
Specs on the stone fiance has purchased please!


Jul 3, 2024


This is the stone my fiance has purchased

There seems to be a dark patch on the end, do you think this will be noticeable in real life?

Will wear whatever stone with love & pride, just curious if this photo will be true to life

& if the specs of it are OK for an oval?

We don't know much about diamonds & the specs side of things is all quite confusing

I think he saw the colour D & assumed this was the best, bless him

Also the store suggested this stone as it matches the size of a costume ring I wear, which he asked them to copy

Thank you kindly for any feedback provided
If you have a video that will be quite helpful for the experts :)
Congrats on your engagement, first and foremost! So, in the first link, I think this is simply a case of the vendor using a terrible still from the video as the photo. When I look at the video itself, it just looks like normal obstruction that comes along with these elongated diamond shapes. The ideal length-to-width ratio for a traditional oval is 1.35-1.45 (this stone is around 1.38:1). Depth % should be around 58-65 (this stone is 62). Table % should be 53-63 (this stone is 58 ). The numbers look good to me, but we'll see what our diamond and LGD connoisseurs think. Good luck!!
Heya JaqJaq, thanks for your reply. There is a video of the stone in the 2nd link there. It is not the best video, but that is all the jeweller sent through

Ooops! Not sure how I missed that :) Also, congratulations!!!
Congrats on your engagement, first and foremost! So, in the first link, I think this is simply a case of the vendor using a terrible still from the video as the photo. When I look at the video itself, it just looks like normal obstruction that comes along with these elongated diamond shapes. The ideal length-to-width ratio for a traditional oval is 1.35-1.45 (this stone is around 1.38:1). Depth % should be around 58-65 (this stone is 62). Table % should be 53-63 (this stone is 58 ). The numbers look good to me, but we'll see what our diamond and LGD connoisseurs think. Good luck!!

Heya Autumn, thanks for taking the time to explain these numbers.
It's overwhelming when you don't know what the numbers mean.
It sounds like fiance has not been ripped off & it might just be a poor video which is good!
Much appreciated, have a good day
Perhaps someone would be able to explain why the grade is "VG"

Could it be related to the darker areas on the stone?
Perhaps someone would be able to explain why the grade is "VG"

Could it be related to the darker areas on the stone?

I wouldn't worry too much about "VG" designation... it's as assessment of overall "make" by the vendor. But IGI lists the symmetry and polish as excellent, and the numbers all look good. I'd just get the piece home and see how it "feels," you know? In other words, is it "the one?" :) I think you've done all your homework to make the right call at this point.
I wouldn't worry too much about "VG" designation... it's as assessment of overall "make" by the vendor. But IGI lists the symmetry and polish as excellent, and the numbers all look good. I'd just get the piece home and see how it "feels," you know? In other words, is it "the one?" :) I think you've done all your homework to make the right call at this point.

Thanks for your feedback on the "VG" rating
We haven't really done any homework!
The Jeweller chose this stone
Won't be exchanging it but will report back once it's arrived
Thanks for your feedback on the "VG" rating
We haven't really done any homework!
The Jeweller chose this stone
Won't be exchanging it but will report back once it's arrived

It was wise to check in here on PS nevertheless... do let us know! :appl:
We call those dark areas on the end of the stone "ear muffs". They will show up in certain lighting just like the center area will go
dark in certain lighting.

Dont see anything out of range with the numbers. As @Autumn in New England the VG was given by the vendor so you might ask them
why the VG.

The "best" ovals are dependent on light return and less on color/clarity IMO...but obviously that definition can differ.

This stone looks pretty decent for an 8 main offset faceting pattern. The center will go dark in bright sunlight just like a round
brilliant will (just be aware...that's normal).

Dont be afraid to return a stone if it doesnt meet your expectations. You will be looking at this stone for a long time so make sure
you love the way it acts. Be sure to view it in different lighting conditions. I prefer a jeweler who will bring in 3 (or more) stones
for you to compare and pick your favorite from but they dont all work like that.

Good luck and Congratulations on your engagement!
Well, your fiance wasn't *entirely* off the track in going for a D color. Ovals tend to concentrate any tint at the ends of the diamond, so a D color will make sure that doesn't happen and that the color will be uniform throughout the stone. So that's a good thing.

As for cut, neither GIA nor IGI offers a cut grading for fancy cuts (oval falls into the category of fancy cuts), so if you see one (and you do see one here - it says VG under "make") you know that's been added by the jeweler and is their best guess and is NOT part of the official grading. VG in this situation is pretty much a catch-all and doesn't count for much.

Your stats are good. Your polish and symmetry gradings are excellent, and the video looks good to me without a highly visible bow tie (some slight bowtie, at least, is a given because that's just how the faceting pattern works on both ovals and pears).

I'd say you're good to go. And congratulations on your engagement!

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