asian, and they place a higher value on color/clarity. Even I-color would not be acceptable.

Many people DO notice a lower colored stone. Whether they mention it or not is a different story.

RR--practical question--how low is too low? Specifically, would H be high enough?

I picked H because the color is undetectable to almost everyone in normal circumstances, and can really only be seen clearly when next to at least an F in critical lighting? Do friends ask what the certificate color grading is for each others' stones? Eager to hear, as my gf has made comments "does that diamond look 'dirty'?"--with "dirty" meaning yellow--about some diamonds.
teobdl|1392923862|3619438 said:
RockyRacoon said:
Pretty silly to judge someone from one statement.

This group of friends is all Asian, and they place a higher value on color/clarity. Even I-color would not be acceptable.

Many people DO notice a lower colored stone. Whether they mention it or not is a different story.

RR--practical question--how low is too low? Specifically, would H be high enough?

I picked H because the color is undetectable to almost everyone in normal circumstances, and can really only be seen clearly when next to at least an F in critical lighting? Do friends ask what the certificate color grading is for each others' stones? Eager to hear, as my gf has made comments "does that diamond look 'dirty'?"--with "dirty" meaning yellow--about some diamonds.

In Asian communities, F is usually the lowest you would want to go. None of my fiance's friends have compared certificates, but they definitely know the stats by memory!

H-color looks great to me, but a very color-sensitive person will definitely notice the difference between F vs. H.

To be conservative, it might be best to stick to a G-color or higher, if you feel like your gf might be particularly color sensitive.
RockyRacoon|1392923082|3619428 said:
Niel|1392919821|3619385 said:
RockyRacoon|1392917595|3619363 said:
J stones have too much body color, for my liking.

I also know that one of my fiance's friends has a J-colored stoned (GIA certed) and all of her friends give her a hard time about how 'yellow' the diamond is. Then again, we do live in LA, so people here are pretty judgmental.

Easy decision for me - I would purchase the H without a second thought!

Haha her "friend" sounds like a terrible person.

No one has ever commented about the color other than how white it is. Admittedly it's not stark white. But I don't want stark white so that's cool :)

Pretty silly to judge someone from one statement.

This group of friends is all Asian, and they place a higher value on color/clarity. Even I-color would not be acceptable.

Many people DO notice a lower colored stone. Whether they mention it or not is a different story.

Mmm. Still. Clearly it's an emotional item. Seems inappropriate to talk down about her "friends" ring when it's something so important.
Probably why even here no one makes rude comments in SMTB threads, even if it's not their cup of tea.

An yes I'm sure people can see my diamond color. But no one feels the need to mention it, as I'm sure they realize it could come off rude. I wouldn't mind though, as I find the color quite inviting. :)
I have an EGL (USA) J, which is probably not a true J. I did own an EGL (USA) G before, which prob was not a G either. But, in the G, I didn't really notice the tint--It was probably an I by GIA standards. In the J, yes, it's pretty obvious but even then, only in less favorable lighting conditions. When I am hanging out on a beautiful sunny day--WOW! In certain department stores' lightings, again, WOW!
So, when do I notice and resent the tint? When I pair it next to my super white G eternity Yellow or green rooms...on gloomy and cloudy days...
Unfortunately, I don't have the skill to tell what color my friends' diamond rings are unless they are champagne colored! What I would give to be that skillful. It took me a while to even detect the color in mine under all of the different lighting conditions.
Wow, thank you guys for the responses!! Keep it comin'! :)
Let me also apologize for my late reply - it's EXTREMELY hard to browse this forum without my partner noticing!

@Andelain: Okay noted! Yes I'm only looking at diamonds with certificates from GIA/AGS.

@SgrPlum12: That ring really is gorgeous! From those pictures I'd buy a "J" in a heartbeat as I don't see any tint whatsoever face up. However, when you look at it from the side and see that yellow tint - does this bother you? Do you happen to have pictures of side view by the way?

@teobdl: Yes that is very true. The problem is I'm likely to get one from an online retailer with the great prices and wide choice that they have (Whiteflash/Bluenile/etc.), some of the physical store prices here in Australia are outrageous. That's why with my preferred diamond specs, I'm trying to stay on the "safe" side to avoid any visible "flaws" i.e. sticking to VS2 instead of SI1, and now deciding on color!
I did consider "I" color - any reason why you recommend an "I"?
The reason why my 2nd choice was a "H" is exactly the same as yours - because from what I know it is borderline undetectable to the majority of people.

@Niel: That's great to hear. Yes the difference in size for diamonds under 1 carat are quite noticeable hence my confusion! How "yellow" is your "K" btw - personally? Does it bother you at all?

@TC1987: Great advice, I am very tempted to pull the trigger on the "J" and return for a "H" if it turns out too "yellow". Will be shipping from US to Australia though so might be risky. Have to make sure their return policies are reasonable.
??Or maybe the other way round - argh I'm confused! LOL

@RockyRacoon: That's sad! Peer pressure is a huge pain in the a**. Ok noted on your "H" preference - even when it's a noticeable drop down in size to ~5.7mm?

@braga123: Thanks for your thoughts!
braga123 said:
So, when do I notice and resent the tint? When I pair it next to my super white G eternity Yellow or green rooms...on gloomy and cloudy days...
This sentence is a worry, because I just want my partner to love her ring 100%, and not wonder why it looks "yellow", and wishing it was whiter.
Unless I let her choose it herself, it's so hard to tell her preferences!

@diamondseeker2006: That looks like a gorgeous ring! Any particular reason why you'd recommend "I" color instead of "'H"? Or is it just a compromise between the two? I was wondering whether there'd be a noticeable difference from "J" to "I" or even up to "H".
@Niel: That's great to hear. Yes the difference in size for diamonds under 1 carat are quite noticeable hence my confusion! How "yellow" is your "K" btw - personally? Does it bother you at all?

Its not "yellow". Its tinted. But i try to liken it to paper. You look at a piece of notebook paper, looks white enough, then someone puts a piece of printer paper next to it and you're like "shoot that notebook paper is yellow"... though not 2 seconds ago the notebook paper was white enough... KWIM? White enough.

There are ways "help out" a lower colored diamond.

for one, you can get a setting with a basket.


the band around the diamond hides the most yellow part in the diamond,. Also, so much white metal around the diamond helps reflect the metal into the color.

the other thing is if she would take any other metal color other than rhodium plated white or platinum, it would help. the contrast between the diamond and yellow or rose gold helps the diamond appear whiter by comparison. also you can use unplayed white gold, which doesn't have the same effect as the yellow or rose gold, but it creates less of a comparison that the very white rhodium plated gold.

more examples, in the lighting that makes it look most white and most tinted.
Just wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful replies and help.
I wanted to give you guys a quick update on my purchase and hope this will help anyone else who might be having same dilemma!

After much deliberation, I finally settled on 0.7ct RB H color VS2 GIA Triple EX from BlueNile. HCA score 0.8, 5.77-5.79 x 3.54mm.
with French Pave 14K White Gold setting:

Went quite over my budget when everything was combined (setting, shipping and DUTY+TAXES to Australia! = ~A$4.5k), but when I opened the box upon receiving I just had a gigantic smile on my face, with a feeling that I've made the perfect choice.

H color is PLENTY white for my eyes. It does not have any tint whatsoever that I could pick up on. Whether next to white paper, different lighting, from the sides, etc. Relatively, being a small-ish diamond, it was also extremely hard to scrutinize closely without being blinded by the sparkle and flash of it. In other words, it's SO HARD to even look at it up close to look for flaws, let alone being able to tell from afar/arms length. It is simply gorgeous!

I'm now left with wondering whether going up in size to 0.8, and down in color to J would've made much difference either for better or worse. I think I still would've loved it either way.

I'm sure my partner would be a very happy girl :)
It's in hiding now in preparation for the big question.
Will post some pictures when I get the chance!

Happy to hear HONEST feedback and comments either good/bad from everyone! It will only help other people with their choices, as it did with mine. So feel free to share!
Here are some pictures as promised!!

Looks perfect!
Looks beautiful. As expected, given the H color and the relatively shallow crown, it's quite white. I'm very happy you decided for H instead of J.

The setting looks like a solid choice. Nice work! Best of luck on the proposal!