
REENA''S CUSHION...demanding pix!

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Mar 15, 2004
OK- I am starting the thread for Ms. Reena. I demand pix. I KNOW this ring is going to blow us all away!!!!
:) :) :)

i''ll be back in town late tonight, and trust me, im more anxious to post pics than you are to see them! after two weeks of having this puppy on my finger i''m so excited to share with all of you! hopefully i''ll be able to get some good pics and post them after work tomorrow. (WORK--ick! i just spontaneously broke out in hives at the thought of having to go back after that sinfully wonderful two week vacation. pray for me people!)
I expect you to be a TAD cranky tomorrow. LOL. As much as I LOVE a good vacation...coming back to work SUX. At least you''ll have a pretty to look at all day...You''ll be in CA in no time! Hang in there!
yes, going back is SO hard . . . so if i''m snappy and bitc*y, please don''t hold it against me! ;) jk
Reena, I really can''t wait.
I can''t wait either!! I''ve been checking on here every day for it!! I feel like i''m GETTING THE RING instead of just looking at it - that''s how excited i am!! How weird is that?
honestly, this is why i LOVE you guys!!! it''s funny because when i show the ring to people out in the real world, i sort of expect them to react like people react here when someone posts their ring. but generally--they don''t! its usually just quick look and a wow, that''s pretty. and then on to the next topic. whereas i have been known to grab hands and stalk randoms on the subway to see what kind of prongs they have on their solitare, or whatever.

has anyone else had this experience? i guess it''s just that most people aren''t quite as attuned to these things as we diamond nuts are. i expect people to notice and ooh and ahh over the little details like i do, but i guess most normal people just don''t notice! (kinda like me in my not so distant pre-pricescope days!) very disconcerting . . .

Anticipation... an - ti - ci - pa a a tion, it''s making me wait. Can''t wait to get to work tomorrow and see this tasty little nugget.



We want to see it noooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


(these aren''t my kids

Add me to the list! I''ve been swamped with work -7 days a week and working three jobs right now
- but I find time EVERY DAY to check for pics of this ring. My nails have been bitten to the quick in anticipation.

All I have to say is thank the good Lord for the time difference -reena, you better post those the SECOND you''re home from work!- then I''ll have something to look forward to over my 3 o''clock coffee break!!!
YEAH, it''s the 15th!!!!!! It''s officially Reena''s Ring Day!!!

Even my bf is anxious for you to post pics of your ring, if only so I''ll SHUT UP ABOUT IT, lol..... he totally does not understand why I''ve been whining the last two weeks about having to wait to see your ring! C''mon, a 2-ct cushion in a Leon?? BRING IT ON!!
awww, thanks guys. if only freakin'' leon would send me the pictures he took, i could post them right now! darn him.

I saw your name pop up and thought for sure that a picture would be attached!!

Are you running around the office waving your hand around? When i first got engaged I was really SHY about it - so weird, people would say, "Is that an engagement ring?" and grab my hand and i would get all sweaty and red.
yeah, i''m like you--i get a little embarrassed by it cause i don''t want to seem like i''m trying to show it off. but i love being back at a computer--perfect chance to stare at it while i work!
Date: 11/15/2004 1:55
6 PM
Author: reena
awww, thanks guys. if only freakin'' leon would send me the pictures he took, i could post them right now! darn him.
Could it be that he does not want you to ? Copyright.. whatever
no, i don''t think so actually . . . he doesn''t seem to be very concerned about stuff like that. (i don''t think he even knows what pricescope is!) he''s just super-busy, so i think he keeps forgetting.
Date: 11/15/2004 1:36:28 PM
Author: goldengirl

Even my bf is anxious for you to post pics of your ring, if only so I''ll SHUT UP ABOUT IT, lol..... he totally does not understand why I''ve been whining the last two weeks about having to wait to see your ring! C''mon, a 2-ct cushion in a Leon?? BRING IT ON!!

My boyfriend is anxious too! He is totally mad that Reena has made us wait 2 weeks ;)

Can''t wait to see it Reena, I know I am going to love it!
So, will this beauty show up before I leave work. I have to see this beauty. I could possible change my setting ideas for like the 20th time. Remind myself to check PS before going to bed. Will even tie a string around my finger.
Dude, I can''t wait to see your ring!

And I''m like you Reena, I''m a total engagement ring stalker, always looking to see what someone has, checking out women''s hands when they aren''t looking. I can''t help it.
I do that too - I''m a ring-ho. I mean, I am a neck craning, eye-balling, finger checker. It''s almost like a hobby - when i''m bored on the subway, when i''m in line at the grocery store, etc, I go "ring spotting" to pass the time.

There''s a girl who sat behind me in class that had a freakin'' huge radiant - it was almost
3 carats
- i was drooling at her the entire semester. Finally I had to say something about hte ring - i think she was getting afraid of me, like iwas going to hit on her or something, becuase she sat behind me and I was ALWAYS turning around to look at it.
Date: 11/14/2004 10:58:50 PM
Author: sevens one


We want to see it noooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


(these aren''t my kids

Date: 11/15/2004 3:21:42 PM
Author: treysar
I do that too - I''m a ring-ho. I mean, I am a neck craning, eye-balling, finger checker.
LOL! i am cracking up--i do that too! i am so bad. i''m glad it''s not just me.
Date: 11/14/2004 9:54:10 PM
Author: reena
honestly, this is why i LOVE you guys!!! it''s funny because when i show the ring to people out in the real world, i sort of expect them to react like people react here when someone posts their ring. but generally--they don''t! its usually just quick look and a wow, that''s pretty. and then on to the next topic. whereas i have been known to grab hands and stalk randoms on the subway to see what kind of prongs they have on their solitare, or whatever.

has anyone else had this experience? i guess it''s just that most people aren''t quite as attuned to these things as we diamond nuts are. i expect people to notice and ooh and ahh over the little details like i do, but i guess most normal people just don''t notice! (kinda like me in my not so distant pre-pricescope days!) very disconcerting . . .
I have had this same experience. I''ve had family members completely ignore it and get upset when you catch them trying to take a secret peek at it. Maybe a twinge of jealousy..envy? I have also been known to chase down unsuspecting people to take a look at their rock(s). My h2b has warned me on numerous occasions that I better be careful or someone may call the cops on me for fear I''m trying to mug them
lol. I say, "They''re women with gigantic diamonds. That''s what they want me to do"
With that being said.......

so I have only been on here two days, haven''t a clue who Reena is or what this ring is supposed to be like but now I''M hooked too !!

when do we get to see it ?!?!?
i''ll try very hard to post some pics when i get home from work. i wish i had leon''s professional pics to share, but hopefully those will come along soon. ;)

but yeah, i guess it''s just that normal people aren''t so attuned to rings as i am!!! i have p-r-o-b-l-e-m-s.
Like those babies said, "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" Reena hurry up and post pics!!

I CANNOT WAIT to see this masterpiece.

I have to say that I too have had that same non-reaction from people in the "real world" who honestly think there''s nothing special about my cushion. I''ve even been known to say "It''s a cushion cut" and then explain what that is - people just are not as impressed as I think they should be

Well, that''s what PriceScope is for I guess. I''ll be waiting anxiously by my computer tonight...Hurry!!!!!!
When do you get off?????? Of work?????
style="WIDTH: 97.86%; HEIGHT: 33px">but yeah, i guess it''s just that normal people aren''t so attuned to rings as i am!!! i have p-r-o-b-l-e-m-s.

That''s one problem that I don''t mind having.

It''s a good thing that I don''t live near the diamond district.
I would be permanently fused to the glass on the display cases.

unfortunately for me i do not have a 9 to 5 workday; more like a 9 to 8 if i''m lucky. but hopefully i can sneak out a little early today. thing is i still have to take the pictures! i took a few this morning quickly outside, but i need some closeups. this is stressful!
Reena... Your boss has SEEN the ring, right? Wouldn''t he/she understand our overwhelming desire to see pics then? So not fair!
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