
Setting help for beautiful Barry pink tourmaline


Apr 17, 2010
I''m so confused! I recently acquired a beautiful 2.69 carat Barry Bridgestock oval pink tourmaline. It is 9.3x7.9mm. Originally I had wanted to set it east/west in rose gold, with a diamond halo. Now I''m not so sure about the east/west. I have long, thin fingers, and I think the oval set north/south would suit my fingers better.

I''ve been in touch with Sally at Etsy and she suggested to do a ruby halo in 18k yellow gold, 2 mm rubies. I kind of like the idea, but I''m not sure.

I like this daphne setting by Janish Jewels on Etsy and would do it in yellow gold. She doesn''t work in rose gold. And I would have her do it north/south instead of east west.

Should I just get a LOGR diamond halo setting in rose gold? It would be less than $500. The Sally setting with rubies would be around $800. I''m not really sure what to do! Advice? Ideas? I''d appreciate it. Thanks!
Oh, another thing, I really like MakingTheGrade''s Malaya Garnet ring with her rose gold LOGR setting. It''s just that my pink tourmaline is an oval and I almost thing her setting would look best with a round stone. (I''m going to have to find me a pretty round colored stone so I can get that LOGR setting!) Does anything think I can do an oval stone with that setting? I''m not the greatest jewelry designer on earth.... haha
Do you have a photo of the pink tourmaline? Some have an orange secondary, so it would be good to see to determine metal colors and the like.
let''s see if this works...


the jpg wouldn''t attach so i did a pdf. can you see it? sorry, it''s not the best quality image....

thanks, vapidlapid! awesome
Date: 6/13/2010 11:07:48 AM
Author: sruizaroo
Oh, another thing, I really like MakingTheGrade''s Malaya Garnet ring with her rose gold LOGR setting. It''s just that my pink tourmaline is an oval and I almost thing her setting would look best with a round stone. (I''m going to have to find me a pretty round colored stone so I can get that LOGR setting!) Does anything think I can do an oval stone with that setting? I''m not the greatest jewelry designer on earth.... haha
I think that would work fine with an oval. As someone with long, thin fingers, I would really suggest a north/south ring. Have you ever tried on a ring with an east/west stone? I think you would find it looks very clunky on your finger and that a n/s will look more like what you probably want.
I also thing with the tone of your stone I would go with yellow gold rather than rose gold. I feel like your pink is a little more of a dusty color that will pop with the y gold but compete with the r gold. The ruby halo would be amazing in my opinion, but that would also make it bigger, and I don''t know how substancial you want it to be.
first, i gotta say, how cute is your pic, brazen irish hussy?? adorable! ;-)

i love yellow gold, personally, but i was thinking of doing rose gold b/c i do like it, too, and i don''t have any rose gold pieces. (while i have tons of yellow gold!) however, i want what would suit this particular stone best, so if the consensus is yellow gold, i''ll go with that. i''m not against the ruby halo, i guess i just can''t really visualize it. and i''m wondering if i should go simpler. . . . i have bold rings and i have simple, dainty rings. not sure which way to go on this one. the stone is rather big, so i''m guessing i have to go the bold route, huh? stone would look silly in a delicate setting, i think.....

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