
Seeking advice...Sarin and homemade ASET


Dec 6, 2019
I just bought this stone. I am trying to evaluate it. I was hoping I could get some advice from the experts.. @flyingpig, @Karl_K @Garry H (Cut Nut) , and anyone else.. The lgf% was not included on the Sarin but per the report is 75%.
Yesterday we were looking at setting styles on my hand. The jeweler made a comment about the stone that has me second guessing myself. Excuse the homemade ASET. Thanks so much!!signal-2020-12-27-190908.jpgScreenshot_20201227-191609_Gmail.jpg
What was said?
He said he likes to see more scintillation.
Did you buy the diamond from the jeweller? If not, ignore his comment.
He said he likes to see more scintillation.

I would have laughed and said.... "That was a stupid thing to say!"
@flyingpig , @lovedogs, didn't buy it from him :)

@Karl_K , if only :)

Jewelers say all kinds of insane nonsense if you didn't buy a diamond from them. It (sadly) happens all the time with jewelers that are trying to get you to doubt your stone and buy something from them (which is 99% of the time a lower quality stone)
Jewelers say all kinds of insane nonsense if you didn't buy a diamond from them. It (sadly) happens all the time with jewelers that are trying to get you to doubt your stone and buy something from them (which is 99% of the time a lower quality stone)

Mostly when I hear someone begin by saying stuff like "he likes to see more scintillation. " My bs meter pegs red and screams.
They are counting on someone not knowing anything about it so they can get by with a line of bull.
There are a few exceptions like diamond geeks who know im a diamond geek that might get by with it.
My reply would be to them "explain"
But everyone else it would be as above....
I would have laughed and said.... "That was a stupid thing to say!"
So you already bought the diamond and the jeweler you approached for a setting made this denigrating remark. How about finding another goldsmith? To quote Karl-K "That was a stupid thing to say!"
@Karl_K, @lovedogs ,@Ibrakeforpossums , thank you for helping me gain perspective :) You should have seen my husband's expression. He knew it would throw me for a loop !! I do know he may have had an ulterior motive in saying what he did. still planted a seed of doubt. I am sure you all have seen enough of my posts to know that :) I am in the window of the return policy, so I just wanted to check that you don't see anything concerning with the stats and ASET. I so appreciate all your support!!! You are the best!
Other than the ASET is poorly made/aligned/used/taken, the diamond looks good.
Other than the ASET is poorly made/aligned/used/taken, the diamond looks good.

Thanks @flyingpig ! Yes, we used our own asetscope....quite the amateurs:) Glad it looks ok despite that!