
Star sapphire information?


Mar 2, 2009
Hi all!

I'm considering buying the following star sapphire, but wanted to garner some more info first since I don't see them too often on vendor sites nor on Pricescope so I don't really have a good handle on what's available at what prices.

I'm drawn to this star sapphire because it seems much more transparent than what I usually see available, but as I've never bought a star sapphire before, I don't really know how to evaluate the photos either! I like the sharpness and symmetry of the star as well.

I would love opinions/advice to help me decide!

It's 2.72 ct, med violet in color, 7.7mm x 6.5mm. Many of you are probably familiar with it as it is from a well known PS vendor. I guess part of the reason I'm hedging is because nobody's bought it yet so I'm kind of wondering if there's something wrong with it that I'm just not smart enough to have picked up on?




OMG! I LOVE that stone, I was considering it seriously. :cheeky:

For me it was too small, I like BIG stones. I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

If you buy it PLEASE post pics! :appl:
Thanks iLander!

I do think the photos look yummy! I wanted to buy it when it was first available but didn't have funds. I recently have been saving though, and I was also able to get a about 20% off (what can I say, I'm a compulsive haggler) which makes it within budget, so I'm awfully tempted.

But I didn't just want to jump into it without trying to educate myself a bit more.
I'd also love to hear opinions from those who have bought star sapphires about how the star looks in real life compared to in the vendor photos. Are the body colors usually deeper than expected? I would imagine the photos online are taken with strong light sources to best show the star, and maybe that washes out the color?

ETA: I do have it reserved, I ought to make up my mind by the end of the week though.
I know the vendor and think it is priced well if you are able to get the discount. While the legs aren't stick straight or very strong (strong line rather than spread out a little), it is nevertheless still attractive. The body colour has a some gray but isn't strong so the violet remains pleasing to the eye. How is the back of the stone? Any inclusions elsewhere?

To allow the star to be seen and photographed, usually a strong single light source is needed. When the star isn't seen (diffused lighting), all you'll have left is a translucent dreamy/watery cabochon.

Sometimes people do not see the gem until it is pointed out to them. A good example is the gorgeous spessartite ForteKitty snagged. It's gorgeous and was listed for a while.
Thanks Chrono!

I asked Brad, and he said the stone is transparent, and eye clean, no structural problems front or back.
He also said it wasn't a "grayish" stone, but that the gem was nicely saturated med-light to medium.

Is there anything else I should ask him?

I know, sometimes a stone just happens to be around for awhile until the right person comes along! I remember Barry's tsavorite was there a long time too before I bought it, but it's my favorite gemstone ever, haha. I'm just making sure I'm not over looking something due to my woefully limited knowledge about star sapphires.

Also, I hate PS's new search engine! I was trying to search for old star sapphire threads but it's so hard...bah. Anybody remember a thread awhile ago on star sapphire engagement ring by James Meyer?
Be aware that star gems and catseyes will only show their sharp shape from a point light source (full sun, or at night from a distant light bulb). The star is smeared and fuzzy when light comes in from all angles, such as on an overcast day.

Natural star sapphires are harder to find now, since most are cooked into faceted stones. The coloring ingredients in blue sapphire is iron and titanium. The rutile

are the inclusions that create the star. So if you cook a pastel blue sapphire, the rutile needles dissolve and make the color somewhat more intense.

I think it is an attractive gem with a fine star. You could search for a more intense colored gem body, but the price would be higher.

I would imagine the photos online are taken with strong light sources to best show the star. Doesn’t have to be strong, but must be point light source. Look at the very bright circle in each picture. That is a reflection of the point light source.

legs aren't stick straight or very strong (strong line rather than spread out a little. You want that, that because it is proof of a natural star. There are many perfect synthetic star sapphires for the unwary. This star is excellent for a natural star sapphire.

Thank you for your kind comment about my cc blue garnet.
No, I would not describe the stone as grayish at all but the saturation isn't strong (more like medium on my monitor but I could be wrong), so there is a slight amount of gray modifier. Did you ask him how it looks under diffused lighting (when the star isn't apparent)? I know I sound overly critical but I think overall, it's a pretty stone.

I think the price reflects the quality very well. A very fine untreated star sapphire will have straighter legs and stronger star but the price will also be astronomical. :bigsmile: For proof of a natural star, there's always the lab or testing done by a gemologist with the right equipment.
Thank you Zeolite!
I always hold your opinion in the highest regard since you are so very well educated and versed in the matter of colored gems. I do so envy your garnet collection.

I as well was under the impression that star sapphires are rarely heated because doing so would ruin the rutile needed for the star, but I have come across heated star sapphires. But they are almost always opaque to semi opaque, I wonder if it is possible to have a heated but translucent star sapphire? Hmm..

I'm quite fond of the color in the photo, I enjoy a little quirk in my gems. I like that it's a little weird (like me!)
I have seen that stone listed and I was very tempted. I actually like that the legs arent so straight.The legs on the delong star ruby and the star of india are more wavy. Online it looks very transparent. The color looks a little gray online but that may be much different in person, and may deepen in a bezel. If I didn't have so much money tied up in projects right now I wouldn't have hesitated, but Im also not such a disciplined shopper. The only ones Ive seen similar are the pair on wildfish and those are TWO orders of magnitude more dollars!!
Making the Grade,

I think it's amazing to find a natural (not those weird fake ebay ones :shock:) star sapphire in a translucent body. I think the medium purple is pretty cool, too. I don't see any gray, myself, and I think it's worth ordering and seeing it in RL. Worst case, it's a few bucks and a trip to the PO to return it. But I don't think you'll want to . . . :naughty:

I'm sorry, it's gorgeous. If I could have talked him into a discount, it would be mine already!

Here's a question for everybody: :wavey: Does a star mean it is definitely unheated?
I think it's really pretty and I hope you get it!
Wow, what a ruby Zeolite!

ARGG..PS search engine is driving me up the wall.
I don't like it either MTG! I feel like I can't find anything anymore!

The minute I saw the title of this thread, I knew which one you meant! I have been considering that one on and off for a while. My personal and not expert opinion is that the fine light color of it and the transparency are hard to find for that price, especially with the 20% off. I have been keeping my eye open for star gems these last years. I also want to add that the star gems I have are my favorites. So beautiful and entertaining! There is always something new to enjoy with them.

I'm looking forward to lots of pictures if you get it! :appl: :appl: :appl:
OOooo MT! Linky to your star gems?

Speaking of darker body color, the same vendor had this sapphire available, it was larger at around 3.5ct, but it was $2,500. Eeeep. It is a nice color though! I wonder who bought it...

Ok, I've been trying to no avail. Could somebody PLEASE link me to RubyCharm's gorgeous star ruby van crayest ering? Plllleeeaseeeeee
Hey Empress,

No, it's not a PS discount. I just figure it never hurts to ask. I've asked him in the past about certain stones, and sometimes the price isn't negotiable, but every now and then there's a little wiggle room. :bigsmile:
I have a small star sapphire, not as transparent as the ones in the pictures above but pretty nice. Just my experience; yYou really do have to like the body color a lot since thats what you see most of the time.

The other star sapphire you showed a picture of is more because obviously the body colour is strongly saturated and the star is sharper and straighter. That is what I meant by my earlier post that yes, the star sapphire could be nicer but if it’s nicer, well….then it wouldn’t be sold for that price now, would it? :bigsmile: With the 20% discount, I think it is a good buy. Because I’d never considered asking this vendor (BP) for a discount, I shall ask him in the future. The worst that will happen is that he will say no. And as encouragement to the rest, there’s a stone I’m considering that a different vendor is giving me a 20% discount.
Thanks Chrono! Yeah, I'm not so concerned with finding "ideal" collector specimens at the moment, I"m just trying to make educated and price appropriate buys that I can enjoy. And I do think I'll enjoy this color so I'm going to go ahead and commit. :bigsmile:

Oh, and this was the heated, translucent star sapphire I was thinking of. So I guess it is possible to heat it and keep the star and a level of translucency. Must be a gamble though I'd imagine?


It was from NeonPeon's ering search
Well, I decided to get it, I'll post pics once it comes, promise.

If anybody has cab rings or ideas, I started a thread for inspiration for cabochons and would love your help!
I think there was a PS poster who had a semi-custom sugarloaves set by her local jeweller. I don't recall her name but she set a tsavorite and Mahenge. It was such a simple setting but it really spoke to me. The underside was totally open.
Hmmm...can't remember that thread...sounds delightful though. Freakin PS search engine...
This the star ruby I bought at Tucson. The vendor had a gazillion star rubies/star saphhires. This one is not the classic red color, it has a purpley coloration to it but I liked it just the same so I bought it. It was 7.7 ct and cost $100. The star rays are perfect and it is spot on center. An odd teardrop shape to it.

Wrong pic, apologies, trying to get the pic with the star showing. Trying again now.

MakingTheGrade said:
Ok, I've been trying to no avail. Could somebody PLEASE link me to RubyCharm's gorgeous star ruby van crayest ering? Plllleeeaseeeeee

Rubies are my favorite stone. That huge thread disappeared for me a while back, too. I wish I had saved some of the photos on my computer. Such a pretty ring.
I have been stalking that stone since it came out... even emailed about it. Sadly, I ain't got the funds. Can't wait to see pics! Glad it's going to a good home.

I wanted to set it in rose gold with a thin pave-encrusted shank and plain bezel.My inspiration vision was "engagement ring for mermaid princess".

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