OK, this is pretty gross, but my sister found a snake part formed into the perfect shape/size of a frozen, cut greenbean. It was Kroger brand & the company who does their produce is called "Picktsweet" based in Tennessee. Pictsweet sent out their ins. rep. who took pictures, a stmt. from her & verified that it was a snake!! Since this happened, she has found two other documented cases, one was a newspaper article from Texas where the woman found what appeared to be a turtle head in her Picktsweet frozed greenbeans, and a local woman here in Atlanta called my sister after reading the newspaper article about her & said her French style frozen Kroger brand greenbeans contained a lizard head which the company also documented! If you want to know more, do a google search w/ the words pickted sweet (sp?), green beans & reptile, and see what turns up. To read the article about my sister go to www.wsbradio.com & click on "Couple finds part of snake in beans" article. Also our Atlanta paper has an article on it....you can go to www.ajc.com & click on "metro" then do a search at the bottom of the page under "archives" using her last name which is Emerick. Sorry this is so long, but I think it''s important to get this info. out there!! I know I''ve been watching my produce a lot closer lately!!