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Sep 6, 2007
Just curious as to how long you were working out before you realized any results in your body? Or even in your attitude as a whole?

I've been seriously working out for the past 2 weeks and eating MUCH healthier than I used to. It actually hasn't been that tough for me to switch to healthier food which I am very happy about.

I am so proud of myself so far and already noticing a change in the way I feel. I feel healthier and feel like I have much more energy. As for weight loss, nothing significant yet, but it's only been 2 weeks so I wasn't really expecting anything. The only thing I have noticed is that my work pants feel as though they fit a little better. My jeans, well, I noticed no difference with them. But oh well. It'll take a while, I know. Hehe.

But anyway... how about you ladies?
I think it''s different for everybody. I personally start seeing a difference with about 2 weeks of consistantly eating right and working out. I usually see it in inches before I see it in pounds, though. Did you happen to take your measurements before you started? That is a better indicator I think than the scale which can be evil
Inhisarms, awesome for eating healthy and working out! Gosh, well I hurt my knee so I couldn''t workout and was eating healthy so for me it was in about a 10lb loss that I started noticing. I also notice at the gym when I lift weights my posture improves because I need good posture to lift, etc so overall I noticed a difference when that happened.
Yes, results vary. Everyone's body responds differntly to exercise. I would give it two weeks for sure, to make it "routine". When you say you mean, muscle tone..sculpting of the muscles, or a change on the scale? I'm sure you know muscle weighs more than if the scale isn't pleasing your eye, the inches lost should be!!! Measurements are the best way to track progress. Take before measurements of waist, chest, hips, thigh, and upper arm, and take new measurements every 2 weeks if you want. track your progress that way. I think most people report that after 3 weeks of continuous regular exercise (4-5 days/week), their clothes fit differently. They starting losing the fat, and gaining muscle. There is a shift in body weight. As far as a change in "attitude"..most people will agree that once it becomes routine..they can't go without working out. At one time they dreaded having to well. It gets easier, and soon, your body and mind craves the right food, and exercise. You'll won't miss your old lifestyle..promise!!
Stay strong, and focused!
Good for you - making healthy life changes!

As far as my personal weight loss journey - it took me 8-weeks of working out 6X a week (1-hour cardio) and eating a healthy diet to start losing weight. It all depends on how much it will take to kick start your metabolism. It took my body a while to get going, but when it did - WHOA! The weight started to fall off fast! I lost 25lbs. in 2008 by working out 4-6x a week and now I eat a 1500-calorie diet.

Good job on keeping up with your exercise routine! Let us know when you notice a change in how your jeans fit
I usually notice almost right away, as long as I''m watching what I eat in addition to working out. The most important thing for me is eating right, because that really makes the biggest difference for me.
YES, eating right is KEY!! It''s 90% of the eauation..10% is your genese, 10% is exercise. I see people who spend countless hours at the gym..then stop at McDonald''s on their way home (too often), and wonder why their not seeing the results they want. I guess some people figure if they burn 500 calories, then they are allowed to eat that burger, or fries, or cake..whatever. I believe everyone needs at least ONE cheat day per week, eat or drink, whatever you want, but for the majority of the week, clean eating is what will deliver results!
I agree that what you eat is the majority of it. Workout out helps out and makes you feel better, and more toned, but you have to eat well to see least I do.
Thanks for your responses ladies! I can definitely understand that eating right is key! If I eat a fatty food, boy, do I feel like crap afterwards. I don''t know if it''s just that I''m beating myself up over eating something I know isn''t that good for me or well, my body is just reacting and telling me, no! I don''t want this! It has no nutritional value to it whatsoever!! Haha. Who knows. But I agree that you have to eat right.

I unfortunately did not take measurements beforehand but I think I''m going to do it now so I can at least track it from this point on. While I don''t like to watch the scale b/c I''m afraid I''ll pay too much attention to the number, I did weigh myself yesterday. I started at 130lbs and the scale said 127.8. So a little progress maybe!?!? Hehe. Regardless of it is progress or not, I feel better about myself just by working out so... I''m happy with that! VERY happy!

I have to go for now... at work!
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