
Some thoughts about getting lapped

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Aug 4, 2007
As a preface, I just wanted to say that these musing are based on a friend from real life, and not from anyone''s posts here. I would never presume to know anything about anyone''s life here in any sort of detail simply because we all know we only just barely skim the surface when posting here, so please don''t think I''m addressing anyone here.

The following is addressed to the general ''you'', or, if you like, to the friend of mine I will address specifically in the next paragraph: I can understand wanting the things you want. If you feel like you''re ready for marriage and your boyfriend doesn''t yet, then I can definitely see where there''d be a touch of envy when people you know get what you want, from wishing he was ready sooner so you could be making that step sooner. But (and maybe this is just my friends kind of making me see this strangely), what does anyone else''s life have to do with your own? If the two of you aren''t ready for marriage for a while, and then you are, isn''t that the right time to get engaged, instead of when your friends are getting engaged?

I have this one friend (well, she''s my good friend''s girlfriend) who''s been with her boyfriend for over 7 years now. They haven''t had one serious conversation about marriage because he scares her away with "do you REALLY want to talk about that now?" in this doom & gloom voice, so she scurries away. But she''s been wanting to get engaged for the past 6+ years now, and is really unhappy that it doesn''t look like it''s in the cards for her. Every time someone else in our group of friends gets engaged, she has a tantrum because she''s been lapped. Her anger, I have no doubt, comes from her frustration about her own situation, which makes PERFECT sense to me.

The thing that DOESN''T make sense to me (and this is the main point of this post) is that, I guess to make herself feel better, she uses her situation and her anger to pick apart whatever that friend''s relationship is. It''s kind of mean--really mean, in some instances, and she knows deep down that she really knows nothing about their relationship since she isn''t a part of it, and that the things she says are inappropriate and hurtful. Also, she was dropping hints about wanting to be engaged after less than 6 months into her relationship, so it''s also slightly hypocritical that she''d have been overjoyed if it had been her at 6 months, but is now snubbing her nose at other people who are getting engaged after that amount of time. She thinks her 7+ years give her the right to rip other relationships to shreds when they get engaged before she does, which I think is the "arg, I''ve been lapped!" feeling multiplied by a hundred.

I realize that this probably sounds like I''m lecturing, but I''m trying really hard not to sound like this. I''m not sure what it was that pushed my friend''s girlfriend from just being slightly peeved when other people lapped her to getting downright nasty about it, but I mention this in the hopes that this sort of thing doesn''t happen to anyone here. You all are such sweet, lovely, beautiful women, some of whom are feeling really frustrated and annoyed that it''s taking so long. But please, please, don''t become like this girl. You''re really not in competition with anyone else, no matter how people may tease or nag you. Your relationship is unique, and only you and your SOs know what''s best for you. I know for my relationship, waiting is preferable (so we have time and money to be like a normal couple, instead of a bloody stressful paperwork-ridden international couple!), but if I told that to my friend''s girlfriend, she might just rip my heart out of my chest.

Anyway, I didn''t mean to offend anyone who''s ever felt anything at being lapped. I guess I just am a worrier, and would hate to see any of your lovely ladies become obsessed with the ''race'' to get engaged like this girl I know. I know folks come here to vent, and vent you should! Just wanted to share a cautionary tale about what happens if everything becomes venting, I guess.
Well said, Gwendolyn.

That''s too bad about your friend--it almost sounds like the best thing for her to do is leave the relationship, actually. If it''s bothering her this much to not be engaged and it hasn''t happened (and doesn''t look like it will) after 7 years, then she and her bf obviously have different priorities. I hope that eventually she can learn to be happy for others rather than letting her own heartache turn to extreme jealousy.
I understand what you''re saying and I''m not offended at all. In fact, I completely agree with you - and the fact that I agree with you probably causes 75% of my engagement limbo angst. I can''t help but feel a twinge of envy when people seem to be making the step that my boyfriend won''t make yet, and then I get mad at myself for feeling that way. This internal battle causes me a lot of anxiety! :-) What I''m saying is that I don''t want to feel bitterness or sadness when I receive someone''s good news, because you''re right, it has NOTHING to do with me or my situation. The good news is that I do a great job of internalizing it, so the only people who know I feel this way are internet strangers. And my journal, which isn''t a person, but it''s a great outlet for working through these feelings.
Date: 4/7/2008 11:44:46 AM
Author: ladypirate
Well said, Gwendolyn.

That''s too bad about your friend--it almost sounds like the best thing for her to do is leave the relationship, actually. If it''s bothering her this much to not be engaged and it hasn''t happened (and doesn''t look like it will) after 7 years, then she and her bf obviously have different priorities. I hope that eventually she can learn to be happy for others rather than letting her own heartache turn to extreme jealousy.
I completely agree, and have told her this for years, that she should really leave the relationship. She''s a teacher, and has wanted her own kids since before my friend and her started dating. Her stance now is that maybe (because her boyfriend isn''t proposing anytime soon) she''s ''not meant'' to have her own kids and that she should just be happy with having her kids at school. What kind of a self-defeatist attitude is that?! It''s her life, she can make it what she wants! But she prefers to stay with him and grow more bitter and resentful every time someone else gets what she doesn''t have. Makes me both sad and angry.
Date: 4/7/2008 11:48:39 AM
Author: catty77
I understand what you''re saying and I''m not offended at all. In fact, I completely agree with you - and the fact that I agree with you probably causes 75% of my engagement limbo angst. I can''t help but feel a twinge of envy when people seem to be making the step that my boyfriend won''t make yet, and then I get mad at myself for feeling that way. This internal battle causes me a lot of anxiety! :-) What I''m saying is that I don''t want to feel bitterness or sadness when I receive someone''s good news, because you''re right, it has NOTHING to do with me or my situation. The good news is that I do a great job of internalizing it, so the only people who know I feel this way are internet strangers. And my journal, which isn''t a person, but it''s a great outlet for working through these feelings.
Oh honey, I really can understand how difficult it must be, especially with the back-and-forth in your own mind about two very different reactions. I really do think venting is important so it doesn''t all bottle up inside (I probably should''ve mentioned that in my first post, whoops!), and as long as it''s *healthy* venting it''s great! It''s understandable to feel envy of what other people have sometimes (goodness knows I feel envious of everyone not in an international relationship!) but when that takes over your life in any area, whether it be about marriage or finances or the newest cars or computers or whatever, it''s no good. I really wish my friend would take control of her own life, admit defeat on this relationship, and move on to make her dreams for herself come true. Then she can go back to being happy!
Ha, I ended up making your thoughtful post about your concern for your friend about me! See, I''m so selfish! ;-)

It must be so frustrating to see your friend go through this, especially now that she''s talking about not having children just to stay in the relationship. I hope he pulls through and that it''s worth it in the end, or that she gets the strength to take control of the situation, whatever that might entail.
Bravo Gwendolyn! Absolutely excellent post! I''ll admit I''ve had feelings of jealousy but no where near to the extreme of your friend. However, I always felt it was a bit destructive to get so bent out of shape over someone else''s engagement. This isn''t a contest, this is life! Again, excellent post!
Totally agree with everything you wrote Gwendolyn
Thanks, ladies, I''m glad you said that! I had second thoughts when I posted it, afraid that people would think I was trying to pick a fight or something. Thank you!
I think this was a great post. And I do agree that it''s not a race and it''s such a personal matter it seems ridiculous to compete with others for something that''s essentially totally different. I mean, if it came down to it, I doubt any of the girls on this board would really trade their boyfriend of X years for the fiancee of the girl they were lapped by of X months or X-2 or whatever number of years. And frankly, if you would... well... that says a lot doesn''t it?

As for your friend, I think she should leave too. But in her case, perhaps she''s internalized a lot more of the lapping than we think. Maybe all this self-defeatist attitude is her way of saying: well he won''t propose to me, maybe I''m not worth it, something is wrong with me! And perhaps she thinks of each friend''s engagement as a reminder of her inadequacy. I''m not saying it''s healthy or normal, but sometimes we fail to see the bigger picture or the obvious (gasp! it''s HIS problem!!)

Nice post Gwendolyn!
My goodness! I gotta be honest here…if I was in a 7 year relationship with no hope of ever getting engaged despite it being something I desperately wanted, I’d probably keep my pettiness to myself. She is only succeeding in making herself look like an a$$. First off, everyone is going to assume that her snarky comments are due more to jealousy then legitimate care and concern for the couple that has lapped her. Second, climbing up on a soapbox after staying, for 7 years, in a relationship where it is obvious communication is a huge issue, is absolutely nothing to take pride in. It is certainly not a relationship I would ever want to emulate. This woman is in no position whatsoever to judge her peers.

I’ve been lapped by all but one of my friends. Some have been together for years, some months. What I have realized is that the decision to enter into marriage is theirs and theirs alone. If they realize in 4 years they have made a mistake, then it is their mistake to rectify. Turning into a naysayer every time someone does something you want to do makes you look like a very small person. There are concerns that are legitimate worries for a friend who may have jumped a little too soon and then there are people who are just plain angry that it’s not their turn. I often find myself wondering how I would feel if I got engaged and found out that people around me were cutting my SO and apart for a decision that is purely one that effects only us just because they are jealous. It’s kind of sad for me to think that one of my friends could be unsupportive of me simply because s/he is jealous.
Hi Gwendolyn!

That was a very well written post!

I also think it is highly relevant on a forum such as this, seeing as many of us are feeling anxious or frustrated with our current situations or our dreams of becoming engaged. For me, it served as a very tastefully done reminder of the fact that I should not compare myself to others- my time will come. I must admit that I have had feelings of shock/jealousy/and twinges of resentment (in that order, LOL) when some of my good friends became engaged. I have had to remind myself that I live my own life, and their engagement has nothing to do with my relationship or what is best for myself and my BF. We all have our own unique journey to travel.

So, I think you did a great job! It was very well said and can be sobering for those moments we may get caught up in feeling like this is a race (I certainly feel that way at times!!
), when it really should be more of an enjoyable journey- that has nothing to do with our friend''s engagements and weddings!
I''ve been feeling the "lapped angst" for a couple of weeks now, and I really think that it''s less to do with BF and my not being engaged yet and more to do with I just don''t think they''re ready. I''m more worried for her and her happiness, as well as her reasons for doing it, than anything else really.

But I do think it''s a very good post. Very concise and well written. Brings up a lot of good points.

And I think that your friend really needs to reconsider her relationship.
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