
San Diego fires


Feb 3, 2008
Do we have any PS'er who live in the area? San Diego Lady does, I know. If we do I hope everyone's home is okay. No loss of life, I hear and that is great news. It is an incredible amount of fires.
We are okay, about 30 minutes south of the fires, but several friends live in the affected areas and have been evacuated. Luckily they all have family or friends in the area so can stay with them.
My heart goes out to them Sonnyjane. It's very stressful to watch the news and wonder if you still have a home or not.
Keeping everyone affected in my thoughts and prayers. It's so scary. :(
Sending safe dust to all.
Hubby is out there fighting the fire. He had a tough day yesterday and about 5 hours sleep. He was getting another assignment for his crew today. He said they were on the national news. Not him personally, but his location. He said they saved a few homes yesterday and lost on large one on the top of the hill. I think that is the house that was on the news burning.
luv2sparkle|1400257869|3674220 said:
Hubby is out there fighting the fire. He had a tough day yesterday and about 5 hours sleep. He was getting another assignment for his crew today. He said they were on the national news. Not him personally, but his location. He said they saved a few homes yesterday and lost on large one on the top of the hill. I think that is the house that was on the news burning.

Oh goodness!!! Keeping my thoughts with him and his team!!! Today was the last day of hot hot hot weather. Hopefully they'll get a break soon. Huge thanks to all of them!
I'm near LA, we had a major, major fire almost exactly one year ago. We were safe, but it was so hard, knowing what was going on, so close to home. Now keeping the people of the San Diego fires in my prayers, and an extra prayer for our incredible fire fighters, including your husband, luv2sparkle.
Breaks my heart to watch video of people's homes going up. Hard to imagine anything much worse, except losing family too. Hope everybody in the area stays safe -- and Luv2Sparkle, your DH & his crew too. It's likely to be a horrible summer with all the dryness out there this year. Love dust, luck dust, and safe dust to you all.

--- Laurie
How close are the fires to San Diego proper? As in down town? We will be going to mission beach in sept. ( love it there) , is it north of there? So sorry for all you out there!
Thank you for all your kind wishes. I am not worried for his safety even a tiny bit. DH is one of those people who can take in a situation and see the whole picture at one time. Plus we have done this thing for 30+ years. We have been on both sides. We have been evacuated from a major wild fire (old fire 2003), as he was in the valley fighting other fires. When we erupt in fires my heart is with the people who are evacuated because it is so uncertain.

He has been fortunate over the years because in every fire he has been sent to, he and his crew have been able to save quite a few homes. He always comes home feeling like he made a difference in peoples lives. That makes it worth it.
AprilBaby|1400286254|3674551 said:
How close are the fires to San Diego proper? As in down town? We will be going to mission beach in sept. ( love it there) , is it north of there? So sorry for all you out there!

Last I saw, there were 8 fires burning in the area. They are not burning close to the city but they intersect the highways getting to the city. Dh is at the Coco fire when he text me this morning. He could br moved now though. You can google it and see the map of where the fires are.
luv2sparkle|1400286695|3674562 said:
AprilBaby|1400286254|3674551 said:
How close are the fires to San Diego proper? As in down town? We will be going to mission beach in sept. ( love it there) , is it north of there? So sorry for all you out there!

Last I saw, there were 8 fires burning in the area. They are not burning close to the city but they intersect the highways getting to the city. Dh is at the Coco fire when he text me this morning. He could br moved now though. You can google it and see the map of where the fires are.

To tag along, no, currently no fires in Mission Beach ( that's near me, just 5 minutes or so) but you can see smoke from them burning south in Mexico and north in Carlsbad.