
Some Autumn Eyecandy

My money is on tourmalines too.
All from the same location (Madagascar) per the post... the middle one is sapphire.. what are the other two?
Tourmaline, tourmaline, purple scapolite?
Ooooo. I think I know what one of them is, based on that hint! Anybody think that the emerald cut one on the right looks like the sweet alexandrite from the GemScoop?
I know the answers but I cheated because I inquired about one of them and he told what they all were ... you are correct ;)2
I really wanted the stone on the left but it's pricey and rare (hint).

My father enlisted my help to find my mother a gift for her 60th. Her birthday is next September so I'm eyeing that sapphire ;)2:kiss2:
I don't know how he does it. His stones are all stunning - beautifully designed and cut and the best saturated colors. No other cutter comes close, imo!
I love the EC alexandrite!! Expensive ( not overpriced!!) but really beautiful...

And Madagascar!!

Not enough money left. :(
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Tourmaline, sapphire, and alexandrite. Sure wish I could justify buying the alexandrite to my bank account. :mrgreen:
The left is actually a grandidierite. :)
So the alex is not the most expensive...
Correct! It's an absolutely stunning gem.
A big pocket of Grandidierite was discovered in Madagascar this year and a lot of it made its way to the gem market... So it isn't that rare anymore - at least for the next few years until it gets bought up - but in THAT quality it's as rare as ever. That's probably the nicest, deepest, most saturated one I've seen in a while.
I so need that middle stone. :shock:
And you see the high birefringence...
A big pocket of Grandidierite was discovered in Madagascar this year and a lot of it made its way to the gem market... So it isn't that rare anymore - at least for the next few years until it gets bought up - but in THAT quality it's as rare as ever. That's probably the nicest, deepest, most saturated one I've seen in a while.

Extremely rare is the eyeclean quality - but enough lower quality on the market. We will see what happens. I have some - so o.k. for the moment.

Are you in europe?
I guess I’ll have to add grandiderite to the list of gorgeous stone that I do not have enough in my piggy bank to buy.
I love the EC alexandrite!! Expensive ( not overpriced!!) but really beautiful...

And Madagascar!!

Not enough money left. :(

I agree!! I find that Alexandrite so stunningly beautiful and want it so badly!!! But can't afford it right now. His other stones are so beautiful but always out of my price range:(
I so need that middle stone. :shock:

I'm considering it for my mother's 60th but if you want it, please get it! I want PS'ers to own these stones! I NEED pics of these lovelies in their forever homes.
Are you on GO too?
Nope. I think I registered once, years and years back, but never ended up posting anything and just lurked occasionally - mostly when I needed info on things I didn't know regarding gemmology.
It is o.k. - we will have a funny time here....
Tourmaline, sapphire, and alexandrite. Sure wish I could justify buying the alexandrite to my bank account. :mrgreen:

I know! I've been staring at it for days myself. I just can't get over the color change on this little guy! Here is the daylight color, from the Gem Scoop newsletter:


I can't BELIEVE that stone on the left is grandidierite. So stunning and unexpected :shock:
Are grandiderites heated or treated in any way or do they just come out of the ground this gorgeous?
Unheated and if clean untreated. Clarity enhancement in included material maybe. The color is natural.

I would be picky with the price and clarity - high price only for IF or EY stones.

Small stones from 0,14 ct - 0,31 ct.

Unheated and if clean untreated. Clarity enhancement in included material maybe. The color is natural.

I would be picky with the price and clarity - high price only for IF or EY stones.

Small stones from 0,14 ct - 0,31 ct.


That looks really, really nice. They're kind of like beautiful tourmalines.

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