
Same shape, different guy?

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Jun 22, 2005
I may be getting engaged (again) in the near future. My last engagement ring was an ideal cut 1.2 ct RB solitaire in a yellow gold setting with plat prongs. I loved the ring and would like to get something similar but maybe a 1.75-2 ct in all plat this time. People tell me not to get the same shape/style ring with the new *almost* fiance, but RB solitaires are what I really like! I thought about princess cut, but have heard bad things about chipping. What are your thoughts on getting the same style ring with a different guy? Bad idea?
It''s ridiculous for people to tell you that you should pick out something else. . .Get what YOU like
That is silly! Just get what you want. You will be wearing it for a long time and will look at it get something you love.
Oh for heavens sake, that's just ridiculous!!!!! Get what YOU and what will make you happy. Also having a bigger stone and having an all platinum setting will be a totally different look. Good luck and let us know what you decide on!!!!
yes, get what you want
It''s still a different ring! Go for what YOU want.

I am a Vuitton gal too!
I agree, get what you want...rounds are very common too so it''s not as though you are ''emulating'' the last engagement! Just a stone shape!
I may be missing your firends pont but what difference does that make? Do what makes you happy....unless of course she is offering to pay for it, then she can say such things.
I wouldn''t get the exact same setting as the old one, but the shape of the stone should not be a big deal. I had an almost engagement two years ago, so my current bf knowing what my ring preference was then, said that he would not get me the ring I almost got from someone else (a round with baguettes in platinum). Now I''m so glad he said that, b/c since then I''ve discovered PS, and it has showed me that there are endless possibilities for a gorgeous e-ring.

Best of luck and I hope he doesn''t keep you waiting too long!
I agree with everyone else--get what you want and what makes you happy! RB solitaires are so classic & traditional--how could you go wrong?
No matter what stone shape you had or want again, if it''s what you really love, that''s what you should get. Even if you want a similar style ring, you''re the one who''s going to wear it every day! I likely wouldn''t get the exact same setting, but the stone shape or''s your ring!
Well, I will say that if the stone you got the first time was something like a marquise or princess, I would probably not want the same thing the second time around. But I don''t feel the same when it comes to rounds -- I don''t really have an explanation for why. I would have absoluetly no problem at all getting a round after getting a round the first engagement. If you like round, stick with round, but not the same setting.

Well I''m superstitious about everything (down to the type of nail polish I was wearing when I got good news
) so I can tell you I would go with the RB, in whatever style you like. As long as it''s not the same stone/setting (used in the previous engagement), I don''t think it will matter.
Get what you want! It''s not like you secretly kept the original ring and are going to wear it as though it''s from the new guy, so get what you like!

I know someone who wore a dress from her first engagement to her actual wedding to a different guy. Kind of weird karma, but hey, dresses are expensive, and it''s hard to find "the one." I think a different stone in a different metal is a totally different thing. If it''s not ok to have it be the same shape, then is it not ok to wear it on the same finger? Do you have to call it a betrothal ring instead of an engagement ring? Does your new fiance have to make sure he doesn''t say anything that your first fiance said, such as "I love you" or "Will you marry me?" We have to draw the line somewhere!
I say go with what you love and if that happens to be the same shape as your first engagement ring who cares! RBs are traditional and classic and never go out of style.
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