
Some of my bling!


Mar 8, 2010
Hi everyone! I'm relatively new around here, and I just found a GREAT deal on ebay that I'd like to share with you, along with a few other pieces I've got. I did a little photo shoot with my rings today :)
First up, my ebay deal! It was advertised as 3/4 ctw, I1 with g color, size 6 1/2. I won it for $84 :) It was in desperate need of a bath, and the pictures were not the best, but I took a leap and boy was it worth it! The obligatory flower shot.
Sorry for the giant pictures!! Next up, another flower shot with my ering :)

And again. I'm thinking that this may end up being my wedding band someday.

This is another ebay bargain, 1/10 tw alternating baguettes and rounds. It's a super-cute stacker band!
Hi manderz! :wavey:

Your ering would look terrific paired with that band. I love the second band as well. Great ebay catch. . . 8)
Thanks, Sparklenut!
Handshot, with my nosy cat :)

In my rusty bird feeder

My favorite rings on the windowsill
You have a beautiful collection. I have what I call a Itty Bitty Blue Kitty as well. He's a hand full always sticking his nose in my business. :bigsmile:
Beautiful rings and great Ebay finds, gotta love a good deal :appl:
Thanks, sparklenut and diamondrnglover! I'm excited to finally share, I've had trouble posting pictures previously, and finally figured it out :)
I think all of us has had to take some time to get use to the new forum and how it's set up. Me for one it took for months before I figured out that I really couldn't use my google chrome and had to switch to internet explore before I could really do anything. It's just been the past month I guess since July I've been able to get on the forum and not have any problems. I think we all will adjust in time though. . . :bigsmile:
Nice! Is your cat a Russian Blue? I have two Russians, and one is really nosy.
Nice ebay find! Congrats!
$84? Wow. :wacko:

Nice bling! :))

(And is that a picture of a car with red leather seats? I've always wanted one a car with red leather seats. :cheeky: )
Thanks everyone!

Supers: I'm not sure if he's a Russian Blue or not, he was born at my local shelter, and they aren't even sure when his birthday is, so I can't imagine they'd have a clue if he was or not. He's all grey, and he's HUGE! Last time I weighed him, he was 15 pounds. He sounds similar to the characteristics, though he isn't as lean as wikipedia notes.

Imdanny: Nope, sorry, that would be my bright red curtains! :) I had them part way open to take advantage of the last bit of sun without having to go out in the cold.
you got that on Ebay?! Was it as described on ebay, or did they not know?! How was it so cheap! I fear for my sanity now as Im sure ill be spending 24 hours a day on ebay looking for some bargains now!!!
just logged into ebay, what kind of thing do you search for? old grubby cheap but secretly fab jewellery! How on earth do you find nice things?

Congrats on the great E-Bay bargains :appl: Your collection is beautiful and i loooove your cat :love:
Thanks, everyone! My cat thanks you too, he loves attention :)
As far as ebay searches, I've been looking for the right eternity band for a long time. I generally make sure to search used only, and try to stay away from the engagement/wedding category, as people know they can get top dollar there. I trend to go more for an individual selling stuff, which is where both my bands and my princess 3 stone came from, parole with like 100 feedback or so. Most of the time, they have awful pictures up, so don't be afraid of poor pics. Plus, I enjoy looking around, and even if I don't find what I'm looking for, I get to creech out eye candy :)
That's a great deal!!! I love your kitty hand shot. I have 2 Russian Blues. :appl:
great ebay find! You should post with the pics, stats, and price in the "bargain beautitie" thread. Bargain hunters would love to live vicariously through you :naughty:
I love your collection!!!
Thanks, ztajanice!

Amys Bling, thanks for the idea, I will later this afternoon!

Thank you, hearts-arrows_girl! Did you get your cats at the same time? If you didn't, how did you go about introducing them? I've been thinking that I might like to get a second, to keep Kitty company while my fiance and I are gone. I'm nervous to get a new one though, because he and my mil's cat don't get along very well, in the little time that they are allowed to spend together.
Manderz... tell us about that princess 3 stone!
I'd love to, Amys Bling! That is another ebay find :) It's 1 carat total,set in 14k yellow gold. I can't remember the color for the life of me, but I'm pretty sure the clarity is SI2. It's in desperate need of a reset, when I bought it, it was sized to a 4, and I wear a 6 1/2. The jeweler that I took it to stretched the shank, rather than sizing it the right way, and now the shank is uneven and much thinner than it should be :( I've been looking for a new setting for a while, but I haven't found anything that's exactly what I want. I love the trellis style, and the fact that the entire thing is yellow gold, but I'm just so disappointed in the way it was sized. If anyone has any suggestions for a new setting, I would LOVE to see them!!
You have a very nice collection of sparklers. I especially like that anniversary band in the middle. Can you tell us about that one?
My anniversary band is a mall store purchase, from when I still worked there. I'm still very happy with it :) (I know that ps in general doesn't have the highest opinion of mall stores) My band is 1/2 carat total weight, and it's not graded, but I am very pleased with the color and clarity. I can't see anything in it, and even using the gemscope, I was hard-pressed to find anything. I think that I'm not terribly color sensitive though, and having everything set in yellow gold makes it harder for me to tell the difference.