
red spinel appr.


Dec 21, 2008
here is the appr on my red spinel-i hope the pic is a little better than b 4-stone is 6+cts cussion-11x9x7 mm-vvs type 11-strong red color w/slight orange tint- GIA oR 7/3-good cut-not treated-overal im satisfied with the stone & the setting in 14 kt yel gold-any comments welcome....

Is your pic a bit dark? looking at the GIA grade it sounds like a nice stone. It could probably be a bit more open in color but in that size you're talking about BIG bucks. I personally like the slight orange overtone as that opens up the color a bit. I tend to be biased toward Spinel....such a shame that it's been snubbed by the average consumer. :)

Steve, that picture is awful.
According to the GIA grading by the appraiser, it is a not very saturated stone, and it has very dark tone. This is exactly what I see in the photo.
I have to agree with the GIA colour rating; it is a dark toned stone with an orange undertone and medium-ish saturation.
a new pic of the same stone-might b a little easier 2 c .....

sorry steve to be blunt, but still kinda looks like an average garnet to me *shrugs*
to arjunajane-thanks 4 ur responce-blunt is good-i appreciate up front & likr u see it-good red spinel does look like a garnet-the fun is when u tell people what it really is & how it appears in the flesh-by the by i have a new stone on its way as we converse-this is over 12 cts-red spinel-pics when possible-thanks again-never b sorry for ur feelings....
I know nothing about colored stones, but I like that color, I think it is pretty.
arjunajane said:
sorry steve to be blunt, but still kinda looks like an average garnet to me *shrugs*

I agree... like something you'd see in birthstone jewelry.
to diamondrnglover-im in ur thinking-not a professional just enjoying a hobby-thanks....
nashville-thanks 4 ur input-i have a 2ct+ brazillian paraiba w/certification-the color is windex-blue & valued over $20,000.00-have had many people tell me ur appatite looks wonderful-it does look like some of the appatite that is colored the same-my point being lots of stones do look as other stones no matter value-my thing is having stones that have been id'd & u know what u have...part of the hobby or profession is learning whats what in gems & proper id of the material-thanks again
m76steve said:
nashville-thanks 4 ur input-i have a 2ct+ brazillian paraiba w/certification-the color is windex-blue & valued over $20,000.00-have had many people tell me ur appatite looks wonderful-it does look like some of the appatite that is colored the same-my point being lots of stones do look as other stones no matter value-my thing is having stones that have been id'd & u know what u have...part of the hobby or profession is learning whats what in gems & proper id of the material-thanks again

Absolutely! The learning process can get expensive, but it sure is fun!

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