
Show Me Your Ethnic/High Karat YG Pieces

MrsAkin said:
Hello everyone! This is my first post in Pricescope and it's not a surprise as I enjoy wearing gold jewelry. :) Here in Turkey people really love 22k yellow gold, especially older people. Guests at weddings bring the new couple 22k gold bangles or gold coins as they are some form of cash and newlyweds always need money to pay off their wedding related debts. Nowadays young women don't wear gold as much as the old days. Some of them even say that it's tacky to wear yellow gold. I don't agree with them. I wear gold every single day.

The first picture below shows my everyday bangles. They are traditional "burma" bangles. The other one is my favorite yellow gold piece. It's my hometown's signature jewelry piece, "Trabzon Hasırı" and they also come in sets. Mine was an anniversary present from my husband. It's made with gold thread by hand and that's what makes it more special.
Wow! The Trabzon Hasiri is spectacular. I'd love to see more pictures of it if you have any!
Wow, thanks for posting everyone! :appl: :appl: I'm so excited. I truly do lust after these 22 and 24kt pieces. Mitsui, that flower necklace from your DH is just FABULOUS!!! I love the details on the flowers! :love:

Thank You! I wasn't expecting such a quick response. I have some free time on my hands. I will take more pictures for you :)
Here are the pictures i tried to take with my phone. They may not be the best quality but I wanted to give you a hint about how it's made. It's too fragile for everyday wear but when the right time comes it really shines.




Thank you for the additional pictures! Amazing! It looks like it would feel so silky and luxurious. I love it. Thank you do sharing.
MrsAkin|1357764510|3351502 said:
Here are the pictures i tried to take with my phone. They may not be the best quality but I wanted to give you a hint about how it's made. It's too fragile for everyday wear but when the right time comes it really shines.

What a dreamboat of a bracelet! :love:

Wow, that's beautiful! It's really like a fabric almost! Maybe that dude in India with the 24kt gold shirt should have made it thinner, like that!

I don't ordinarily frequent this forum (Show Me The Bling). I have only been coming here for the past week to look at a specific thread about which I was alerted (one that showed ksinger's new gold pendant made by Elizabeth Ryle). Had I not been coming here for that thread I might never have seen this new thread of yours. I started The Gold Thread many years ago because I wanted to create a place where people like all the posters posting in your wonderful thread could gather and post about great gold jewelry.

I realize that you specified that this thread was to be about ethnic jewelry and that is fine. Especially since theThe Gold Thread has become so huge that one cannot find anything in it easily anymore. (If we had sections it would be different, but we never divided The Gold Thread into subdivisions so finding areas on ethnic jewelry isn't easy.)

I just want to be sure that your thread has a link to The Gold Thread and The Gold Thread has a link to your thread. I do have to say that I wish all this excitement was taking place in The Gold Thread, just because I don't want to lose it. But threads wax and wane. Maybe your thread will end up feeding that one. This has been great fun to read!

MrsAkin|1357764510|3351502 said:
Here are the pictures i tried to take with my phone. They may not be the best quality but I wanted to give you a hint about how it's made. It's too fragile for everyday wear but when the right time comes it really shines.


That bracelet is to die for! Please, also, post it here:


I have a pair of 24k bangles - they're super soft of course, so they only come out once in a blue moon


My grandmother's grandmother's ring with some sort of reddish pink stones - it's missing a dangly thing of some sort. I'm scared of touching it for fear of damaging it somehow... 22k.


I got to wear these for my wedding! Very pretty but dreadfully heavy, 22k


The bangles my other grandmother wore every day for most of her adult life - they came to me when she passed away a couple of years ago. Not fancy but they're two of my most precious treasures ::) also 22k.

Mrs Akin That's an incredible piece :love:
mitsui4|1357737198|3351160 said:
22k wedding set from DH (Customary - kind of a must):

Those flowers are gorgeous! What kind are they?
AGBF|1357783082|3351760 said:

I don't ordinarily frequent this forum (Show Me The Bling). I have only been coming here for the past week to look at a specific thread about which I was alerted (one that showed ksinger's new gold pendant made by Elizabeth Ryle). Had I not been coming here for that thread I might never have seen this new thread of yours. I started The Gold Thread many years ago because I wanted to create a place where people like all the posters posting in your wonderful thread could gather and post about great gold jewelry.

I realize that you specified that this thread was to be about ethnic jewelry and that is fine. Especially since theThe Gold Thread has become so huge that one cannot find anything in it easily anymore. (If we had sections it would be different, but we never divided The Gold Thread into subdivisions so finding areas on ethnic jewelry isn't easy.)

I just want to be sure that your thread has a link to The Gold Thread and The Gold Thread has a link to your thread. I do have to say that I wish all this excitement was taking place in The Gold Thread, just because I don't want to lose it. But threads wax and wane. Maybe your thread will end up feeding that one. This has been great fun to read!


:wavey: Deb! I started this thread because I wanted to collect photos specifically of high karat YG, which is usually "ethnic". It's rarely used in the western world. I wanted to collect photos of those 22 and 24kt pieces. I didn't even know of your thread until people linked to it here, and yes, those high karat ethnic pieces do end up getting lost amongst the sea of the more common 14 and 18kt yellow gold. I hope you're not upset that there's a second YG thread? :confused:
Yssie|1357784687|3351783 said:
I have a pair of 24k bangles - they're super soft of course, so they only come out once in a blue moon


Oh, YSSIE, I LOVE THAT!! I would love to own a good collection of a few yellow gold bangles one day, and yours is so beautiful! Yes, they are super soft. SO recalls getting his @$$ whooped when he decided to PLAY with a bangle, and mangled it. I always remember how soft the gold is on those clasps for necklaces. It's like a stiffer play dough!
Rosebloom, Sharon, Madelise, Deb, Yssie thank you all for your kind words. The bracelet is silky but it's heavy at the same time. It weighs around 100 grams. I have other yellow gold pieces too but this one has a special place in my heart. Maybe because it reminds me of the place I grew up- I live in Istanbul now and get homesick sometimes. They are making even more beautiful pieces now. The clasps are fancier in the new models. Like this one I found on the internet:

Yssie I love your jewelry! Yours have sentimental value, can't beat that! Your bangle sits so nicely on your wrist, how did you put it on? I didn't know it was possible to make 24k gold jewelry until I visited these forums. Here we are told that it's impossible because it would be very soft to use. Is it easily scratched or get bent ? By the way, those earrings are sooo pretty. Which region are they from?

madelise|1357804386|3351950 said:
I hope you're not upset that there's a second YG thread?

au contraire, madelise! I collect the threads on yellow gold...there have been many of them! I will post a list here later. Right now my daughter needs me.

madelise, MrsAkin, thank you!!

madelise - stiff playdough is a really good description!! They're not even suitable formalwear unless you won't be doing anything with your arms :eek: the colour is incredible, so vivid and rich... I'm spoilt by all the high karat gold, lower kt yg pales in comparison - literally! Though it does have the benefit of being, y'know, wearable :bigsmile:

MrsAkin - your bracelet is *just* as beautiful as the fancy ones they're making now, no question!! IMO there's a point where jewellery crosses over into art - truly wearable art, Leon's tagline - your bracelet makes that jump for me :love:

Thank you! I don't have a single memory of my grandmother without those bangles and her cluster nose rings so it's nice to have something that's so very *her*. The bangles are hinged, with clasps and latches, not that those make them safe to wear or anything - the clasp and latch are the same metal! I've only ever worn them in my wedding and they did bend out of shape a bit, but that was easy to fix.

Where are you from? My family is from Madras, but I grew up on the other side of the world.
AGBF|1357823543|3352005 said:
madelise|1357804386|3351950 said:
I hope you're not upset that there's a second YG thread?

I collect the threads on yellow gold...there have been many of them! I will post a list here later.

Here it is. It may be-probably is-incomplete, but I keep trying to keep track of all the threads on yellow gold that I see on Pricescope! I want to be able to help other fellow gold lovers find gold pieces they love. Like most of the posters here, my real love is high karat yellow gold, preferably 24K gold. I don't refuse to look at or wear other yellow gold, however! I even wear rose gold and some white gold and platinum!


AGBF|1339184987|3212011 said:
Yellow Gold Setting: [URL=''][/URL]
Does Yellow Gold Band Change Diamond Color?: [URL=''][/URL]
Show Me The Yellow Gold Bling: [URL=''][/URL]
Is yellow gold increasing in popularity?: [URL=''][/URL]
Show me your yellow gold E-ring settings: [URL=''][/URL]
Is Yellow Gold out of style?: [URL=''][/URL]
Is yellow gold making a comeback?: [URL=''][/URL]
Show me your yellow gold rings: [URL=''][/URL]
Do You Have A Favorite Gold Designer?: [URL=''][/URL]
WhyDid Platinum Become More Popular Than Gold?: [URL=''][/URL]
Yssie and MrsAkin, what beautiful pieces!! :appl:
I love your bangles, Yssie, and your set has such a unique class, MrsAtkins! Just lovely

this tread is taking my mood to another level :lol:

here is the piece I had in mind when I first saw this post. sorry for the bad picture!!

When I turned 18th, my parents asked me whether I wanted a car or a Rolex. NO WAY!
We went through a lot of antique jewelries searching for something I would like. My dad's head was almost exploding, when I finally found this, and saw it was *perfect* :love:

Deb, thanks for all the links!!
Can't wait to find the time to go through them :))

YSSIE - yes, stiff play dough is a good descrip, no? :lol: Not many people get the privilege of handling one true piece of high kt yg, so I guess adding this description is a good note :naughty: The difference between 22k and 24k is SO BIG, too! And true, 18kt and less yellow gold--- though I do love them--- I don't love them the same way. Some golds almost look brass like to me. If only it weren't so pliable, so that it can be wearable! Necklaces and earrings it is. Rarely does anything hit or touch your neck and ears!
madelise|1357839598|3352247 said:
YSSIE - yes, stiff play dough is a good descrip, no? :lol: Not many people get the privilege of handling one true piece of high kt yg, so I guess adding this description is a good note :naughty: The difference between 22k and 24k is SO BIG, too! And true, 18kt and less yellow gold--- though I do love them--- I don't love them the same way. Some golds almost look brass like to me. If only it weren't so pliable, so that it can be wearable! Necklaces and earrings it is. Rarely does anything hit or touch your neck and ears!

Oh my goodness yes!! It's amazing how much difference that 8% alloy can make. I had a 22k band made on Etsy to wear with some of my family pieces and I didn't quibble about the alloy because I figured, well, how different can it possibly look? Well, very, as it turns out! Apparently in India they alloy w/ Cu but here Ag is the norm and the colours are clearly, obviously, painfully different. I'll have to try and get some pics...

Earrings - so long as you don't sleep in them, I guess :bigsmile:

Diana Wow, that's a statement piece :sun: I applaud your decision-making - I'd have had a hard time turning down the car! Do you wear it often? How has it held up since you got it?
Hi Yssie!! :wavey:

It's been a while now I have not been wearing it regularly.
I cycle to my office almost everyday (I still don't have a car!! :lol: ) and the necklace has a hook that does not look too reliable to me.
I think it's called an S-hook? Something similar to the one in the picture below.

For the same reason, I also almost always wear studs :?
Last time I went to the theatre with my boyfriend one of my pendant earrings flew away from my ear while I was speeding up with the bike. When I realized that, once home, he went out in the night searching for it.. and he found it!! So I think I have now to marry him :lol:

Do you wear your high gold pieces often, or do you take special care of them?
I did not expect them to need special care :o
Oh no! No wearing $$$$$$$$$ delicate pieces while cycling! Imagine it dropping, and you not knowing any clue where it could be? :errrr: AHH!!
madelise, yes, yes, terrible idea!! :nono: at least I was lucky this time :bigsmile:

forgot to post the picture before!

Yikes! Hunting for missing bits of jewellery on the road :eek: He's definitely a keeper!!

I actually laughed out loud - it reminded me of the unfortunate story of the first piece my ILs gave me. DH and I were newly engaged and his parents were coming out to visit us for the first time and I was terrified of hosting them and making a good impression. MIL is as much a magpie as any PSer so we went to Tiffany, and I tried on a pair of baby bezel studs and fell in love and vowed to save up for them... and my ILs very sweetly surprised me with them at lunch a couple of hours later! Of course, when I went to pull the second one out of the box it went flying. We spent probably two hours hunting all over for it, other shoppers were searching too, the doormen were sweeping with metal detectors... I was five seconds from bawling when DH finally found the thing under a table leg. Not my finest moment :sick: :bigsmile: They're my favourite earrings.

A lot of my pieces have that same sort of hook - apparently everyone's using the same supplier :cheeky:
Yssie, you are such a sweetheart! Wearable art... This makes me so happy. I am Turkish, never lived abroad. I reside in Istanbul and my hometown Trabzon is more than 1000 kms away. Compared to you it's nothing :lol: India has such a rich culture. Your brides look breathtaking. I'm sure you looked great also.

dianabarbara, where on earth did you find a jewelry piece like that? It looks very different, unlike anything I've ever seen. Do you have other pictures? The background blends with your necklace and I'd like to take a closer look.

Madelise if you mostly like high karat yellow gold you would get on so well with my mother in law. She's the reason I enjoy HKYG this much. She thinks anything below 22k gold isn't worth your money. When we got engaged my husband was supposed to give me a jewelry set and nothing was good enough. We ended up buying an Indian style set. I'm not complaining, more gold for me! :appl:
MrsAkin|1357852079|3352433 said:
Yssie, you are such a sweetheart! Wearable art... This makes me so happy. I am Turkish, never lived abroad. I reside in Istanbul and my hometown Trabzon is more than 1000 kms away. Compared to you it's nothing :lol: India has such a rich culture. Your brides look breathtaking. I'm sure you looked great also.

dianabarbara, where on earth did you find a jewelry piece like that? It looks very different, unlike anything I've ever seen. Do you have other pictures? The background blends with your necklace and I'd like to take a closer look.

Madelise if you mostly like high karat yellow gold you would get on so well with my mother in law. She's the reason I enjoy HKYG this much. She thinks anything below 22k gold isn't worth your money. When we got engaged my husband was supposed to give me a jewelry set and nothing was good enough. We ended up buying an Indian style set. I'm not complaining, more gold for me! :appl:

hahaha, Yssie, how much I understand you!! :bigsmile:
you MIL sure sounds lovely!! I want to get one of that type too!! :lol:

Mrs Atkins, I got this years ago in an Antique Jeweler's shop in the heart of Milano.
I lived there till I was 23 or so, and that remains my very favorite boutique in town!! :tongue:
I'll try to find another picture in the coming days, but I'm afraid it will be low quality, and now I'm back in the NL, so out of reach. Should I not find it, I'll post again either around elections time or in April when I'll go back for my granny's 92nd birthday :))

The owner is a very funny and talkative guy. I remember he said this is supposed to come from India and be very old - how much, he couldn't say. It is a mystery how it arrived in Italy.. who knows?

Yssie, can this be the reason we have the same hooks? :wink2:

I also have to say I have seen similar styles in the etruscan revival style of the victorian era. maybe the hook is the key, though!! :)
I recognize a lot of these old 24k styles people have posted. Nice to know there are some out there that know what I'm talking about... :lol: :lol: The dreaded yellow, YELLOW gold. ;) I can appreciate it more now.

Didn't even know there was this thread. Here are some of my recent acquisitions. More fun and modern than a lot of the other 24K I have.


A cool ring...

biancofiore|1355484979|3331057 said:
Hi girls! beautiful pieces!! :)

I love the solid, magnificent look of high carat yellow gold too.
always makes me feel like the queen of saba, if you know what I mean.. :naughty:

Oh, yes- the queen of saba!
The replica of my Grand-grand-grand mother's earing in18K (the original is in silver 84) Caucasus

Wow! MrsAskin your gold cuff is devine and LLJsmom, that ring is just lush! :love:
Can I play? Here are my everyday butter soft 22K gold earrings. I probably shouldn't wear them so much but they remind me of the holiday when I bought them :)
Please excuse my rubbish iphone pic
