
Red Venting

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Oct 20, 2004
My numerous attempts to find a suitable red gemstone for an engagement ring have failed thus far.

It is somewhat discouraging. I suppose I have picked the color most difficult to "get right" and certainly not the best idea for the budget I''m working with (under 2K for the stone). At first I thought I''d go for red spinel -- after much reading, everything I read about spinel as the "underdog" stone made me like it more, on top of the fact that they are untreated and unenhanced for color. The mystique was very commending.

Unfortunately, those bloody things are impossible to find. I''ve only seen 6 so far, and that says something -- even FINDING spinels to look at is a serious game. None of them were really what I was looking for. Some had beautiful cut, some definitely did not. Some were cheap, some not so cheap, some were clear, some not. Found one or two with decent color, but still nothing that screamed out "you''ve found me."

At one place -- a really upscale jeweller in Toronto with an address that, in itself, was intimidating -- I was shown a supposedly fabulous 0.72ct spinel in YG. It was orangeish. A lot of life but just not red at all. Then for comparison they showed me a ruby set in a just-under $6K platinum ring. I figure at least $4K for the ruby (this is Canadian, so I dunno, $3300 USD), and it was only 1.12 ct. My jaw hit the floor and I was dizzy as I walked out to see another spinel which, by comparison, looked positively muddy and brownish-pink. This ruby was so beautiful -- and it wasn''t even pure pigeon''s blood red as I imagine it -- it had a touch of pink that was quite obvious but not detracting at all like those mall store rubies. This was RED with a whisper of pink that was so attractive I would have probably bought it on the spot had I been rich enough to actually shop there.

Anyway, so now I am very close to despair. That stone was so damn nice that I think I may have been sucked over into the dark side of rubies, which is unfortunate for me because I don''t think $1800 USD or so will go very far in that category. Even though I''m perfectly willing to buy a heated stone, that seems to make no difference because rather than heating making stones cheaper, it has seemed to keep everything the same and simply shot the prices of unheated stones WAY up.

Would like to avoid all the other nasty stuff like flux-healing and oiling, but even if I were willing to go for the most man-interfered stone possible I doubt I could get the color I''m looking for.

Does anyone have any suggestions? The best thing I can think of is, in their upper range of price. I suppose I could get any candidates over to Mogok at AIGS and have him tell me if it is nice or just "ho-hum." But I am still very worried.

All the local jewellers have many excellent sources for ruby, and are glad to show them to me, with their traditionally absurd markup of course. I''m sorry but I can''t pay $3200 USD for a 1.06 ct round, and I seriously doubt they paid more than $1700 for the same.

Anyway, just wanted to fill people in. It''s crippling when you have ideas for settings and have done so much thinking about things, but the finding of the stone progresses at the most cruel snail''s pace imaginable. And you can''t make it go any faster, no matter how many places you call or email -- you have to wait for people to "get back to you."

Then, when they call, you get all excited, only to go in and see some sorry excuse for a lump of lattice with horrible proportions, skewed keel, color zoning, and an appalling lack of saturation. I guess this is why they call it "gem hunting."
maybe check out They are based in Thailand and I have orderd coloured stones through them before and was very happy with them. I live in Australia and although Australia produces many different types of coloured stones especially sapphire and Opal I have fournd that it is actually cheaper for me to import Australian Sapphires and Opals through these sites than to buy them locally (still trying to figure out why). They also offer money back garuntee and the like.

Date: 11/18/2004 9:40:26 PM
I guess this is why they call it ''gem hunting.''
You are right... whatever is popular (ruby) is expensive and everything else (say...spinel) impossible to find.
Unless you become a professional buyer, gem hunting is... a sport. You never know what the year''s prize is. Encouraging ?

I''ve been hunting for a while though. So... let''s give this a try: LINK and Another and Another These guys provide AIGS certs upon request (and some by default). The first stone does not seem to require any excuse. The second is a hot pink, the third - a bargain worth recutting, IMO.

With these three in mind, I would give the guys a call. My e-mails to Multicolor get answered pretty fast too. How bad can it be ?
Sorry to see you tormenting yourself over a red stone, persoanly I blame it on the color red. I  prefer blue, what is your fiance's favourite colour. I just asked because sometimes negative things happen for a reason and it could be that red colour. I spend hours looking at stones in ebay, I am possitive you could find one there that size for less than $500.00 and have lots left over to get that platinum setting to boot. Just my feelings.
Goodluck and smiles are free.
Matata, is a new picture of that fantastic red spinel in your avatar? For some reason, it appears even more RED than the first posts suggested. And then it lookd red-red-red to begin with !
Nope. It''s the same photo I orignally posted.
The only other red gemstones I know of are Rubellite and Garnet. I bought a very nice 3ct spinel ring but the tone is a little dark for some.
EmeraldGirl: I am already checking out ajsgems.

Yes, red is definitely the order of the day. I was much surprised to find out that my girlfriend actually doesn't like blue as much as I had thought. Of course she thinks it's beautiful, but when I needled her about it she eventually admitted she would much prefer red.

I have seen the spinel rings at There are two others, one in YG and one in plat (without engraving). They are gorgeous, but jewelryexpert is just a really expensive rich-people-oriented site, and they can probably get good stones because their customers are willing to pay whatever it takes. Stupidly, I thought that ultra-red spinel would be possible to find in small sizes of just over 1ct. Not so, apparently.

valeria, the first stone you posted looks quite nice but far far too large for me, and I dislike cushions rather severely. The second one is just too light in tone, and the third one doesn't exist -- you posted the same link as the 2nd. I will spend more time on multicoloured but from what I've noticed they have a LOT of cheap stuff and not much higher-priced stuff so it doesn't inspire confidence.

I will try emailing them, though. Thanks for the suggestion.

leggs, I just can't bring myself to ebay a stone. I have used ebay tons of times in the past, but for something like this which has a high probability of being returned, it's not worth the risk and hassle. Even buying from a website concerns me, as it is ALWAYS a hassle to return -- paying for shipping, waiting for it to arrive back at the store so that your money is refunded, worrying about customs, etc. All this on a type of transaction that REQUIRES you to see the merchandise in person. Very risky endeavor.

And it saddens me to think there is spinel like this out there, but I can't find it...

Date: 11/18/2004 11:36:52 PM
Author: raddygast

valeria, the first stone you posted looks quite nice but far far too large for me, and I dislike cushions rather severely. The second one is just too light in tone, and the third one doesn't exist -- you posted the same link as the 2nd. I will spend more time on multicoloured but from what I've noticed they have a LOT of cheap stuff and not much higher-priced stuff so it doesn't inspire confidence.
Sleuthing... theory

First trial: Open Go to "Smart search", Leave everything blank excelt carat (select over 20) and order (select "highest price first") And tell me what you see. Top of the line should be a 60k Tsavorite garnet and a few more of the sort.

Second: Return to their first page. Open "Spinel". Restrict serach to three color categories only: "Red" and the two next to it (I think they are labeled "orangy-red" and "slightly purplish red". Order by price (descending). Then, you may want to try and restrict weight between 1 and three carats and repeat the above.

And here's the recut candidate: LINK

And something else:


What size are you looking for, what shape and can it be a pink red? I received some stones for me to look at and choose for my collection. They are 1 to <2 cts and pinkish red.
thanks Ana, I did actually try the multicolour search method before if I recall. The site was being very slow too, but it ended up not showing me really much in the way of anything. I even ordered by price and filtered by color, but couldn''t find anything that would be considered a "fine" specimen, unlike at pala, where the few things they put up are very very nice, but no price listed whatsoever. The stones you posted are encouraging, I''ll take a deeper look. Multicolour looks like a very huge site though, with a ton of inventory. I''m not exactly going to expect them to answer a specific email in detail, am I?

MJO: The reason I didn''t want to do ruby in the first place is because I thought I couldn''t afford a ruby that wasn''t pinkish. Now I sort of realize that maybe I can allow a bit of purplishness to the red (like "slpR"), and that may even enhance the beauty, but pinkishness is just a lack of tone and I did want something very saturated. If it looks mostly red wish shades of pink from certain angles then it''s probably quite good, but if the stone is overall in the "pink" class then it wouldn''t really count for me -- I''d probably just go for a pink sapphire, as it would be a fraction of the cost and the same durability anyway.

Size: matters not. Realistically I guess, for ruby, 0.9 ct to 1.2 or so. Face-up is the most important thing, I''d like to hit 5x7 or bigger. Shape definitely oval (I like emerald cut too, but this is rare in all but the most expensive specimens). Not cushion.
Date: 11/19/2004 12:593 AM
Author: raddygast
Multicolour looks like a very huge site though, with a ton of inventory. I'm not exactly going to expect them to answer a specific email in detail, am I?
They did it for me... somehow.

I wrote the "sleuthing" stuff in reponse to yours "they have too much inexpensive stuff to be credible" - Multicolor does stock quite a few very impressive pieces and seem to be consistently in touch with new sources of good material (ssuch as those African spinels). This is why I mentioned.

I am not vrey sure what you really, really want. The description of pink you make sounds like "light tone, strong saturation" translated in grade-eze rather than a move in tone - although that can happen as well on the aside. The last picture above is a 1 carat ruby...
First off Raddy Relax...We are here to help you. A little patients in the matter will bring you far in your search.

First off I am posting a list of over 50 sites which I scan regularly (Ok obsessively). I have spent hours compiling this list and lised the ones worth your time taking a look at. First off you should be able to get a nice looking stone in the carat range for under $2000. No it''s not going to be pure spectral stoplight red with no modifiers but you can get close...

Start with this list and I will list 15-20 stones for you in your price range all over a carat with the corresponding sites...

Hey Raddy..Here's that quick search for you...

Theres many different stones on these sites with different secondary tones... Personally I like the darker Thai/Viet rubies which can be exceptionally clean...

I have worked with many folks in the past..Palagems is a great place to look also.. You need to find a broker to get stones through them.. I have worked with Garry Dutton in the past and Pala seems to have more of an extensive inventory.....

Wow, thanks for that list. Many of those sites don''t have inventory online (or at least not with pics) or much of a selection. I tried most of them. Then I saw your second post, and realized the sites you listed were the ones I didn''t try. Thanks for the whittier gems link. As for planetary and jyotish, I had come across them before but feel kind of strange about ordering from a site that caters to people who believe that these gems have healing properties.

The whittier site is promising. The site is kind of screwed up though; the thumbnails appear to link to local files on the owner''s hard drive, so you can''t get bigger pictures. And the JR Parry site was great too... he has a 1 ct princess cut that looks interesting.
Here's another one not listed with a couple dozen 1-2 carat red spinels: House of Onyx

I can't comment on quality of the product or service since I have no idea who they are, just a hit from a web search with lots of stones in that size.

What were the issues with that 2 carat oval from Pala that looks pretty nice in the photo?

Edited to add: that Whittier site appears to be cross listing things from the twin diamonds site. I will not comment further.
the 2.06 pala spinel was basically just too large for me, with a concomitant effect on price. I talked to Jan at diamondbrokers of florida, and the price THEY quoted me was much more reasonable than the one I got locally, but it was still high. I''m not saying it was overpriced by any means, but I was waiting to see if they got any in a smaller size.

They just got two spinels in, new in stock. There is an oval that I am dying to learn more about right now, and I got a quote from Jan that is very encouraging. But I''ve learned not to get too excited. I have a feeling they flood these gems with illumination from above to make the tone seem lighter and brighter than it really is.

Please... nobody buy these stones before I get a chance to see them! :)
A quick note Raddy...

Your post sounds encouraging...

Remember tha most brokers who source stones make a percent. Like Pala for instance...They sell to brokers and than there is a retail mark up. What that retail mark-up between vendors is will differ depending on service...

I have had great experiences...

When I purchased some sapphires through Pala..Garry sent me many detailed high quality digital photos and gave me his honest opinion on how the gems appeared to him and offered to send them to me for inspection...

They were awesome and I had them re-cut by Homer..I added a pic for fun....

It is good to be critical and know what you want as a set of criteria in picking your stone, but remember most brokers and vendors will send you the stones to take a look at.. Let your eye's be the judge...

I reccommend Garry if you go through Pala because I have dealt with him and I know I did not get overcharged.. You can tell when a vendor enjoys what he does and when part of that is making people happy without adding an astronomical mark up....

I have also sourced sapphires from Todd & Robin from Niceice and they expedited my order quickly and answered all my emails....

Have fun...Josh
Here are those sapphire pic's for fun...

Notice the windowing in the native cut stones. Richard re-cut the pavillions on these stones only...


Who is Garry and how did you work through him? Did you not have to work through your local jeweller to get the quote for the stone and eventually order it for inspection?

I have learned a bit more about those two pala spinels. The first one (the oval) is the shape I was looking for, but it has a flaw that rules it out. The second does not, but its tone is apparently a bit darker than the first, and I think I would like to avoid a round that isn''t exactly round, if you know what I mean.

The problem with "seeing" a stone, for me, is that I don''t live in the United States. So every instance of receiving something for inspection is fraught with problems, delays, and potentially a lot of taxes and duties. Then if I don''t keep the stone, I''m not even sure what I have to do -- I think I have to file forms with Customs with proof of return so that I can get back the duties and taxes -- but I lose some sort of handling fee because of course that is charged for the "labor" of customs officers who tear the package open.

I would probably actually prefer having the stone sent straight from a vendor to Richard Sherwood for appraisal, but then I run into the dilemma of paying him to appraise something that I haven''t even seen with my own eye. It certainly makes sense to do it that way because I can judge by his report whether I want to keep the stone, and I only have to "import" it once, but it also seems like a bit of an expensive way to evaluate stones.

Perhaps I could have stones sent to Richard''s lab in Florida, and have him just eyeball it quickly and give me his opinion before an actual lab appraisal. Like he could tell me what he thinks of the color and cut, without using any tools but his eyes? I trust a lot of the experts on this forum a lot more than I trust myself to assess stones. It''s just that so far what I''ve seen in real life has been an obvious disappointment.

The House of Onyx place that someone recently posted is encouraging. To me if a place has spinel that''s around 1000/ct, I assume some sort of quality level that isn''t easy to find on the internet. But they have only thumbnails and no bigger pictures.
(sorry, this was meant to be a PM)
Garry Dutton run's a business Dutton's Diamonds and is known on the form as DiamondExpert.

Garry sells his own stones but also brokers stones like most vendors. I like Garry because of his personal approach. Garry sent many pictures and discussed many options with me concerning my purchase. Garry doesn't make a dime for his leg work unless your happy. Garry carries a Phd and is also a graduate Gemologist with great credentials from other trade professionals and vendors on this board.

I described what I was looking for in the realm of color and saturation and I sent him pictures of the stones that I liked on the Pala site. Garry called in those stones and evaluated a couple matching pairs for me....

Remember that most stones are cut by native cutters to restrict the export of certain rough and gem material. Native cut stones are usually cut with somewhat primitive methods and display a thick fat/deep pavillion and are never usually cut symmetrical, compared to the tight standards used in advanced machine faceting seen in the US.

I elected to have Garry be my eyes and than picked Richard Homer to transform these stones for me.

I think this a more practical approach for you is to go this route, whether it be with Garry or another respectable vendor. This way you deal with the broker and being he/she is a gemologist and has been involved in the trade a while they can give you their honest opinion.

Richard Sherwood is a very nice guy. I would think that he will give you any free advice because he has done so with me in the past with lengthy emails, but I think a trusted vendor/broker can do this eyeballing for you. Use their reputation and what they tell you to cross reference with the professionals on this forum if you are still weary.

If you like what you see at the House of Onyx and they value you as a potential customer they will send you bigger photos upon your request..

If you like you can ring me on my home phone if you need any more help...PM me if you opt to do this..
I second the recomendation of talking to Gary.
Iv delt with him a lot and he rates an A++ in my book.
is his website.
That reminds me I havent checked for new gemstones today,,,
The really terrible thing here is that patience is so important in hunting for a gem, but it''s not one of my greatest qualities. In making any purchase or any sort of consumer decision, I often research to a point of obsession, so I guess you could say that in itself is a type of patience, but once I decide what sort of thing I want I am very hard pressed to hold my horses.

I send out something like 5 or 6 email inquiries a day now, and check my mail frantically on the next day, anxious for a reply. Sometimes replies just don''t come very fast, and it infuriates me. :)
I''ll third the nomination of Gary Dutton as a particularly outstanding vendor.
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