
Red Spinel

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Apr 22, 2004
Is it very difficult to find a true medium red spinel that is eye clean and of strong saturation? In pear shapes of 0.5ct to 0.75 ct?

Is this something I can shop around myself at multicolour and such places or is it better for me to get a vendor like Wink find some for me?

What should I look out for? I thought it will be lovely to have gemstones that looked like blood drops (red pear) set in yellow gold. I know it doesn''t sound nice, kinda gothic actually.

I''ve done some reading but it seems that true red very fine quality spinels are hard to find.
On 10/7/2004 1:31:28 PM chrono wrote:

Is it very difficult to find a true medium red spinel that is eye clean and of strong saturation? In pear shapes of 0.5ct to 0.75 ct?

Is this something I can shop around myself at multicolour and such places or is it better for me to get a vendor like Wink find some for me?

What should I look out for? I thought it will be lovely to have gemstones that looked like blood drops (red pear) set in yellow gold. I know it doesn't sound nice, kinda gothic actually.

I've done some reading but it seems that true red very fine quality spinels are hard to find.----------------

Here's a recent post regarding the topic of spinel.

What should you look out for? Color.. color.. color..
As far as I know, spinels do not undergo treatments.. so this is not a factor you have to worry about.

Re: purchase options..
I personally think either way is doable.
The difference is in one you have to be patient in doing the search yourself, in the other case, the vendor is the one who has to be patient!

More spinel buying guide from Palagems.

Funny you mentioned about the spinel, I just saw a beautiful piece that is a new stock that Pala just listed in their inventory.
Photo is courtesy of Palagems, of course.. Check this out:

It is listed here.
I thought I heard someone say that some spinel are treated ( I don't think it's common though). Not for color but to fill in fractures and things.
Spinels ARE not treated, but they CAN be treated as any gemstone with a fracture...
Most of the spinels are untreated.

All the best,
blood drops....

Mandarin Drops! A colorful pair of earrings featuring vibrant orange Mandarin Garnets accented with sparkling diamonds. The earrings are hand crafted in 18kt gold.
found a blood red pear for you....

I like that same one from Awesomegem too. I just wish they had more pears to choose from. I am also looking for a matching pair of red pear spinels. For some strange reason I always seem to like the harder to find gemstones.
Hello All. I am just back from my trip of YenBai and LucYen. Interesting finds on red spinel. Eager to post some photos of good red spinels.
Please do post. I'd love to see what interesting finds you've got/saw on your trip.
The mine hit a thread of spinel source. Interesting clear cristals.

Crystals mined from avial soil. Spinel.

A bit bigger, 2.50 to 4cts

Spinel from the same source. Strong red hue and brilliant.

This is LucYen vivid pink spinel, I have it cut from a 15cts rough. The rough itself was chipped from a bigger rough(200cts). I tried to own the big 200cts rough but failed up to now. Spinel.

This is a pink sapphire. I identified the stones myself by using a refractometer carried in my back bag. The trip is far to be over, better part is to come. Presently I am sneaking around KonTum, DacLac(central south) regions to see some aquamarines, known for their good blue color. Best wishes.

Thanks for the pictures, Spinel. You are driving me crazy with all those lovely spinels and I'm trying to get a better look by moving closer to my monitor!
I need a drooling icon.
On 10/14/2004 1:31:10 AM spinel wrote:

Forgot to say: Chrono, what you are looking for I have plenty. Maybe I can send you a couple of roughs and you can cut for the pair of pear shape you want. Spinel.

I'm looking for the same thing, straight red, best case would be a single crystal what will yield two fairly clean matched ovals, finished weight about 5 cttw / 9x7, brilliant-style without the bellied pavilion that is typical. I already have the cutter in mind, just need the really red rough
. Chrono, unless you're going for concave faceting let me know, I can pm you a reference for someone who does killer spinel cutting.
Noted Elmo.
Hi Elmo & Spinel,
I'm taking you both up on your offers. Rich ruby red spinels from Spinel and a cutter recommended by Elmo.
25cts aquamarine.

Cut spinels from those roughs.

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