
Some help on brooch conversion


Jun 2, 2016

So I brought this brooch to make a seven stone ring with the spinel in the middle.


But my jeweller made. a 5 stone by mistake. He’s happy to change it but I am wondering based on finger coverage from his photo - whether 7 stones will work. And will it look odd with a single coloured stone in the middle - I can’t find any examples of a 7 stone with that.

These are screen shots from videos so not the best quality


What would you do and do you have any examples of 7 stones with a single coloured stone in the middle?

Thanks for your help
Even if someone with brilliant mock up skills could help me with a mocked up version as a 7 stone?

Thank you
Can you show a side shot of the ring?

(I’m thinking a full 7 with the spinel in the middle will be lovely. But concessions will have to be made)

How important is it to use the original heads? I’m assuming they were used.
@Rfisher thank you.
Here is a side shot from the video. Hopefully that helps.
@Rfisher apologies I forgot to reply. Yes the original settings have been reused which I specifically wanted. This means there is a gap between each but I am happy with that in order to keep the settings

Thanks Queenie, here is a bad quality side view. They are like five joined little crowns. :rolleyes2:;)2

You might beable to have all 7 if your jeweler raises them up, and less curved- similar to this.

Removing the crowns from what he made (to redo) compared to removing the crowns from the brooch might be a bit more difficult ~ with what he’s left to work with.
@Rfisher thank you.
I can’t envisage a 7 stone with spinel centre and I really do like low set bands. I think I am erring on the side of leaving it as is as a 5 stone.

The jeweller has offered to make a small stacker ring for the spinel and I might use the remaining diamond as part of a 3 stone with a sapphire centre - if he can source another one.

Decisions decisions….
Sorry what I mean is. Because of using the original settings I am not sure a 7 stone works unless we do set it higher which I am not sure i am keen to do

Thank you for your input and help!
Do you already have the sapphire?

Is it somewhat similar to your spinel & diamond?

Do you like trefoil rings? :)
I do
It’s bigger than the spinel and diamond at around 5.5mm so I am not sure a trefoil approach works but open to any ideas!
Do you wear necklaces? A drop pendant with the remaining diamond and the sapphire would be pretty and would mean you wouldn't need to find a match.
you could do a toi et moi with the remaining diamond and spinel....... That way you don't have to buy another diamond.
What I want to know is why were there no CAD? You would’ve caught the mistake and with a cad, you can visually see what it might look like as well.
What I want to know is why were there no CAD? You would’ve caught the mistake and with a cad, you can visually see what it might look like as well.

Do you think that is because the original settings of the stones were used so they were just basically attached to the band?
The jeweller hand makes everything so no CAD
To be fair I probably wasn’t really clear.
He was happy to change the ring but I actually like the 5 stone so am sticking with that and will probably make a toi et moi as suggested for the remaining two stones. Something like this

The jeweller hand makes everything so no CAD
To be fair I probably wasn’t really clear.
He was happy to change the ring but I actually like the 5 stone so am sticking with that and will probably make a toi et moi as suggested for the remaining two stones. Something like this


I do like the idea of keeping the spinel and diamond from the brooch together. And I like the moi et toi you posted. When I was looking for inspiration for mine, I also found this which would add a bit of oomph if you want to do that.

lang bypass.jpg

Or this if your stones are on the smaller side


also this with a bit thicker band than the one you posted

etsy 2.jpg