
Show Me: Jewellery You Never Remove

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
A couple of other current threads got me thinking about this. My plain platinum 3mm wedding ring has not left my finger since the day my husband put it there, and likewise for him. They were handmade by the same goldsmith & for us, represent love, luck & eternity. I have other bits I often wear 24/7, such as diamond studs & pendant, but they come off to be cleaned regularly.

Do you have a piece of jewellery that you never, ever remove? And why - what's the story behind your treasure? Show me! (And excuse my stained finger nails. Red polish this week!)

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90 percent of the time I always wear my black diamond band. The only time I'm not is during heavy lifting and at the gym.There isn't anything I wear through 100 percent everything. But this is my closest to it!20181106_150100.jpg
I love love love that wedding band that never comes off. I think that, all by itself, it's the classiest look of all. Yes, I LOVE my diamonds ( to a fault !!!:oops:) but the most beautiful thing is a plain band. And, my mom and grandmother never took theirs off. I swore I wouldn't either, but had to have an MRI and tests where I had to ( wah). You have such great taste in how you wear your jewelry AlexT, I just love your style!

right now, I just wear my plain band and little diamond studs 24/7 and bling it up or down depending!
I wear this 24/7 except for the occasional ultrasonic dip, partly b/c it is sentimantal to me and partly b/c its on 2 super delicate child size gold chains which are a pain the @#$% to take on and off :lol-2:

Although this eternity is new this year, it is a gift from my husband marking our 25th anniversary. He sweetly told me he hopes I wear it every day, the rest of my life, and I have every intention of doing that.
I love love love that wedding band that never comes off. I think that, all by itself, it's the classiest look of all. Yes, I LOVE my diamonds ( to a fault !!!:oops:) but the most beautiful thing is a plain band. And, my mom and grandmother never took theirs off. I swore I wouldn't either, but had to have an MRI and tests where I had to ( wah). You have such great taste in how you wear your jewelry AlexT, I just love your style!

right now, I just wear my plain band and little diamond studs 24/7 and bling it up or down depending!

What a kind thing to say! I have had people comment on the odd piece of jewellery before, but never my jewellery style - thank you! :oops: Yours isn’t too shabby either!
I wear this 24/7 except for the occasional ultrasonic dip, partly b/c it is sentimantal to me and partly b/c its on 2 super delicate child size gold chains which are a pain the @#$% to take on and off :lol-2:


Ooh, this is fabulous & the length is perfect on you. I love a good diamond that sits right in that spot. Thanks for sharing!
Although this eternity is new this year, it is a gift from my husband marking our 25th anniversary. He sweetly told me he hopes I wear it every day, the rest of my life, and I have every intention of doing that.
It is an original antique too, so deserves to be loved & added to it’s story. And it’s perfect with your other rings.
I don't wear any jewelry 24/7. Generally as soon as I come home I remove all my bling. I prefer the feeling of nothing on my hands but feel the same way about shoes and my regular clothes too. I come home and change into my cat clothes (safe for kitty hair etc haha) and remove my bling and shoes. I am a creature of comfort and for me comfort is having as little on as possible. :wink2:

My hands are more often bare than anything.

I don't wear any jewelry 24/7. Generally as soon as I come home I remove all my bling. I prefer the feeling of nothing on my hands but feel the same way about shoes and my regular clothes too. I come home and change into my cat clothes (safe for kitty hair etc haha) and remove my bling and shoes. I am a creature of comfort and for me comfort is having as little on as possible. :wink2:

My hands are more often bare than anything.


OMG, ditto...I throw off almost everything from my escapade out into the world except my wedding rings, and claim my beach shorts and tank top and get back with my dogs and husband. In that order. ;)20190103_115033.jpg


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OMG, ditto...I throw off almost everything from my escapade out into the world except my wedding rings, and claim my beach shorts and tank top and get back with my dogs and husband. In that order. ;-)20190103_115033.jpg

I love your wedding set SO much. The style, size of the stone on you, the simplicity.... :love:
Oh, Thank you my dear! Took more than 20 years to get my new rock! Believe me, it was a looooong climb, and so worth it!

( It's "only" a 2.5, but photographs HUGE ! )
My grandmother never took off her wedding ring in 60 years, her engagement ring, yes. More often than not my fingers are naked. I don’t even own my original wedding band anymore.
I love the idea of something so special you never take it off. But you can mark me down as another one that doesn’t often wear jewelry at home.
My senior year of high school I worked part time at a local jewelry store and seeing people bring in repairs put me off wearing jewelry 24/7. Something very simple with no stones would be ideal, but I don’t think I could keep anything on long at home before it would drive me crazy.

I follow a store on IG that “zaps” (solders) tiny delicate chains on customers as bracelets. They have people get them as kind of a matching friendship bracelet and I think it’s the sweetest idea ❤️
I love the idea of something so special you never take it off. But you can mark me down as another one that doesn’t often wear jewelry at home.
My senior year of high school I worked part time at a local jewelry store and seeing people bring in repairs put me off wearing jewelry 24/7. Something very simple with no stones would be ideal, but I don’t think I could keep anything on long at home before it would drive me crazy.

I follow a store on IG that “zaps” (solders) tiny delicate chains on customers as bracelets. They have people get them as kind of a matching friendship bracelet and I think it’s the sweetest idea ❤️

Gosh, I absolutely LOVE this idea! I would do this in a heart beat if my children weren’t still growing!
Gosh, I absolutely LOVE this idea! I would do this in a heart beat if my children weren’t still growing!

Isn’t it the sweetest? I love it so much I almost want to try something like it. :kiss2: My daughter is still too young for it too. Although I wonder how long it would take her to out grow it. It could last a really long time if it wasn’t too tight to start.
Isn’t it the sweetest? I love it so much I almost want to try something like it. :kiss2: My daughter is still too young for it too. Although I wonder how long it would take her to out grow it. It could last a really long time if it wasn’t too tight to start.
Maybe you could buy two extenders now with the bracelet so when she gets older they can be added to at the jeweler. You could show it to her and tell her that as she grows she will have them connected at the jeweler. You could make them each a special day with lunch, etc..on the day she gets to have each extender chain put on...It would also be a nice visual when she’s older of how small her wrist was..I’m thinking little o rings would be perfect..with maybe a little diamond to eventually make a DBTY bracelet.
Maybe you could buy two extenders now with the bracelet so when she gets older they can be added to at the jeweler. You could show it to her and tell her that as she grows she will have them connected at the jeweler. You could make them each a special day with lunch, etc..on the day she gets to have each extender chain put on...It would also be a nice visual when she’s older of how small her wrist was..I’m thinking little o rings would be perfect..with maybe a little diamond to eventually make a DBTY bracelet.

We have a really good relationship with our local jeweler, so I’m wondering if I can talk her into trying it with us :lol-2: (We live in the Midwest, so going to NYC for this would be too over the top)
She has absolutely no interest in getting her ears pierced, so maybe this can substitute that rite of passage for now. A little dbty would be so perfect!
We have a really good relationship with our local jeweler, so I’m wondering if I can talk her into trying it with us :lol-2: (We live in the Midwest, so going to NYC for this would be too over the top)
She has absolutely no interest in getting her ears pierced, so maybe this can substitute that rite of passage for now. A little dbty would be so perfect!

Omg @jbake
Is it terrible all I see in your post right now is “going to NYC”. Oooh please visit :sun: @Mamabean will come too. :bigsmile:

Just saying. 8)
We have a really good relationship with our local jeweler, so I’m wondering if I can talk her into trying it with us :lol-2: (We live in the Midwest, so going to NYC for this would be too over the top)
She has absolutely no interest in getting her ears pierced, so maybe this can substitute that rite of passage for now. A little dbty would be so perfect!

YOU absolutely must keep us updated with this. It’s just the best idea ever! I am quite used to having a bracelet on 24/7 & indeed my two silk threads, which both snapped within a week of each other, had been knotted on my wrist for quite a few years, but i’m not sure my oldest (10) would go for it. My youngest, 8, would as she’s a complete cling-on to me, even getting special permission from her school to wear my first ever bracelet that I got for my 10th Birthday (a simple silver ID bracelet which were fashionable in the 1980’s) as she used to suffer horrible separation anxiety & wanted something ‘of mine’ with her at all times. She takes it off for PE class & then puts it straight back on. She would definitely go for this!
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Omg @jbake
Is it terrible all I see in your post right now is “going to NYC”. Oooh please visit :sun: @Mamabean will come too. :bigsmile:

Just saying. 8)

Haha! That would be amazing! I do have a friend that lives in Maryland that I would love to visit. Maybe I can sneak away sometime this summer!
YOU absolutely must keep us updated with this. It’s just the best idea ever! I am quite used to having a bracelet on 24/7 & indeed my two silk threads, which both snapped within a week of each other, had been knotted on my wrist for quite a few years, but i’m not sure my oldest (10) would go for it. My youngest (8) would as she’s a complete cling-on to me, even getting special permission from her school to wear my first ever bracelet that I got for my 10th Birthday (a simple silver ID bracelet which were fashionable in the 1980’s) as she used to suffer horrible separation anxiety & wanted something ‘of mine’ with her at all times. She takes it off for PE class & then puts it straight back on. She would definitely go for this!

I hope your sweet daughter is doing better with separation now! We did “kissing hands” every morning before school in preschool/kindergarten. (From the book The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn) Some nights she still comes out after bedtime and asks for one too.
It would be lovely to have one for each daughter!

I’m hoping with something so dainty and light, I’d barely feel it. My daughter wears her jewelry to school on a regular basis. So far, as long as she doesn’t play with it her teachers don’t mind.
I hope your sweet daughter is doing better with separation now! We did “kissing hands” every morning before school in preschool/kindergarten. (From the book The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn) Some nights she still comes out after bedtime and asks for one too.
It would be lovely to have one for each daughter!

I’m hoping with something so dainty and light, I’d barely feel it. My daughter wears her jewelry to school on a regular basis. So far, as long as she doesn’t play with it her teachers don’t mind.

I’m going to investigate if there are any UK jewellery who do this :praise:

ETA: THEY SHIP TO THE UK! Obviously the bracelets have a small clasp instead of being zapped on, but I can get them. How cool!
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Haha! That would be amazing! I do have a friend that lives in Maryland that I would love to visit. Maybe I can sneak away sometime this summer!
I would love that!
I love the idea of something so special you never take it off. But you can mark me down as another one that doesn’t often wear jewelry at home.
My senior year of high school I worked part time at a local jewelry store and seeing people bring in repairs put me off wearing jewelry 24/7. Something very simple with no stones would be ideal, but I don’t think I could keep anything on long at home before it would drive me crazy.

I follow a store on IG that “zaps” (solders) tiny delicate chains on customers as bracelets. They have people get them as kind of a matching friendship bracelet and I think it’s the sweetest idea ❤️

That's a sweet idea but my brain jumps right to the practicality question....if it has no clasp and you can't take it off for sports etc with that delicate of a chain it could easily get caught and break or god forbid you need an MRI etc and have to break it to get it off.

If someone gets one please come back and let me know if those fears are overblown and I'm just being a Debbie Downer! :lol-2:
I would have a clasp on it. If they needed an MRI that’s a good reason to take it off temporarily..and mom would be the one to put it back on. :love: They could put tape over it when they’re playing a sport..
That's a sweet idea but my brain jumps right to the practicality question....if it has no clasp and you can't take it off for sports etc with that delicate of a chain it could easily get caught and break or god forbid you need an MRI etc and have to break it to get it off.

If someone gets one please come back and let me know if those fears are overblown and I'm just being a Debbie Downer! :lol-2:

It looks like they are done so they are pretty fitted to the wrist, so they have less chance of snagging on something. They’re also easily removed with scissors, then you could have it repaired or add a clasp at that point of you wanted.
The chain only option is less than $100, so if it were lost it wouldn’t be too devastating.
I would have a clasp on it. If they needed an MRI that’s a good reason to take it off temporarily..and mom would be the one to put it back on. :love: They could put tape over it when they’re playing a sport..

That makes sense, it looked like catbird is soldering them on sans clasp, that makes me anxious just thinking about it!
I'm quite boring as I just wear my Love bracelet 24/7.

But I've always loved the idea of permanent jewelry. My great grandmother wore a jade bangle her whole life that was not removeable. She started wearing it as a little girl. And once her wrist grew big enough, it was on her permanently.