
Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Adde

Re: Refund Problems

As far as posting this story here on PS, I'd also recommend sending the the story as well, if he chooses to not issue the refund. I've seen many people send in their stories, and get some resolutions when the information is published.

Hopefully it won't get as drastic, and that you get a refund ASAP!
Re: Refund Problems

I looked, and PS vendors issue refunds by company check.
Re: Refund Problems

Dreamer_D|1308155952|2946648 said:
I looked, and PS vendors issue refunds by company check.

I honestly don't care how the money gets refunded, just that it does.
Re: Refund Problems

UPDATE: I talked with both my bank and his bank again this morning, and it seems that there is a procedure to recall a wire transfer provided that both parties cooperate and authorize the recall. If he is legitimately concerned about the original wire transfer being recalled, this will alleviate any such concern because (I'm told by Citibank) the wire itself will be undone. There will be no chance of it being "reversed" etc. and no risk to him. I am hopeful that this will work. I have initiated the recall but am told that it will need his authorization. I have left him email and voicemail to that effect. If he refuses to cooperate, then something is definitely very very wrong and I have already requested referrals from my attorney friends in California. Hopefully, however, he simply misunderstand the wire transfer system (which is what my bank thinks may be the case) and this will resolve the situation. I will post updates here as the situation unfolds. And if he does not cooperate, I will certainly identify him on PS as a caution to others...
Re: Refund Problems

fingers crossed for you that it is indeed a misunderstanding and you get your refund asap!!! thanks for the update and please do keep us posted.
Re: Refund Problems

dmd4ever|1308160479|2946726 said:
Dreamer_D|1308155952|2946648 said:
I looked, and PS vendors issue refunds by company check.

I honestly don't care how the money gets refunded, just that it does.

Of course! My point was simply that his story and excuses don't hold water. There is no legitimate reason he could not have issued a company check for a refund the moment you cancelled the transaction.

Keep us posted.
Re: Refund Problems

So I spoke with my friend in fraud and here's his take:
The wire cannot be reversed unless both parties agree (as you just found out) so you can both mutually agree and you'll get your funds back with the reversal. If the vendor does not have the funds or does not plan on refunding you, it'll be clear if he declines this option, as his initial reason for not sending you a refund is a moot point.
If you do not get your refund in a timely manner, it's a civil case, secure a lawyer and proceed. He's fully confident the ruling would go in your favor in this circumstance.
It becomes fraud only if a vendor knowingly accepted funds for a specific diamond and had no intention of sending it, for e.g. never had the specific stone available in the first place, then it's not a civil case, it's interstate commerce fraud and you'd call the FBI.

Hopefully you get a resolution soon and that this is just a case of the vendor just not being the brightest bulb on the tree...
Re: Refund Problems

maplefemme|1308167880|2946853 said:
So I spoke with my friend in fraud and here's his take:
The wire cannot be reversed unless both parties agree (as you just found out) so you can both mutually agree and you'll get your funds back with the reversal. If the vendor does not have the funds or does not plan on refunding you, it'll be clear if he declines this option, as his initial reason for not sending you a refund is a moot point.
If you do not get your refund in a timely manner, it's a civil case, secure a lawyer and proceed. He's fully confident the ruling would go in your favor in this circumstance.
It becomes fraud only if a vendor knowingly accepted funds for a specific diamond and had no intention of sending it, for e.g. never had the specific stone available in the first place, then it's not a civil case, it's interstate commerce fraud and you'd call the FBI.

Hopefully you get a resolution soon and that this is just a case of the vendor just not being the brightest bulb on the tree...

Thanks so much for calling your friend on my behalf. I'm hopeful about this solution, and either way I should know soon whether he is acting in good faith or not. Thanks everyone for your support!
Re: Refund Problems

So sorry this happened to you. :(( I still don't understand his excuse--he's worried about the wire getting reversed? But that's what you want to happen! I'm missing something. :confused:
Re: Refund Problems

dmd4ever|1308169043|2946863 said:
maplefemme|1308167880|2946853 said:
So I spoke with my friend in fraud and here's his take:
The wire cannot be reversed unless both parties agree (as you just found out) so you can both mutually agree and you'll get your funds back with the reversal. If the vendor does not have the funds or does not plan on refunding you, it'll be clear if he declines this option, as his initial reason for not sending you a refund is a moot point.
If you do not get your refund in a timely manner, it's a civil case, secure a lawyer and proceed. He's fully confident the ruling would go in your favor in this circumstance.
It becomes fraud only if a vendor knowingly accepted funds for a specific diamond and had no intention of sending it, for e.g. never had the specific stone available in the first place, then it's not a civil case, it's interstate commerce fraud and you'd call the FBI.

Hopefully you get a resolution soon and that this is just a case of the vendor just not being the brightest bulb on the tree...

Thanks so much for calling your friend on my behalf. I'm hopeful about this solution, and either way I should know soon whether he is acting in good faith or not. Thanks everyone for your support!

Don't mention it, happy to help somehow if I can.
Re: Refund Problems

Hell no! :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: I'd be billing them for interest for the time they had your money, threatening legal action, and reporting them to the BBB. that is total bs!
Re: Refund Problems

UPDATE: So here's where things stand... After I found out about the wire recall option (from HIS bank nonetheless) last week, I initiated the recall with my bank. As of today, it is still pending, and I'm told that means that Citibank (his bank) has yet to authorize it, which could be an issue of getting his authorization (i.e., that he agrees to a refund) or the bank account having the funds to complete the transfer. Either way, I initiated the recall last week on the morning of June 15, and since then have left multiple voicemails and sent several emails, all with absolutely no response or acknowledgement whatsoever. I explained that this process would simply reverse the wire, that it was his bank's idea, and that he could verify with them. In any case, I requested that he immediately let me know if he would cooperate, and I have heard nothing. I have filed a BBB complaint, am initializing a complaint with the Jewelers Vigilance Committee, of which he is a member, and have begun to gather the paperwork to file a lawsuit in the LA superior court if these measures are unfruitful (although this is costly and inconvenient for everyone). As such, I now have no problem identifying this vendor:

Yosef Adde
Luxe Wholesale Diamonds
a division of D3LUXE, Inc.
550 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013

The last time Yosef affirmatively reached out to me was in an email on June 1. Since then, I spoke with him once on June 14 last week (only because he answered his phone when I called), and otherwise have had zero response to my emails and voice messages. I did not identify him previously because I had hoped this was simply a misunderstanding or ignorance on his part, but at this point the lack of communication alone is simply unbelieveable. I just hope that I can eventually recover my money ($20,500). Any other advice or input in that regard is appreciated.
Re: Refund Problems

So sorry to hear what happened to you. This is simply horrible :(sad

The address looks like a vendor physically located in the LA Jewelry District. I've visited the district a few times as I live in the LA area. Thanks for letting us know. Your selfless act will benefit many others. Thank you...
Re: Refund Problems

I am sorry, and angry for you dmd! What a miserable situation. That's a lot of money, and whatever the problem happens to be - on your end, on their end - there is NO excuse for the poor communication through it all that you've been dealing with.

I'm glad you've posted the vendor. Maybe this is the cattle prod that gets them moving on getting you your money back - to avoid even more bad publicity! I've seen Yosef post on RT.. And hopefully this thread will save other consumers many headaches.

I don't know much about dealing with these sorts of situations, but do you think it would be of some use to fly out and visit them in-person?
Re: Refund Problems

If you haven't received any goods in return for your payment I would say it's theft and it doesn't hurt to file a report with the police.
Re: Refund Problems

Threaten him with filing a report with the FBI for interstate wire fraud. That might get him to jump. Right now its a civil matter, but if he fails to ever refund your money it is wire fraud, and since its interstate it is federal wire fraud.
Re: Refund Problems

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. As for flying out, I've thought of that, but without being able to even get him on the phone anymore, it seems like it would be a risky move to fly down to LA if he might not even be there... As for police reports, I guess I could, but I'm not convinced the police are gonna help me on this one. The interstate wire fraud idea intrigues me, and I've thought about that a bit already. I'm going to see where things go with my current steps before I start calling up the FBI though.
Re: Refund Problems

best of luck with everything- it stinks that this fun-exciting time has to be tainted by a dishonest vendor.
Re: Refund Problems

Wow.. this is horrible. I have never heard of this vendor before and will be sure to never deal with him.

Please let us know how it goes. Seems like all the right steps have been taken.
Re: Refund Problems

I've filed a BBB report before and it's pretty much a useless exercise and I've looked up JVC and see if it's worth filing a complaint with them but they're more about protecting the jeweler and not you, the consumer. I would definitely look into wreckem's suggestions.
Re: Refund Problems

I guess I should read ALL the posts before I decide to respond! :rolleyes: I started to give you ALOT of grief for not giving up the vendors name!! I'm happy that you did and it may be safe to say that Yosef wont be coming around here again anytime soon! :appl:

I wish I were a chic with some authority..well other than in my own castle...because I would love to show up swinging a badge! :lol:
Good Luck and keep us posted!!
Re: Refund Problems

I'm so sorry to read your latest update. Best of luck to you, and please keep us posted. This is sad, because you'd hope that if a vendor didn't have the money to refund you all of your money (for whatever reason), he would at least have the decency to work out a plan with you to pay you the money back in installments (with interest). That at least would be a better response than silence and outright avoiding the issue.
Re: Refund Problems

I'm sorry too. I was hoping when you came back with and update that it would be better news. I really hope that the steps you have taken will lead to a positive outcome and you receive all your money back in a timely manner. That is so strange that the vendor won't even respond to emails or phone calls to at the very least defend or explain his side in light of the new info you received.
Re: Refund Problems

That makes me so mad I would want to fly out to LA and confront this man.
Re: Refund Problems

mrssalvo|1308624577|2950757 said:
I'm sorry too. I was hoping when you came back with and update that it would be better news. I really hope that the steps you have taken will lead to a positive outcome and you receive all your money back in a timely manner. That is so strange that the vendor won't even respond to emails or phone calls to at the very least defend or explain his side in light of the new info you received.

My thoughts as well. I am so sorry.
Re: Refund Problems

Wow, this sucks. :nono:
I'm so sorry you are going through this.
Please keep us posted on the resolution.

BTW, why did you select this vendor to do business with?
Re: Refund Problems

dmd4ever|1308118865|2946382 said:
kenny|1308118624|2946381 said:
Per this list, Mark Broumand, Icestore and Adiamor are the only PS Vendors in the Los Angeles area.

Is it someone else?

Yes, it's not any of them. I would have gone with someone like BGD, which is where I got my current diamond, but until a month ago I had been searching for a very unique cut that no one could track down (literally, GOG and WF told me they had no idea where to get one) and he was one of the few people that had access to what I was looking for. I will post his name here after giving him a final ultimatum and chance to refund my money as I discussed above.

Kenny, he answered you up there. :cheeky:

To the OP, I really hope you get a resolution to all this soon. What a mess! So sorry this is happening! Keep us updated.
Re: Refund Problems

Thanks Merilenda. :wavey:
Re: Refund Problems

I wanted to write and tell you Im so sorry this has happened to you. I hope your able to recover your money very, very soon. You have been handling this situation to the best of your ability-goes to show this vendor is the farthest example of professional there is :nono: ...crossing my fingers for a good outcome!
Re: Refund Problems

No problem Kenny, hope you're having a nice night! :wavey: