
Steam Cleaner vs Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaners

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May 23, 2007
What does everyone recommend to clean your diamond ring? I have read several post and some say the Jewel Jet steam cleaner and some say the Sharper Image Ultrasonic cleaner. Then if you go with the Ultrasonic do you go with heated or not? If anyone can give me their
two cents I would appreciate it. Thanks.
This has been hashed over time and time again. So if you read the old threads, you'll find MANY people's opinions on it.

And welcome to PS!
I''ve recently read ALL of those threads. There is alot of debate. If you have pave you may want to skip the US. Some posters have had pave fall out. Alot of discussion about whethor it''s a pave issue or just poor setting. Some use the US and the steamer.

It looks like the Sharper Image US is the best. Unless I missed a thread or two to the contrary.

For now I''m going with the little Red Container and then my coffee machine''s milk frother. I may have to clean or upgrade the coffee machine to get stronger steam. LOL
I have one of those steam cleaners (looks like a bottle with a nozzle) that you use to clean your house with. Does a great job on jewelry!!! Just lay the diamond jewelry on a towel before you steam it. It''s by Succini. So if you get that, you can use it for dual purposes - cleaning your house and cleaning your jewelry.

Date: 6/6/2007 12:53:06 PM
What does everyone recommend to clean your diamond ring? I have read several post and some say the Jewel Jet steam cleaner and some say the Sharper Image Ultrasonic cleaner. Then if you go with the Ultrasonic do you go with heated or not? If anyone can give me their
two cents I would appreciate it. Thanks.
I have honestly been looking at Steam cleaners, but I hate to spend money on another gadget.

I was thinking of getting a metal hand held strainer with a hard plastic handle and holding it over the spout of kettle of boiling water. You may laugh, but it is the same thing.. and alot cheaper. And also, it is not another gadget that takes up space that is used occasionally.

Just my thoughts

Unless I hear something negative, I''m leaning towards a steam cleaner like the Jewel Jet because I have been told by more than one jeweler that ultrasonics can loosen stones especially if used alot.
Thanks for all your coments. I am leaning towards the SI cleaner. I do have a micro pave pendent that I would like to keep clean and do not want a lot of gadgets. I only want one thing to clean everything. Thanks for all your input.
Date: 6/6/2007 5:41:29 PM
Author: catlover
Thanks for all your coments. I am leaning towards the SI cleaner. I do have a micro pave pendent that I would like to keep clean and do not want a lot of gadgets. I only want one thing to clean everything. Thanks for all your input.
You should NOT put anything micropave in the SI or other ultrasonic.
I would like to get one or the other. But the person I worked with at WF told me that with my pave ring, neither a steamer or an ultrasonic were 100% safe.
My diamonds seem very clean because I scrub them every time I wear them but one of these gadgets would probably clean them even better.
I bought both the Sharper Image US and JewelJet after reading the posts. My rings are an asscher diamond solitaire and channel set asscher wedding band. I didn''t see much of a difference from using the ultrasonic so I returned it, but I LOVE my Jewel Jet. In fact, when my friends come over, they always ask if they can use it to clean their rings :)
I have the JewelJet, and I love it. I love that it takes no time at all to use, it doesn''t use any chemicals, and I don''t need to dry the jewelry afterward. My jeweler said that the pave on my ring was safe in the ultrasonic, but I feel more comfortable using the JewelJet.
Date: 6/7/2007 12:03:56 PM
Author: Kim N
I have the JewelJet, and I love it. I love that it takes no time at all to use, it doesn''t use any chemicals, and I don''t need to dry the jewelry afterward. My jeweler said that the pave on my ring was safe in the ultrasonic, but I feel more comfortable using the JewelJet.
Yes I really do think it is about comfort. My view is why take the risk?

Anyone have any pointers on the best place to buy a JewelJet?
Date: 6/7/2007 12:36:19 PM
Author: Stone Hunter

Date: 6/7/2007 12:03:56 PM
Author: Kim N
I have the JewelJet, and I love it. I love that it takes no time at all to use, it doesn''t use any chemicals, and I don''t need to dry the jewelry afterward. My jeweler said that the pave on my ring was safe in the ultrasonic, but I feel more comfortable using the JewelJet.
Yes I really do think it is about comfort. My view is why take the risk?

Anyone have any pointers on the best place to buy a JewelJet?
I bought mine on eBay, new rather than refurbished.
Thanks for all the input. I just talked with Sheerah at Whiteflash and she said to use dawn dish soap and warm water and let it sit for about 15 minutes and rinse off. So for right now I will try that and see how well it cleans. I did ask her about the ultrasonic units and she said they can cause your diamonds to become loose. So to stay on the safe side I will use her recommendations.
I''ve also been told by jewelry salespeople I trust, that they prefer to use Simple Green or any mild liquid soap, and hot water. I use that with a child''s soft toothbrush and it seems fine. I''m afraid of using US or steam for fear of loosening my setting (my stone has a very thin girdle so I dont want anyone having to fiddle with it).
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