
seating vent

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Nov 3, 2004
Just to preface the rambling rant that will inevitably follow, please know that I currently welcome patronizing head taps and/or sympatheric glances. All I want right now it to have someone say "No, Munchkin, you aren't overreacting. You aren't a bridezilla." If you disagree, kindly until Wed to flame me. I just can't take it tonight.

We will be having about 220 guests. I have quite literally been working on the seating arrangement for a month. I have fiddled, faddled and tinkered for weeks. I have honored every single "Hey can I sit with...request." I have the younger people closer to the band, the older relatives a bit further away from the noise. I have the drinkers near the bar and the VERY pregnant person near an easy exit.

I brought a final draft to my parents for review. My Dad changed some of his friends around a bit. It wasn't a big deal since all the swaps were equal numbers. I showed my mom the final final draft and she said "Oh....why isn't K sitting with her mother?" (Mind you, K is in her 40s and is seated with her own cousins, so I didn't see why it would be an issue.) "Ummm, because the numbers didn't work that way." "Well, she passes out when she gets stressed." Now, I know this is a spot I could definitely be considered bridezilla, but I was annoyed. I said "Mom, she is an adult. She is seated at the next table over to her mother with her (K's)own cousins. If she can't handle the environment, why is she flying over 6 states to attend the wedding of someone she hasn't seen in over 10 years?"
I know... b----y of me, but it came at the end of a long day.

I sent a final final draft to FI. It turns our that 5 people who never RSVPed are now coming. (RSVP date was a week and a half ago.) So he "worked on the seating arrangement all day" and he "fixed it." He states that there is now one table of seven. I asked if he added a table as the centerpieces are not cheap. "No, I was able to make up for it with the tables of 11."


We have rounds made for 10 people. Depending on a person's size, even that can feel tight. Plus, our site coordinator specifically mentioned at our tasting that 10 was the max they would allow at tables. He switched the seating all around into a formation we simply can't do.

My mother mentioned that she doesn't like the "side" of the ballroom she is on. That FI and I are on the "fun" side of the ballroom. She mentioned this 3 times today. Picture a line dividing a ballroom down the middle. My table is immediately to the right of said line and hers is next to us, immediately to the left of said line. Are you kidding? There are two tables at the head of the dance floor - my parents and mine, right next to each other. Apparently she got tired of simply complaining and asked if we could switch. I had done it that way become it worked out that some of the wedding party and their dates could sit on our other side and we could be close.

Now, I don't give a crap if she wants to switch...but I am frustrated that something so insignificant has come up. I truly don't think her being seating 3 feet to my left will ruin the night. The wedding is 18 days away and too many cooks are still working on a big ol' pot of soup I've worked on for two years. I am tired of changing things to meet the requests of others. I am tired of people nit-picking things that they won't even remember by midnight on the wedding day. I wish this stupid seating chart could just be finished so we could all relax and just enjoy the next few weeks. I wish everyone involved in the planning would realize that it is ok if an ivory napkin accidently gets mixed in the white ones. I wish people would just relax, let the planning be done and let the day unfold as it will.

Vent over.
Thanks for listening.
sympathetic pat on the head
*pat pat*

I swear I am not laughing at you, but your story did make me chuckle. Don''t you love it when men help? 11 at a table eh? LOL. Your post is the closest to reminding me of TGuy''s visitor''s book escapade.

Hang in there and hang tight. Tell everyone to chill out and let you enjoy your wedding...or at least keep your sanity! A crazy eyed loony woman does not a beautiful bride make.
Thank you both.
T-girl, your last line made me spit my vodka/soda onto my computer screen. I needed that laugh!
Look, add another table and be done with it. And for the love of god, STOP ASKING PEOPLE for their opinions. You know what you want, go with your gut. You dont need your parents to sign off on seating arrangements. Dont go looking for trouble ;) Just do what you want and let the chips fall where they may. And take a nice hot bath and chill out. If you follow Surfgirl''s foolproof plan of not asking anyone else their opinions, you will be a happier camper! Promise.
Date: 7/10/2007 10:26:46 PM
Author: surfgirl
Look, add another table and be done with it. And for the love of god, STOP ASKING PEOPLE for their opinions. You know what you want, go with your gut. You dont need your parents to sign off on seating arrangements. Dont go looking for trouble ;) Just do what you want and let the chips fall where they may. And take a nice hot bath and chill out. If you follow Surfgirl''s foolproof plan of not asking anyone else their opinions, you will be a happier camper! Promise.
A big DITTO from me!!! Don''t ask, don''t tell...a great policy!
I would love to have the self-esteem employ that policy. Simply put, I am a people-pleaser and a coward.

My parents were incredibly generous and offered to pay for the whole shibang. A large part of their offer was due to the fact that certain expectations are placed in weddings in their social circle. They knew that politically/socially/business-wise, there were a number of people they "must" invite that I''ve never met. It didn''t bother me, because my responsibilites towards these particular people include the receiving line, a table stop-by and a lovely thank you note. I knew FI and I couldn''t afford to feed our large Irish families - never mind the "must" invites. Without their knowledge, though, I''ve actually paid off a number of vendors myself. I feel that if I am getting married, I should certainly contribute!

My parents NEVER pulled the "we''re paying so it''s our say" card. But, out of respect for them, (and their wallets) I''ve asked their opinions in a number of wedding things. I''ve also been very conscious of the cost of things - hence my reticence to add another table. The centerpiece my mother liked best costs $300. To be fair, I also thought it was AMAZING and certainly wasn''t disappointed when she suggested it! But- I could also have been quite happy with a much cheaper centerpiece! I don''t see a point in spending the extra money if these people can be accomodated at other tables. The seating chart was inevitibly part of that, as I wanted to make sure people I''ve never met didn''t have problems with one another.

I opened up my own can of worms because I wasn''t strong enough to say "Ok. I will invite your friends and accept your money, but without any strings."
You poor thing.

I have endless tableplans to do for work - on average they take me 9 hours each. Even worse because people can buy tickets - there are always about 7 people that no one can stand - but they all hate each other too so I can't always plonk them on the same table. Then people get offended if they are not sat on a 'good' table. Arrrggggh - does my head in.

I have been known to cry over table plans!

Main rule I have is that everyone gets to sit next to one nice person.

This is NOT bridezilla-ish. I''d be going nuts too. And you are so kind and thoughtful to take everyone''s circumstances into account like that!
Munchkin, you deserve a break. You''re being so sweet to take everybody into consideration, and I''m sorry it''s stressing you out. I''m sure you don''t have a whole lot of time to relax with the wedding so close, but can you take 10 minutes just to look at pictures of where you are going for your honeymoon and think of how nice it''ll be to go away with your HUSBAND? (How cool is that, in under 3 weeks you''ll be *married*!)

*pat pat pat*
Date: 7/10/2007 10:21:01 PM
Author: TravelingGal
*pat pat*

I swear I am not laughing at you, but your story did make me chuckle. Don't you love it when men help? 11 at a table eh? LOL. Your post is the closest to reminding me of TGuy's visitor's book escapade.

Hang in there and hang tight. Tell everyone to chill out and let you enjoy your wedding...or at least keep your sanity! A crazy eyed loony woman does not a beautiful bride make.
TG would you be offended if I admitted your guestbook incident was the first thing I thought of too?

Seating ended up causing the most issues for us, I think. I love those sorts of "logic" type activities, and felt really good about the tables I planned out, but then EVERYONE wanted to tell me how they thought they could do it better. My mom was worried about who I had seated at a corner table. ("Well obviously somebody has to, so who do you think SHOULD sit in the corner, Mom?") I had random requests from fiance's extended family. ("we don't want to be seated at the grown-up table" -- from people who are in their mid-30s) My brother thought his table was too close to where his friends' parents would be sitting.
It was actually one of the worst fights I had with my mom, because she kept saying "let me have a little more time to look over it", 2 days before the wedding when I still had to create all 200 placecards.

So in other words, vent away!!! I totally feel your pain.

No, you''re not overreacting. Your Mom is being a PITA and your FI is obviously clueless about seating. This sounds like an irritating situation. I have to say, though, I think you have a talent for humorous writing! Your post was funny although I know you might not be laughing too much right now.

As TG says, hang in there girl, you''re rounding third and heading for home...
Thank you all for the kind "pats."

I am feeling much better now. I informed FI that as he had "fixed" the seating arrangement with tables of 11, it was now his job to "fix" it to tables of 10. I took care of my side, he his.

My Mother is still upset about a boudary that seems to be as profound as the Mason-Dixen line. Eh, if it bothers her that much, I''ll friggin switch. I plan to spend the night dancing, anyway. Hmmmmm maybe I could switch our tables but make hers one of 11?

On a really happy note, work threw me a shower last night. It was wonderful! I feel guilty saying this, but I had more fun at this shower than the family one. I was able to relax more at my work shower. They laughed hysterically at FI''s seating chart and sympathized with my Momzilla rant. People gave me amazingly thoughtful gifts. It''s funny how well coworkers can know you.

I feel better about the whole thing. It is strange, aside from my meltdown the other night, I feel like I''m almost handling this whole thing better than some other people involved in the big day. Martha Stewart aka Emily Post aka Emily Gilmore aka my mother is just so caught up in making everything perfect for me, she is losing herself in needless details. I know something will go wrong. It simply can not be perfect. Nothing is. Chances are, no one will notice. Hopefully, it will be something funny and memorable. (Picturing FI''s kilt flying above his head during photos.....)

16 days and counting.....
Date: 7/12/2007 10:32:31 PM
Author: Munchkin
Thank you all for the kind ''pats.''

I am feeling much better now. I informed FI that as he had ''fixed'' the seating arrangement with tables of 11, it was now his job to ''fix'' it to tables of 10. I took care of my side, he his.

My Mother is still upset about a boudary that seems to be as profound as the Mason-Dixen line. Eh, if it bothers her that much, I''ll friggin switch. I plan to spend the night dancing, anyway. Hmmmmm maybe I could switch our tables but make hers one of 11?

On a really happy note, work threw me a shower last night. It was wonderful! I feel guilty saying this, but I had more fun at this shower than the family one. I was able to relax more at my work shower. They laughed hysterically at FI''s seating chart and sympathized with my Momzilla rant. People gave me amazingly thoughtful gifts. It''s funny how well coworkers can know you.

I feel better about the whole thing. It is strange, aside from my meltdown the other night, I feel like I''m almost handling this whole thing better than some other people involved in the big day. Martha Stewart aka Emily Post aka Emily Gilmore aka my mother is just so caught up in making everything perfect for me, she is losing herself in needless details. I know something will go wrong. It simply can not be perfect. Nothing is. Chances are, no one will notice. Hopefully, it will be something funny and memorable. (Picturing FI''s kilt flying above his head during photos.....)

16 days and counting.....

Hahaha...I love the description of your momzilla! Hilarious! I can picture her so clearly now...just like Emily Gilmore but a little more crafty! I''m glad to hear you''re getting everything straightened out!
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