
(Respeq) -- What''s your shopping style...

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Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
When you shop for diamonds or other do you like to do it. If you like to shop in your undies, it''s probably on-line.

But, if you''re out and about...going to a B&M, in person, do you like to do it alone? With a friend? With tools?

Anything in particular about the way you like to do it?

I really like going alone because its such a personal thing to me..well, except for when we went to pick out my ering. I''ve been out with a few friends but I feel as though I can''t give the piece my full undivided attention because the other person is already tired and ready to go or whatever. Instead of really looking at what I''m holding I''m too busy trying to figure out if the other person is bored already. So, I like going alone so if I want to look at it for ten minutes I can without worrying that the other person is ready to flog me

HOWEVER! If I were to go looking with some PS''ers..then I''m all for that seeing as how we''re all crazy about these beauties..I have a feeling that we could spend hours in the same place and not worry that the other is pulling their hair out
Appreciate your thoughts, Heather. I think I''m pretty introverted with this shopping business as well...partly a function of my nature, partly my general style of problem solving -- needing to get a "lay of the land" first, on my own, and also...partly because I''m still quite the shopping novice, having spent very little total time seeing the real thing.

In less than a week, a bunch of PSers and I will converge on a gem show in DC, and even with these other gem geeks, I think I will need to develop my own sense of space first, before wanting to engage in getting my other "then-less than virtual" friends opinions, because I think it will take a bit for me to develop my own sense of things, how do I observe them, etc. I''m hoping I will feel comfortable to bring out my ideal-scope. Typically, in the infrequent times I go into jewelry stores, I wouldn''t want to take that out...although lately that''s also because I''m not on a big game hunt, too.

For the sense of space an issue to you, with respect to how you develop your opinion? Or do you find that your sensitivities are the same, with or without friends to share a shopping experience with? Can you develop clearly enough your unadulterated opinion, when you have a friend at your side, the first time you''re seeing a piece? I''m presuming that, once you come to see a piece a second time, having a friend may be a more commonly experienced bonus, to get a bounce.

Then again, maybe with the help of data analysis ala pricescope, it is easier to be more objective, with pieces well marked, and associated with the varying grades we know they can be divided into. Then again, there may be few B&Ms we Pricescopers could come to trust, to witness this sort of display.

Other thoughts?
My shopping style is that I like to go to the store with one or more people. I hate going by myself. Once I am in the store, I like to be relatively close to one or more of the people I came with, but I don't have to be right next to them. I like for someone to be close enough that I can show them something really cool that I have spotted and get their opinion on it.

ETA: I don't own any tools yet, but I have used tools that the B&M's have for customers like myself to use to see the stones magnified.
I like to shop with someone, and I prefer that someone to be my mom, since she''s the one person I can always count on for an unbiased opinion. If I''m just windowshopping, I''ll go unarmed. If I''m seriously shopping, I''ll take my loupe with me. Not because the stores don''t have their own, obviously. I''ve just found that the sales staff seems to take me more seriously when I whip out my loupe. I think it makes them think I know a little something
. I''ve taken my hearts and arrows viewer with me a time or two, but that kind of fell flat since most of the sales people in the jewelry store didn''t even know what it was!

One person I DON''T take with my is my husband. He is too easily shmoozed into buying the "hype" that a lot of sales people try to pull. They''d have him buying some huge rock that was a piece of frozen monkey spit, and he wouldn''t know the difference! Anyway, most of the time he leaves jewelry purchases up to me. And I let him pay the bill when it comes
I''m a w/mom shopper too. She''s the most honest and patient..knows my tastes, will speak up/ask hard questions when something''s amiss. I''ve gotten better but she''s the expert.

If she''s not available dh will do but his patience level isn''t so great. :P

I like to do some research ahead of time to avoid getting BSed by the sales staff. Of course, I don''t shop for jewelry as often as I''d I have plenty of time for research.
I like to go by myself for the most part. I usually dress nicely and sometimes take the loupe. I don''t like to go with girlfriends, they usually get bored waaaaay before me, like someone mentioned above! DH gets impatient easily as well and always gets my hopes up: "oh that''s really nice honey! Oh, looks great on you! Great price!" and gets me thinking I might be able to own it. Nope, not a chance!
I always go alone. I don''t have a loupe or any other tools - the stores I shop in have their own tools, and the customers are always welcome to use them.
For those attending the DC gathering who have never been to a Gem Show before, it can be a very social experience even if you want to shop apart from the group. Many of the vendors are friendly and knowledgeable, like to show and discuss their wares, and not uncommonly will invite opinions/endorsements from other shoppers around their booths regarding pieces being examined by potential purchasers. I think this very knowledgeable crowd will have lots of opportunities to share your expertise if you choose. I for one am looking forward to learning, and especially would love to see some of your "tools" as I have only worked with a loupe to date.

That said, my wife often sends me to the show alone because I can spend many more hours than she can typically tolerate looking at the displays and conversing with the dealers. On the other hand, I really enjoy helping my friends shop for gems and jewelry and teaching them how to make good decisions and evaluate quality, etc.
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