
Sam Spade....RIP:(


Jan 7, 2009
Hi PS family!!
Those of you who've followed us for a while might remember how I've spoken of "Sam Spade".
Sam- his real name was Sid- was one of my mentors.

The story:
Sid fought in WWII, in the Philippines.
When he returned home, Sid was accepted as a diamond cutter apprentice.
By 1955, Sid had a job as an assorter/diamond grader for A Jaffe and Sons ( still in existence)- and he'd worked his way up to buyer.
I got to meet Sid as a brash 24 year old in 1981.
I had gotten a job as a driver for Jaffe's top salesman- which was a way to break into sales.
Prior to that, I was a trainee- then diamond grader for Harry Winston- then for M Fabrikant and sons. At the time Fabrikant was the largest loose diamond company in the world ( taking over that spot from Winston).

When I met Sid, he was skeptical- and he tested me.
He gave me a few parcels to work on- assorting and grading.
I passed the test- and Sid and I began a journey that lasted about 40 years.

I stayed at A Jaffe briefly- leaving after 6 months to become a salesman on my own, for a colored stone subsidiary of Jaffe at the time- called Baden and Foss.
Fast forward another 15 years or so to April 1 1998. The day I opened Rock Diamond Corp.
I was supposed to have an investor...but he flaked that day. The guy showed up for the meeting wanting to be partners, except he didn't have the $30k capital he'd promised to get us started and split the company as partners.
That was one of the greatest favors fate would do for me....thankfully the company turned out to be worth a little more than $60k:)

Anyway- even though I didn't have the funding I thought I needed, I jumped off that cliff- quit my sales job and opened Rock Diamond Corp.
My first stop was Sid- by this time he'd opened his own company- wholesaling diamonds to dealers.
"Sid, can you loan me $30k?"
After he stopped laughing, he made me a different offer.
"I'll give you $50k of loose diamonds on memo ( consignment) and you can pay me sometime over the next 12 months."
Sounded like a plan....

I took the goods over to another buddy/ mentor from my days at Winston, and he purchased about $30k of the stones- as a cash deal.
So I had my starting capital and no partner.
From that day till he stopped working- about 7-8 years back- Sid was one of our main suppliers.
By the time Sid "retired" he was about 90 years old.
Funny, when I met Sid- waaay back at A Jaffe, we all laughed at how old he was- we called him Grampa Munster- to whom he bore a striking resemblance.
But man, Sid really showed how to be productive well into one's '80's. He used to come to our office, and show us goods. Even in his '80's.
Sid lost his beloved wife Evelyn, and moved into an assisted living facility at 90.
We'd speak at least a few times a month. When we spoke a few weeks back, I could tell he was having issues.
We lost Sid Monday- 98 years old.
I'll always miss him.
You wrote a beautiful eulogy for your mentor and friend. I do remember seeing "Sam Spade specials" on your website throughout the years, and they were always interesting and beautiful diamonds.

I am so sorry for your loss, David.
He sounds like a wonderful man and friend, I’m sorry for your loss, but glad he lived a good long life.
Thank you guys!
@Austina summed up my feelings. I celebrate Sid.
Sid was 98. He lived to meet his great grandchildren..maybe even great-great grandchildren...I have to ask his son
Wow @Rockdiamond , what a sweet relationship you two had. He sounds like he was a wonderful man. So sorry for your loss.
Sweet words David, I’m sorry you lost your friend. I saw the ring you posted that was one of the last stones you received from him. It’s beautiful. Hopefully you have something else from him to keep around as a way to remember him. Best wishes.

Such a life lived! Thank you for sharing.

kind regards--Sharon
I think I would have like Sid very much.
I hope he's making himself a good deal wherever he got off to.
I hear the pain through your love and loss and yet, I can't help but smile.
Sid just seemed damned cool.
You get to keep him with you, and what a person to keep.
What wonderful memories - thank you for sharing them with us. It sounds like your business is one of Sid’s legacies!
So sorry for this large loss in your world! You will carry on in his memory!
How lucky you were to have a Sid that believed in you! I'm sure he is proud of you and I hope he realized what a big part he played
in it. We all could use a Sid.=)2

Here’s my ‘Sam Spade Special’
I’ve had it for 19 years.

It’s been a treat over the years to read your words about your friend and mentor, Sid, on EBay, here, your own site, and when CDI forum was up and running.
I’m sure he has many many people he met over the years who will remember him fondly. Because of you and your gift of storytelling - I’m positive many many people who had no direct contact at all with him, will do so as well.

Thank you,
And again, I’m very sorry for the loss of your friend and mentor.
I remember you talking about him a lot when we worked together.
I am sorry for your loss.
Very sorry for your loss @Rockdiamond . He sounds like a fantastic human. Do you have any more personal stories to relate, if you don’t mind? You’re such a great writer; although, I was having trouble finding Sid in your original post. Did he have children? Favorite jewelry designs? You’ve piqued my curiosity and I’m sure others’.
Thank you for sharing such a moving tribute. What a wonderful man, and a lucky man to have a friend like you.
Rest in Peace.
I really appreciate this group- thank you for sharing this with me in a special sort of way.
Thinking about Sid- his voice was special. Kind of like a cross between Milton Berle and Jackie Mason.
"Sell and be Sorry!"
That's what he'd say when I told him about accepting a low offer on a deal back in the day.
Years ago (I'm talking '80's and prior), smoking was common. And Sid used to smoke a freakin cigar fercryinoutloud!
He's in his mid '70's in the picture below. Getting ready to loupe a stone
Looks like he had a lively and mischievous twinkle in his eye.
It sounds like he was a great man who saw something in you and took you under his diamond wing. That’s what a great leader does and look at you now! You proved him right. we love you guys and the way you run your business and make your customers feel, he’s running through your veins so to speak.
90 is a good innings for anybody but im sad for you, you lost a friend
but a lovely story thank you
So terribly sorry to hear you've lost your friend and mentor. Sounds like it was a big loss for the industry as well. What a lovely remembrance! ❤️