
Sapphire Opinions Please?


Oct 30, 2016
It's been a loooong time since I posted...I stumbled on a sapphire I'm thinking of buying but am on the fence about the depth and cut. I'd love your thoughts. Also, what do you think about the color? It's listed as purple but seems like it pulls blue to me.

Carat: 3.56ct
Dimensions L x W x D: 8.15 x 7.49 x 6.87mm
Cut: Mixed Cut / Oval
Clarity: Eye Clean / Colour Banding
Treatment: Unheated
Origin: Sri Lanka

Btw, my fatal flaw is buying sparkly stones and never getting around to setting them


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So it's definitely purple to my eyes... a really beautiful shade, actually. I would call it bluish-purple or a cool, deep violet. She's likely to be a shifter under different light sources. I personally love it.

The stone's rather deep, yes, so you're losing some spread. In the past, when I've really fallen in love with something special or rare, it hasn't bothered me. But you might be able to find a similar colored sapphire with better proportions. Also, the culet looks askew. I'd need to see clearer photos of the gem straight on to be able to decipher what effect, if any, it's having on the cut/brilliance. I'm sensing a small window, but I can't confirm it based on these photos alone.

How do you feel about the stone? :)

ETA: I see you've removed some photos from the OP and added a gif, so I just wanted to update my comment. Culet still looks a bit off-center, but the effect on the cut appears to be minimal. I see maybe one or two open facets at certain angles. I don't think it would bug me too much.
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Thanks for the warm welcome @Autumn in New England

I figured out how to make a gif with the video so that may be helpful.

I love that it seems to have multiple personalities and I agree it's likely a shifter. The price on it is great so my big holdup is the cut and whether the depth would make it difficult to set. I think I'm falling more in love with color the longer I look at it, and I feel quite drawn to it.
Thanks for the warm welcome @Autumn in New England

I figured out how to make a gif with the video so that may be helpful.

I love that it seems to have multiple personalities and I agree it's likely a shifter. The price on it is great so my big holdup is the cut and whether the depth would make it difficult to set. I think I'm falling more in love with color the longer I look at it, and I feel quite drawn to it.

Will you be having it custom set or buying a semi-mount?
It's a deep stone, but not unreasonably deep. In time I've come to appreciate such cuts. Yes, you lose some of the face up spread, but you gain so much in terms of colour depth and saturation. Plus, it seems to be a really sparkly cut.
Yes, I actually updated my initial comment to address it. :cool2:

Thanks for drawing my attention to your ETA. I totally would have missed it!

It's a deep stone, but not unreasonably deep. In time I've come to appreciate such cuts. Yes, you lose some of the face up spread, but you gain so much in terms of colour depth and saturation. Plus, it seems to be a really sparkly cut.

Gah! The sparkle gets me every time and I love that it's so saturated despite being unheated.

I think y'all are convincing me
I really like the color and sparkle.

It is a darker stone. Do you have images from a lower light environment? Curious how dark it goes and if you would still like it in that lighting.
Very very nice "small" unheated piece for 3,56ct but that piece will have so much fire in hand, it has so many facets but its hard to say how much precision the facets will have.
How much he ask for the Sapphire? For that l/w size normally u get a 2-2,5ct stone 8x6 or a little bit bigger and is much cheaper.

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