
Step dad had a cow over guests... as promised (FREAKE)

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Aug 8, 2005
So I stopped by my moms today to get the (FINAL_FREAKING_LY) guest list addresses. I notice that... the 13 additions weren''t listed with their addys. So I asked why.

Mom says, well Frank (step-dad) was helping me with the list and since we were fighting all last night about the extra guests I didn''t want to re-start the arguement.

I TOLD YOU HE WOULD HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT. (OH YEAH BABY! It''s petty of me, but I enjoyed it).


He''ll get over it.


You could just have them over for the party you have been (threatening) saying you are going to throw after the wedding, like we planned orignally.


blah, blah, blah...


Step dad is your problem on this, not mine. Let me know one way or another.
lol....I love parents!
Looks like you were right!
You called it.

Stay strong, do not allow yourself to get sucked in.

I wish I had seen this earlier but I was working on Stats homework. Hee hee hee!!!! I''m so glad you pointed out that you had predicted DOOM for her additions...

My name is Freke (Liz) and I''m a snarky *female dog*. And dang proud of it.

I am woman...hear me *growl*
Good response, Gypsy, stay strong. Whatever happens, will happen.
I felt a little bad. Like I was abandonning her. But I got the backbone back right quick. Thanks so much for the support you all. Means a lot.

Backbone snapped back into place when she was trying to tell me what to say if Frank talked to me about it and so on and so forth... and I was like. NO FREAKING WAY LADY! I could NOT care less if these people show up. I am NOT in cahoots with you on this. And this is YOUR battle.

"If he asks me about it, I''ll tell him to talk to you and that I am staying OUT OF IT. "
Say, "No Frank, she INSISTED that she got to invite those people. No, I've never held a conversation with them. Yes I agree with you that your relatives are more important than her 'friends'. I didn't want to invite them either, trust me. I'm so glad that YOU AND I see eye to eye on this issue. If it comes up again, remind her that I do NOT want them at my wedding and that if she insists that they come to some kind of party, she can create one herself. AFTER the wedding-by about a month. I'm really glad we got this cleared up. You have a good night too!"

Wow, I'm making up conversations in my head. I think it's time to go to sleep. YAY sleep!
Oh Dear, Hang in there Gypsy. Pull out all the attitude you have!
It''ll be fine. Either way, as LONG AS I''m KEPT OUT OF THE LINE OF FIRE, I don''t care. But god help them if I''m thrust into it.

I''m REALLY cranky today though. I already did something I''ve never EVER EVER done before... in the privacy of my office. I flipped my PITA boss off. C R A N K Y.

Someone needs a NAP.

And it''s ME.
Awwww poor Gypsy! I have chocolate? Want some chocolate? It''s Ghirardelli
Date: 4/2/2008 1:01:57 PM
Author: LegacyGirl
Awwww poor Gypsy! I have chocolate? Want some chocolate? It''s Ghirardelli
Mmmmmmmmmm. THANK YOU Legacy! I''m gonna nap at lunch. I already have my car set up for it and everything. I just have to hold on to my temper through ONE call with a very ANNOYING opposing counsel. That''s all.
Date: 4/2/2008 1:26:11 PM
Author: Gypsy

Date: 4/2/2008 1:01:57 PM
Author: LegacyGirl
Awwww poor Gypsy! I have chocolate? Want some chocolate? It's Ghirardelli
Mmmmmmmmmm. THANK YOU Legacy! I'm gonna nap at lunch. I already have my car set up for it and everything. I just have to hold on to my temper through ONE call with a very ANNOYING opposing counsel. That's all.
I know how that is
I wanted to slap the OC in today's mediation. We were doing a mediation involving a subrogation claim for an insurance co and I swear the insurance companies always find their attorneys under bridges or rocks or where ever trolls seem to hide nowadays...
Isn''t it great when you can say "I told you so" to your parents?
Legacy... one verbal slap is all it takes sometimes. I''ve had to tell OC to behave before, forcefully. It happens, and I''m not in any type of litigation. LOL about the trolls. Under bridges, last time I checked. Todays OC was just plain batsh*t crazy. The things he wanted to stick in the contract were just MIND BOGGLING. When I told him the clauses were unacceptable he tried to threaten me that it would take approval at the "highest exectutive levels" ... I told him I had his CEO''s number on me, and would he care to dail, or should I. Jerk.

Zoe... some times it is EXTREMELY satisfying, sadly enough.
Oooooooh, Gypsy, you have to deal with lawyers all day too? Welcome to my world girlfriend.

Although I have to admit, sometimes I wish it was just lawyers I had to deal with.
Hi Miracles.. yes, but virtue of the fact that I made it idiotic choice of going to lawschool and passing the bar, and was hired for those atrirbutes (if you can call them that!), I do deal with lawyers all day. LOL. And it''s a PITA. If I''m not dealing with them I''m dealing with executives... which is no walk in the park either, although uses a completely different set of survival skills. LOL.

Sorry you have to deal with lawyers all day too!
I''m a Corporate Risk Manager, so I feel your pain. Those folks on Survivor ain''t got nothin'' on us! Fear Factor, eh...amateurs.
Date: 4/2/2008 11:34:47 PM
Author: miraclesrule
I''m a Corporate Risk Manager, so I feel your pain. Those folks on Survivor ain''t got nothin'' on us! Fear Factor, eh...amateurs.

Oy. LOL. It''s a jungle out there...
You guys are nerds.
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