Well man... I'd suggest, when planning the proposal, to have a medical team on stand by. This ring is gonna take her breath away and she might faint and hit her head. It's drop dead gorgeous, and it fits the aesthetic she had cultivated perfectly.
That is a beauty. You could call it the Deep Blue Sea.
I don't even know you and it would be bigamy, but if it was offered to me I'd be sorely tempted!
OH MY GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWD that is glorious! I usually don't love concave cuts, but this is a massively gorgeous exception. She is going to be floored.
That ring makes the water look flat and depthless. What a gorgeous blue! Absolutely beautiful! And Costa Rica is the best destination!
Apologies for the excessive use of exclamation points !!
She absolutely loves it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!