
Someone from PS pretty please buy this akoya lineup!! It needs to stay in the PS family!!


Aug 14, 2009
I'm on Ban Island and withdrawal is painful!!

Back in September Takahashi posted a quintet of akoya lollies. I messaged them right away to ask if they maybe had enough for a full bracelet lineup, 8-8.5mm, and Yy said she'd take a look and get back to me...

Took her about a month to reply to that inquiry!! She told me that her boss had taken a long time, to ensure all the pearls that they suggested were super strongly coloured and of the quality that she knew I wanted ❤️All naturally coloured!! But by that time I'd sold my soul to VCA, so I asked if there was any way they could hold them until December...

Well, it's December and my soul remains outsourced. I very sadly told her I wouldn't be able to purchase them a few days ago, and they just showed up on IG, and I'm already kicking myself for declining them but I really can't buy anything more this year. Someone on PS *please* buy these!? Then at least I'd get to see them again! :lol:

For real though, they'd make such an amazing bracelet or station necklace :love:

They sent me a couple more pics than they posted on IG - here are mine! I won't share my pricing here since I've got no idea if what I was quoted still applies, but find me on LT or IG and I'm happy to share more!




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I'm on Ban Island and withdrawal is painful!!

Back in September Takahashi posted a quintet of akoya lollies. I messaged them right away to ask if they maybe had enough for a full bracelet lineup, 8-8.5mm, and Yy said she'd take a look and get back to me...

Took her about a month to reply to that inquiry!! She told me that her boss had taken a long time, to ensure all the pearls that they suggested were super strongly coloured and of the quality that she knew I wanted ❤️All naturally coloured!! But by that time I'd sold my soul to VCA, so I asked if there was any way they could hold them until December...

Well, it's December and my soul remains outsourced. I very sadly told her I wouldn't be able to purchase them a few days ago, and they just showed up on IG, and I'm already kicking myself for declining them but I really can't buy anything more this year. Someone on PS *please* buy these!? Then at least I'd get to see them again! :lol:

For real though, they'd make such an amazing bracelet or station necklace :love:

They sent me a couple more pics than they posted on IG - here are mine! I won't share my pricing here since I've got no idea if what I was quoted still applies, but find me on LT or IG and I'm happy to share more!





we need to get you off ban island
it sounds a terrible place
2022 is not that far away ...

DK :lol-2:
I just saw those pearls earlier!! They look fabulous! Unfortunately, pastels are not great on me.
Messaged you on IG :shock:
Gahhhh I messaged them to ask about these. They are so freaking amazing. I am so so so tempted, but want to save my money for the next opportunity to buy colorful mabe pearls. But SOMEONE PLEASE BUY THEMMMMM
It’s Takahashi pricing. So we already know that it’s way less than anyone else for the quality lol!!
I'm on Ban Island and withdrawal is painful!!

Bah-hahahaaa! I'm also on (self-imposed) Ban Island, and also saw these on IG. Hilarious!

Yes, some kind Soul needs to take one for the PS pearl squad. Please.
I saw those babies earlier on IG. So many pearls .....
I saw those too!! I’m worried it’ll be out of my price range bc I’ve already gotten a few pieces pretty rapidly the last few weeks…. I really want a bracelet though and Yy recommended that I get a necklace to split as it’d be more economical but I LOVE pastel and natural colors!!! Ah being responsible is such a hard place to be!!;(
I saw those too!! I’m worried it’ll be out of my price range bc I’ve already gotten a few pieces pretty rapidly the last few weeks…. I really want a bracelet though and Yy recommended that I get a necklace to split as it’d be more economical but I LOVE pastel and natural colors!!! Ah being responsible is such a hard place to be!!;(

Ask them for pricing. Its insanely reasonable for the quality
Those are gorgeous, they just got back to me with a price and said that it's not available yet. It's $2000 ($100 for 20) for those wondering. I've told them to let me know once they become available since a bracelet would be perfect!
Apart from top range Akoyas being way out of my league for their prices, I don't wear pearl bracelets except for the two with pearl dangles that I made myself with cheapo pearls as I am very heavy on my hands.

I do hope they will stay in the PS family though as they are very lovely.

DK :))
After a long conversation with Yy she offered me the lot as a bracelet and I made the purchase today. Screenshot_20211210_193145_com.instagram.android_edit_284925047473190.jpg

I have a very tiny wrist so Yy removed two pearls for me and we are going with what's in this picture. The two on the bottom are the lighter coloured ones that she removed.

I am very excited!! I am out of town until January so I will have them ship after I come back, but I will share pics when I have them!

Cannot WAIT to see your set and dozens (at least dozens!!) of photos @GeliL!!!!! The shortened lineup is fantastic, bright and cheery :love: :appl: :love: :cool2:
After a long conversation with Yy she offered me the lot as a bracelet and I made the purchase today. Screenshot_20211210_193145_com.instagram.android_edit_284925047473190.jpg

I have a very tiny wrist so Yy removed two pearls for me and we are going with what's in this picture. The two on the bottom are the lighter coloured ones that she removed.

I am very excited!! I am out of town until January so I will have them ship after I come back, but I will share pics when I have them!

Can’t wait to see! Those are going to be gorgeous!
So glad these went to a PSer!!
Congrats, these are utterly gorgeous and can't wait to see them on your as a finished bracelet.
Yay!! Congratulations---can't wait to see pix!
Congratulations! So glad it’s staying in the family. Can’t wait for all the photos!!!
Yay!! Beautiful, vibrant lineup!!! +1 for cannot wait to see the photos <3
WhooHoo! Can't wait to see IRL pics.