
Show me...sparkling furbabies!

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Jul 5, 2007
I''ve noticed that on PS, there is a quite adorable trend of photographing our bling with our fur friends. Thought hangout might be the appropriate place to group all these (patient) pets together. So show me your furbabies modeling your bling!!

After weeks tries with my e-ring (all blurry and unsuccessful), Morty was actually into posing with my concave blue topaz this afternoon --

Haha! I bet a slew of PSers are off having pet-with-bling-photoshoots just for this thread
Hehehe...I think this thread is a great idea!! Diamonds and furbabies, what could be better???
Here is one of my kitties, Sidney with the 2ctw Whiteflash bangle that I ended up returning. I thought they were cute pictures so I kept them!
Opps! Picture didn''t attach.

Wearing the bracelet!

elmorton - I love how your baby looks somewhere between bored and like he''s looking at you like you might be crazy. So cute!! I''m glad you were able to get him posing with the topaz - he''s such a handsome guy and its such a beautiful stone, I think they match beautifully
Orbaya - that is hilarious the picture with your kitty wearing the bangle as a crown. Sidney looks like quite a regal and dignified kitty, but probably really snuggly too
The eyes are just lovely
I love this thread! Thanks for starting it Elmorton!

All of your furbabies are adorable!!
LOL, I thought this could be fun! Orbaya..OMG, there are no words! DH just leaned over (because I burst out laughing - I LOVE the "halo" look) and said "That''s a great looking cat!" I agree (but I wish DH would have zeroed in on your fabulous bracelet!)! Thanks for getting the ball rolling!
Em...your thread idea is great. And your baby with that delicate pink tongue is really funny. Looks like she loves the sparklies just like her momma! She is a real beauty! More!!!

Orbaya...I too love the halo. The expression is something Morris would do. She (???) looks very frustrated with the stress of having the responsibility of wearing a Halo. Almost as if she really understands what it means...there is no way I can wear this! Get it OFF NOW! I noticed the extra toe...I have had many cats from childhood, but my favorite was Boxer. She was raven black/almost blue, green eyed and shined like no ones business. She would actually box when she played...and with that extra toe it looked as if she was wearing boxing gloves. One thing for sure, she never wore anything as beautiful as your bracelet!! Great shots! More!! §
Thanks for all the comments about Sidney! She is precious and is the Queen of the household. She wasn''t overly impressed with wearing the "halo" as you could probably tell LOL! She is a gorgeous cat...we adopted her as a kitten from a shelter. Not bad for $25! We get compliments on her all the time.

Whitney (the white cat in one of the next posts) was also lucky enough to wear the diamond halo. He (yes, Whitney is a boy LOL) wasn''t crazy about it either. You can also see his different colored eyes.

I''m a true PS''er...harassing the kitties with diamonds!

Here''s Sidney holding the bangle...

Another one of Sidney wearing the bracelet...

And here''s Whitney wearing the Halo...

Sidney, forgive me Sir, you are a handsome one. Your profile though is adorable. Not manly at all! Love your Whitney her personality must be spectacular. Her eyes sure are. $25 bucks you ever spent. Thanks for sharing your heart! Yeah another shelter baby saved! You ROCK!!
Date: 1/21/2008 12:56:48 AM
Author: door knob solitaire
Sidney, forgive me Sir, you are a handsome one. Your profile though is adorable. Not manly at all! Love your Whitney her personality must be spectacular. Her eyes sure are. $25 bucks you ever spent. Thanks for sharing your heart! Yeah another shelter baby saved! You ROCK!!
You have it backwards LOL! Sidney is a girl, and Whitney is a boy. We got Sidney and Sammie (below) as kittens from a shelter. We adopted Whitney in July from a no-kill shelter and he's 14, and no one wanted him because he is old...he'd been there for 4 years!! All the volunteers were sooo excited to see him get adopted because they never thought he would be. He is a lovebug and is almost always curled up on the couch with us.

Sammie doesn't have any blingy pictures, but I thought I'd share this cute picture anyway. When it's snowing and it's big flakes, she loves to go out on the deck and try to catch them. She jumps and runs around all crazy. When one lands on her paw, she tries to eat the snowflake LOL! I caught her here in action.

Tee hee...I gotta share more.. Here''s another shot of Morty with the topaz (LOL - DKS, that''s actually his collar tag - but I can see how it looked like he was sticking it out! I assure you, he''s a perfect gentleman).

And here''s my crazy Elmo...we had some fun with this last night before bed. I thought he was tired enough that he wouldn''t notice his Mama being silly, but nooooope...he saw the shiny things right away and wanted to play with them. These are the two shots that semi- turned out:

Aaaaarg, matey!

Oh orbaya - bless you, rescuing all those sweeties, and especially Mr. Whitney. I volunteer at a shelter near me and it always breaks my heart when the older animals come in because of how long they often have to wait to find the loving home they so much deserve. It really warms my heart to know that there are kind souls like you out there who take these special animals into your home and give them a loving and warm place to call their own. Whitney looks so happy and he is such a beautiful kitty (Sammie and Sydney are adorable too). Thank you so much for sharing the pictures and the story - it has totally made my day.
Date: 1/21/2008 2:28:44 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Oh orbaya - bless you, rescuing all those sweeties, and especially Mr. Whitney. I volunteer at a shelter near me and it always breaks my heart when the older animals come in because of how long they often have to wait to find the loving home they so much deserve. It really warms my heart to know that there are kind souls like you out there who take these special animals into your home and give them a loving and warm place to call their own. Whitney looks so happy and he is such a beautiful kitty (Sammie and Sydney are adorable too). Thank you so much for sharing the pictures and the story - it has totally made my day.
Such kind words! If hubby would let me, I''d be the crazy cat lady of the town LOL! Honestly though, 3 is enough, but I wish I could adopt them all! Whitney is a happy cat, but it took him a while to settle in and get completely comfortable here. Sidney and Sammie haven''t been too accepting of him and they have little "tiffs" sometimes, but it''s all fine. Whitney usually looks happier than in the above photo, but I don''t think he enjoyed the halo too much LOL! He does have the coolest eyes.

I''d like to volunteer at a shelter at some point but due to class, clinical, studying and work I just don''t have the time right now.
Apparently...this is one thread I should have just remained a spectator. Tongue for a tag... boy for a girl . Oh dear. Still love them all. The snowflake eater is adorable. Love that!!!
Awwwww, adorable furry kids, everyone!

Ryu, my sister's cat, with my e-ring. Ryu's dad, Ross, used to be DH's and my roommate.

A wider view.

And, wearing it like a crown.


Oh I wish I could get my kitty to sit still long enough to take a picture!
Aww, these pics are so adorable! Is the thread just for kitties or can puppies play too??!
Any animal can play!! Skunks, penguins, mice, owls....whatever! LOL!
No skunks, penguins, mice, or owls here.
Just my 1 year old boxer Kingston! He was sleeping during a sapphire RHR photoshoot the other day so I couldn''t resist! He''s such a good boy.
DH actually came home while I was doing this too...the look of question on his face was hysterical!

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