
Season''s Greetings, etc

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Sep 3, 2000
A little something for humor

This is hilarious because at a party last week someone told me they were in the store and said Merry Christmas to the salesgal and the salesgal said ''oh you aren''t supposed to say that'' and then proceeded to give the customer a little lecture on how that was inappropriate and she should be saying Happy Holidays or something. We were all amazed! Insanity. It''s the ''merry whatever'' thought that counts personally!!
I hope mrssalvo adds the one she emailed me. 3 kids were sent to the principles office. One kid got in trouble for saying the S word, the next got in trouble for saying the F word. The third got in trouble for saying...... Merry Chrsitmas. It was really cute, but sad at the same time. Geez. We are too PC these days.
When I worked at V.S. last year around christmas time, the girls were talking about how last christmas they all had gotten free red bras (we get free stuff from time to time when new products come out.. etc).. and one of the girls ACTUALLY SAID.."Well.. shouldn''t I get a BLUE bra, because I''m jewish?" and I''m pretty sure she wasn''t kidding.
personally, i''m happier with just saying Happy Holidays............suits my nature. if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas, i respond with "and Happy Holidays to you, too''. but its usually me wishing someone Happy Holidays first and they seem to be genuinely pleased that someone is being courteous and polite.

if i were a retailer i''d probably want my staff to say happy holidays.....more inclusive and gets the idea out that all holidays are important and btw please continue to shop at my store for each and every one of those holidays, thank you. this time of the year is so commercial anyway, why not make sure to make $$$ out of each and every culture/religion/ethnic group?

peace, movie zombie
for you kaleigh

Thank you sweetie!!!
Just imagine what it''s like in Saudi Arabia? A normal working day and not a word is said. I plan to come in with a tin of Quality Street and wish everyone a Happy Christmas this year. If they can wish everyone a Ramadan Mubarak or Eid Mubarak then I can wish everyone Happy Christmas. That''s fair isn''t it?
As much as some people hate to admit it, Dec 25 is CHRISTMAS. That''s just a fact. We were joking about it at work last week. I work for the Federal Government, but we all decided we cant be afraid to say it. You can talk about every other religion''s/faith''s holiday. You know over 80% of people in this country celebrate Christmas, so go for it and I''m more offended by someone telling me I don''t have Freedom of Speech to say Merry Christmas.

BTW, Merry Christmas all!!
I think Mini would agree we always say Happy Christmas here in England, but there have been dark mutterings recently that it isn't PC
Still I would like to wish everyone regardless of their beliefs the compliments of the season
and Merry Christmas!!
From a Jewish person''s perspective, I don''t get offended by Merry Christmas. I love to watch spectacle of Christmas (the Xmas trees, the lights, etc.) in a "nose pressed against the glass way." However, I prefer Happy Holidays. I like it when shops that provide gift wrapping services have non-Christmasy options. LL Bean did not when I went there. That made me feel odd.

As long as people are kind, or at least not rude, I am content.

FYI MomofTwo, this year Chanukah starts on December 25th. It does not happen often; usually its much earlier.

Meanwhile, my Chanukah present (my avatar) is sitting in its box. I want it on my finger as soon as possible, but DH is not budging on this one.
A few years ago when I was in eCommerce, we tried adding the service of gift wrapping for holiday as a test (it was a major hardware manufacturer's online store, and it was when online shopping was really just taking off)...and we had to come up with two options. So we did a red and gold and a silver and blue to cover the dual major religion bases. They both were successful, surprisingly equal choices actually!!

I personally don't understand how people can get offended by Christmas. I mean most people DO celebrate it and it's such a HAPPY holiday...and I think most people ARE so aware of other religions now more than ever, but sometimes that PC thing just goes too far. When is it too much!?

Haha that cartoon is hilarious MrsS!!
I cant remember who told me this... i think it was a co-worker.

She was in a major retail craft store and the sales person wished her happy holidays to which my co-worker said merry christmas. The clerk responded that she wasnt allowed to say that. My co-worker then ask why was she wearing a Santa hat. No response.
Date: 12/13/2005 6:13:50 AM
Author: Momoftwo
As much as some people hate to admit it, Dec 25 is CHRISTMAS. That''s just a fact. We were joking about it at work last week. I work for the Federal Government, but we all decided we cant be afraid to say it. You can talk about every other religion''s/faith''s holiday. You know over 80% of people in this country celebrate Christmas, so go for it and I''m more offended by someone telling me I don''t have Freedom of Speech to say Merry Christmas.

BTW, Merry Christmas all!!
Just so you know, December 25 is also Chanukah this year...
Date: 12/13/2005 1:50:13 PM
Author: AmandaPanda

Date: 12/13/2005 6:13:50 AM
Author: Momoftwo
As much as some people hate to admit it, Dec 25 is CHRISTMAS. That''s just a fact. We were joking about it at work last week. I work for the Federal Government, but we all decided we cant be afraid to say it. You can talk about every other religion''s/faith''s holiday. You know over 80% of people in this country celebrate Christmas, so go for it and I''m more offended by someone telling me I don''t have Freedom of Speech to say Merry Christmas.

BTW, Merry Christmas all!!
Just so you know, December 25 is also Chanukah this year...
Okay, let''s clear this up, I did not say it wasn''t any other holiday. What I said was Dec 25th is Christmas, not that Christmas is the only holiday.
My Jewish advisor throws a Christmas party, not a holiday party, for the lab every year.
I have only one thing to say to that.
~Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas!!!
All this conversation makes me wonder....

Happy Whatever.jpg
IN my Child''s 4th grade classroom they have a preprinted school approved sign... it includes, santa claus, a winter scene, a minorah, Kwanza, a christmas tree, a stocking, some sort of wiccan witch... and I am wondering.. where is the nativity scene.. rights for all but the majority? My daughter told me that Christmas no longer included Jesus and that he was wrong for the Christmas season..(scarcastically) . Then she rolled her eyes and said, "Politically Corrrect idiots." How could I chatise her? ............. I wonder where she gets her vehemence and sarcasm... hmmm
Whatever happened to good old ''common sense''

I guess it isn''t common any more!

People in the UK are also becoming more and more sensitive to cultural and religious differences.

As far as i am concerned, if you have consideration for other peoples beliefs, then they should have consideration for yours.


lots of love....dyanne
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Good Winter...

I wish everyone a happy holiday, whatever it is they celebrate.

That being said... as someone who is not Christian, I can certainly understand why people could be offended (or, at the very least, upset) by being told Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays...
I say Happy Holidays not because I think it is PC. I say it because it''s a joyous time of the year for many occassions. LOTS of reasons to celebrate a Holiday Season - including New Years, year end bonuses, time off, getting together with family. Merry Christmas is just too limited for me. Though on Christmas & Christmas Eve, I will say Merry Christmas to most people.

Come to think about it - my Jewish friends wish me Merry Christmas. It''s not a recognition of *a* Holiday - just a recognition of one I share in. Though I must say, acquaintances who are aware of my Jewish heritage will wish me "Happy Holidays". I suppose it''s respectful - but seems to come with less "joy".
Date: 12/14/2005 11:04:47 AM
Author: AmandaPanda
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Good Winter...

I wish everyone a happy holiday, whatever it is they celebrate.

That being said... as someone who is not Christian, I can certainly understand why people could be offended (or, at the very least, upset) by being told Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays...
Can you elaborate? I am pretty curious about this.

I have Jewish friends and they say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or if someone says it to them, they look PAST the words to the MEANING and know that the person is just wishing them a happy time this season.

There is so much negativity out there in the world to begin with, I guess I don''t see the need to be actually ''offended'' over a terminology, shouldn''t it be the THOUGHT that counts??
Working in NYC for most of my adult life, I''m quite used to the Happy Holidays drill. I can''t believe it''s taken so long to leak out into the mainstream. For the last TWENTY years (in the entertainment industry specifically) I''ve seen a complete ban on the X-mas word when it comes to business gifts/cards/correspondence etc. I''m just used to it and it doesn''t bother me. I prefer to be inclusive of everyone and celebrate Christmas personally.

That said - I usually sign cards "Merry Holidays and Cheers to a New Year"
Date: 12/14/2005 12:58:53 PM
Author: Mara

Date: 12/14/2005 11:04:47 AM
Author: AmandaPanda
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Good Winter...

I wish everyone a happy holiday, whatever it is they celebrate.

That being said... as someone who is not Christian, I can certainly understand why people could be offended (or, at the very least, upset) by being told Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays...
Can you elaborate? I am pretty curious about this.

I have Jewish friends and they say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or if someone says it to them, they look PAST the words to the MEANING and know that the person is just wishing them a happy time this season.

There is so much negativity out there in the world to begin with, I guess I don''t see the need to be actually ''offended'' over a terminology, shouldn''t it be the THOUGHT that counts??
I''m not saying that I''m offended when people wish me a Merry Christmas. I can just understand that some people might be.

I personally feel a little left out. My work building has huge wreaths and an enormous Christams tree out front, and I work in a government building! The building I live in has a Christmas tree and poinsettas all over the place. Sure, when it''s Chanukkah they put out one of those fake light-up Menorahs, but nothing before or after. It''s sort of like an afterthought... not a celebration.

I certainly enjoy the Christmas spirt, but I do not celebrate Christmas.
People are totally out of control over the Merry Xmas vs. Happy Holidays!

Last week one of my son''s daycare teachers handed me a slip of paper with my son''s name on it. On the paper, it was a short letter stating that the following week (today) there would be a Christmas party and gift exchange in each of the classes and both my son''s should bring a gift in for the party/exchange. I was totally surprised but not by the party, but by the fact that the school is even risking throwing a party when there is a possibility of any parent flipping out over the celebration of Christmas!

My kids ARE participating in the party. I''m not Christian, but we are hosting a family party w/gifts for the kids. I am not offended by people saying Merry Christmas to me, nor am I offended by those saying Happy Holidays. I see the wishing of a joyful holiday as a generous gesture. Nobody is intentionally trying to hurt someone by saying Merry Christmas. If someone took it any further and PUSHED religious views on me and started reciting versus from the Bible, then I would be offended since this crosses the line.
If I recall correctly, I don''t think winter garland nor "Christmas" trees are a Christian symbol. I believe they are Pagan - relating to the winter soltice. But, I welcome someone to google it. Got to go out - I have no plan - just to go out. They are expecting ice tomorrow & even though I have tons of things to do here - I''m afraid I may experience cabin fever if the ice is bad (power goes out & roads unpassable).
Date: 12/14/2005 1:28:05 PM
Author: AmandaPanda

I personally feel a little left out. My work building has huge wreaths and an enormous Christams tree out front, and I work in a government building! The building I live in has a Christmas tree and poinsettas all over the place. Sure, when it''s Chanukkah they put out one of those fake light-up Menorahs, but nothing before or after. It''s sort of like an afterthought... not a celebration.

I certainly enjoy the Christmas spirt, but I do not celebrate Christmas.
Well, I worked at a place with a Menorah twice lifesize. I never felt left out....just a little drawfed.
Actually, it was a beautiful handcrafted work of art. I thought it to be pretty & enjoyed it just the same.

I agree with you it should be the sentiment and intent that people that people should respond/react to. When I know someone is Christian/Jewish, I will say Merry Christmas/Happy Chaukah as appropriate, if I am unsure, I''ll say Happy Holidays.

To me this should also be a non-issue. The world has so many greater problems to solve.

Jewish people in America have a very complex relationship with Christmas. On the one hand there is tremendous pressure to assimilate (i.e. Chanukah Bush, etc.); on the other hand some parts of Christian holidays can make Jews uncomfortable. Christianity is a proselytizing religion. There is a nearby Church whose leader is a converted Jew. He is making it his mission in life to convert Jews to Christianity.

My parents were contemporaries to Holocaust victims/survivors. My grandparents immigrated to the U.S. from Russia and Romania due to pogroms. My grandmother was only 15 when she made the boat trip to the US alone. She never saw much of her family ever again thanks to Hitler. Many pogroms and the rapes, murders and pillaging were carried out in response to "religous" sermons, during Christmas and Easter.

This year I went into Victoria''s Secret well before Halloween--they had the Christmas decorations up and were piping in Christmas carols. I thought to myself, it''s going to be a long Christmas season. Right now--every media outlet radio, internet, TV, signage, lights blasts CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! It''s inescapable. But it''s something that you just come to expect and accept. Christmas is inextricably woven into the fabric of American culture.

Try pretending you don''t celebrate Christmas and then take a long look around you.
style="WIDTH: 96.01%; HEIGHT: 60px">

Try pretending you don''t celebrate Christmas and then take a long look around you.
For me personally, I don''t celebrate Christmas. I partake in the Christmas spirt. I enjoy Christmas carrolls (or at least I did for the first two weeks they were played over the radio/store speakers).

I would never have a Christmas tree in my house (which, btw, is a Christian symbol... at least according to this website). I would never put up lights, although I do think they are pretty, but to me they are a Christmas symbol and I am not Christian.

I agree that this can be a petty thing to be upset about, and I personally don''t get upset. As I stated above, however, I do often feel left out.
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