
Siberian amethysts - just a story, no pics


Nov 3, 2009
When my mom was pregnant with me she took a habit of strolling down the streets of Sverdlovsk, now Yekaterinburg. One day she saw a case in a local jewelry store with an amazing display of amethysts, dark, with red flashes, all sizes. So she took a habit of going to the store every day. My parents were strapped for cash but she really wanted to buy that only one. No one seemed to be interested, so she had all the time in the world.

Then one day she went to her favorite place and, to her horror, all the stones were gone! Apparently, a famed Moscow theater was touring the city, they were prettty well-off and knew somethng about gems... They emptied out the case in one hour!

Later she found out that the stones were from the collection of a wealthy Russian aristocrat killed during the revolution. The best stones of such collections were usually sold abroad (some via Armand Hammer) but some "simple" stones were also sold locally. Apparently Mom missed a chance of buying a nice Siberian amethyst!

I have never been able to choose the right amethyst. They seem too dark, too light, not bright enough, something is never there. Do you think fetuses have a way of "feeling" beauty and remembering their early experiences?
Gorgeous piece of jewelry!

Great story, crasru. So, are you actively searching for a Siberian amethyst? I've been thinking about amethysts in general, and trying to decide if I really want to go there or not.

Lovinggems, that is lovely!
we certainly are chemically sensitive creatures....especially in the womb. perhaps there was a "transmission"....more likely is that growing up with the story has made you more critical re amythest in general.


ps now i don't feel so bad about my lost opportunity.....nothing quite so dramatic.
crasru said:
I have never been able to choose the right amethyst. They seem too dark, too light, not bright enough, something is never there. Do you think fetuses have a way of "feeling" beauty and remembering their early experiences?

I don't think that's weird. Once you see a world class stone, for some people, it's just never going to be the same with any gem. That's why I can't deal with most red gems, and I'm very critical of them, because I have seen fine Burmese rubies.
What a wonderful story! I actually have a siberian amethyst- it is exactly as you described- dark purple with lovely red flashes! I have been looking at ideas to set it for over a year now, but not having any luck.

No, I don't believe it. I think you just want a beautiful piece of your hertiage and then mom can rest that her daughter has what she loved. So, You must continue the search. Now, that brooch that was shown, is to me a first class piece that is worth 4 grand or more.

I like amythest very much. I bought my first zambian 10mm round this yr. I have no plans to set it, I just look at it. It was inexpensive and made me happy to have it.

Keep looking. As in love, many people would say , you will know it when you see it. It will take your breath away.

[quote="tourmaline_lover] Once you see a world class stone, for some people, it's just never going to be the same with any gem.[/quote]

geez, this is so very true for me......sometimes its a curse to have developed an "eye" for fine gems.

and like smit, i don't set everything....just enjoy them knowing they're my pretties.

Crasru, great story! Thanks for sharing. :))
A very beautiful recount and I understand more of your desire for a true Siberian amethyst better.
Thank you all very much for your responses. I just returned from a cruise and had no time to check all postings. Lovinggems - it is a fabulous stone!
I have been reading old post on this site. What a great site by the way. I just read a blog from Richard Wise about Siberian amethyst. I would post a link but under the rules section it says you can't. Exactly what mine are you referring to when you say "Siberian amethyst"? I think Siberia is about the size of the United States and has lots of locations that have produced amethyst. When I was in grad school oh so many years ago my roommate was from Russia. He was studying to be a geophysicist. He used to travel all over the Urals and into central Siberia from his hometown of Novosibirsk collecting crystals, rocks, samples with his father. He said there were lots and lots of places he collected amethyst and especially in the eastern urals. I remember him showing me a picture of a pendant with 3 different cut stones from 3 different locations he collected amethyst from. He had given it to his mom, of course.

It got me thinking of when I was younger and taveled all over the US rockhounding. I must have dug amethyts from over 10 sites in North Carolina alone, 3 in New York, at least 3 in Maine, one in Pennsylvania, 2 in Washington and a few others. With Siberia being roughly the size of the US I would think there would be loads of places that produce amethyst akin to here in the US. So does the term "Siberian" refer to color or to a place(specific mine)? One poster said "I have a real siberian amethyst" From what location or mine is it from, do you know? Siberia is a massively huge place
i recently bought a peice of siberian amethysts as it was advertised to b-the seller in florida told a story of a buyout of an old jewelry store whose owner had bought this large allotment of russian material years ago-the stones averaged @10 cts-are very clean-have good saturation with good red flashes & purple color as a secondary display-i have no way to verify siberian or otherwise-its a nice stone with all as advertised & at a good price-im seeing now any good quality material as being referred to as siberian amethysts or used as a reference-more info-steve...

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