
Shoes for a new walker/toddler


Mar 8, 2009
C is just 11 months and has begun taking steps on his own. What are the best kind of shoes for his fat baby feet as he begins to learn to walk? My gut says to just do barefeet, but In about a month he'll transition to the next room in daycare and shoes are required. What worked well for your new walker and what type of shoes do you recommend??
I love love love Pedipeds. They were recommended to me by both my pediatrician and my sister in law, a pediatric PT. But they're really pricey. I get them on Amazon for less.
I think most of my friends and women in my mom's group used Pedipeds or Robeez (soft soled shoes...usually with a leather sole). After that, the Stride Rite early walkers were great with the super flexible rubber sole (more like a "real" shoe).
I think we had a pair of pedipeds and a pair of momo baby early walkers that I loved. We also had a pair of soft rubber soled shoes we got from Stride Rite that worked pretty well. I was like you, though, I just kept her barefoot when she was practicing inside.
We did Robeez, then Stride Rite SRTs. I LOVE Stride Rite shoes. So cute! If you are near an outlet, just FYI, they may carry Robeez there for much less than retail (somewhere around 15 or so), and they also frequently have sales -- buy one get one 50% off. I like to go and buy ahead on the Stride Rites! I have spent way too much time in that store . . . I can be a little indecisive.

I agree with your inclination to keep his feet bare as much as possible at home.
Holy cow baby shoes are expensive! All great suggestions. We ordered three pairs in varying brands and sizes. I had actually bought a pair of used pedipeds at a local consignment store in size 12-18 months but his feet are already too big! Thanks so much for the advice and direction. As a general rule I dislike wearing shoes so finding good shoes for C is not my jam.
We just got B some Stride Rite stage two shoes, the ones with the bendy soles. I wanted to get him measured so it was worth it to me to pay for them (although on sale they were "only" $20 ish. They have Wide shoes which is good for the far baby feet. B is in. 5.5W which is just ridiculous.
I'd keep him in soft soled shoes until he's outside more, and keep him barefoot at home.

At home S is barefoot (always) and when we go out/at daycare she wears Bobux First Steps shoes - they're a very soft rubber sole, they're designed for the bit where they're walking, but not confidently yet.
My little guy is mostly barefoot except for at daycare. Is there a problem using 'regular' shoes (Reebok, Adidas, etc)?
MuffDog said:
My little guy is mostly barefoot except for at daycare. Is there a problem using 'regular' shoes (Reebok, Adidas, etc)?

Not if they are walking. But you aren't supposed to use hard soles shoes until then.
amc80|1373953726|3483812 said:
MuffDog said:
My little guy is mostly barefoot except for at daycare. Is there a problem using 'regular' shoes (Reebok, Adidas, etc)?

Not if they are walking. But you aren't supposed to use hard soles shoes until then.

Thanks! He just started walking this weekend :-) I guess I'm just wondering if I need to be upgrading his shoes? I remember when my sister had little ones at home, her pediatrician gave her crap for using crappy shoes (she was using Wal-Mart shoes) - she said they didn't provide the proper support for their feet to develop right.

I'm just wondering if Reebok/Adidas are good enough or do I have to spend $50 to get fancy ones?
MuffDog|1373981892|3483893 said:
amc80|1373953726|3483812 said:
MuffDog said:
My little guy is mostly barefoot except for at daycare. Is there a problem using 'regular' shoes (Reebok, Adidas, etc)?

Not if they are walking. But you aren't supposed to use hard soles shoes until then.

Thanks! He just started walking this weekend :-) I guess I'm just wondering if I need to be upgrading his shoes? I remember when my sister had little ones at home, her pediatrician gave her crap for using crappy shoes (she was using Wal-Mart shoes) - she said they didn't provide the proper support for their feet to develop right.

I'm just wondering if Reebok/Adidas are good enough or do I have to spend $50 to get fancy ones?

I don't know what the official word is, but when B starts walking all the time we will put him in Nikes or whatever. Which are also $50 :-/
I think the official recommendation is soft/flexible shoes for toddlers under 2. By flexible they mean you should be able to bend the shoe with one hand. The soft shoes (like suede, etc) are preferred when babies start walking because they learn by gripping their toes on the ground.

We've always been really happy with See Kai Run. They have the Smaller collection for first walkers which I love. They run a few sales a year so I'm hoping to catch one before I need to buy the twins shoes. Shoes are one of those things that I think are important enough to spend the money for quality.
Pedipeds are on zulilly today. Just FYI.

Also, once kids get into the early walker phase (i.e., just after the leather sole shoes), it's probably a good idea to visit a shoe store so you can get feet measured. I was really surprised at how much room they suggested to leave at the toe.
DS began walking in the winter time and he kept slipping/falling in his socked feet and suede bottomed shoes on our hard woods. We found that Skidders worked really well and stayed on.
MuffDog|1373981892|3483893 said:
amc80|1373953726|3483812 said:
MuffDog said:
My little guy is mostly barefoot except for at daycare. Is there a problem using 'regular' shoes (Reebok, Adidas, etc)?

Not if they are walking. But you aren't supposed to use hard soles shoes until then.

Thanks! He just started walking this weekend :-) I guess I'm just wondering if I need to be upgrading his shoes? I remember when my sister had little ones at home, her pediatrician gave her crap for using crappy shoes (she was using Wal-Mart shoes) - she said they didn't provide the proper support for their feet to develop right.

I'm just wondering if Reebok/Adidas are good enough or do I have to spend $50 to get fancy ones?

I personally found those sneakers to be to hard to bend/flex.

I used Stride Rite, See Kai Run and Circo (from Target, just make sure the soles are very bendable/flexible).
I bought L a couple pairs of PediPeds when they were on Zullily a couple of month ago, but he's not walking yet, so that was a waste of money!! I really should take him to get his foot measured...he's probably going to be walking very soon, so I want to get him the right size!!