
Stone from SWALA....your thoughts.


Sep 17, 2008
Though I have no business doing this, I was checking a stone from swala. I keep going back to it because I like it a lot. Its the right size that I need as well. I think I'm more in love with its unusualness. It won't have appeal to everyone which is fine for me.

Per Eric the stone isn't dark and has excellent polish and cut, he also said the color of what you see is what you get. So what do you think about setting this is rose gold or would yellow gold be a better choice? I already think that white gold is totally out of the question for this one based on its color.


Yes, I can see that either yellow or rose will be a much better option than white for this stone. From a wearability standpoint, yellow might be an easier choice because it’s not easy to get the right shade of rose.
Interesting cut. Looks like some sort cushion/asscher combo to my inexperienced eyes. You seem to be going green lately? :tongue:

I'm thinking yellow gold will bring out the green. I think red gold sometimes has browner tones which I'd want to avoid with this stone. Personally, I don't choose a metal until I have the stone in hand, and can hold it next to different metals in person.

I'll be interested in the options of others.
That's a beautiful color Arcadian! I like it a lot-the cut is cool too! I think I would like yg best for it.
Thanks all.

I already have a rose gold setting but was very interested what others were thinking...mainly because I'm having a few doubts about how it will look though it worked well for my dematoid. I also have a white gold but, feel it would look too muddy in that setting. I do have yellow gold but it may be a tight squeeze.

yes I know, you don't need to say it :tongue: :wink2:

Flygirl for whatever reason I went back to my green kick. =)

Arcadian, I really like the stone, but I can hear the echo of TL in my ear about a brownish/grayish undertone. I've really got to stop listening to her!!! :bigsmile:

Oh, and as for color.... yellow gold would play up the green in the stone, rose would play up the blue. Which way sounds more pleasing to you?
Upgradable said:
Arcadian, I really like the stone, but I can hear the echo of TL in my ear about a brownish/grayish undertone. I've really got to stop listening to her!!! :bigsmile:

Oh, and as for color.... yellow gold would play up the green in the stone, rose would play up the blue. Which way sounds more pleasing to you?

I know I know, but color +cut is unusual enough for me to like it for what it is. Its not going to be a pure hue, which have to admit, I just don't want. However, i do want to play up the attributes the stone has and minimize a few that could turn the stone into mud. (thats why no white gold setting)

Besides, I do have a brown/gray tourmaline which really do love a lot. I think if its done on purpose, why not right?

But you do raise a good question which I really need to think on! if I play up the blue it be yet another green stone. I kinda like the thought of that TBH.

On a side note, not sure if you saw the golden yellow tourmaline I put a link of in the thread titled to you the other day. I think the thread is probably on the third page of CS by now. I know you were looking for a golden yellow gem, and this seemed optimal.
Love the color and cut, Arcadian! I would snap it up. I'm not sure about the metal color, though. I always have to have the stone in hand to decide that-- I don't have enough experience yet to tell just from a picture.
It sounds as though you have specific settings in mind for this (that "binge" you went on earlier?!). Are you sure this stone would fit in one of the settings you have on hand? Based on my recent experiences, some of the LOGR and lan.bo4 settings are very inconsistent. Or do you just love the stone so much that even if it didn't fit, or one of the settings you have didn't suit the stone, you'd still be thrilled to have it? The other thing I'd be thinking about is what Eric said about what you see is what you get. Considering the variation in monitors, I'm not sure that's true. Have you bought enough from him in the past to feel as though you know what you would be getting? I've only bought one stone from him, it was very much what I was expecting, but it certainly didn't look exactly like the photo I saw on my monitor.
tourmaline_lover said:
On a side note, not sure if you saw the golden yellow tourmaline I put a link of in the thread titled to you the other day. I think the thread is probably on the third page of CS by now. I know you were looking for a golden yellow gem, and this seemed optimal.

had not noticed! danke, I'll check it out!

Rose gold!! I actually have an Afghan tourmaline a very similar color, and it looked great when I placed it next to a rose gold ring.
Hi Arcadian! The cut is certainly unusual, its kinda interesting too ::) Rose gold for me too,I agree that the color is too cool to sit in wg:)
Thanks all for your opinions. they're all greatly appreciated.

Aoife, I always measure the settings. Sadly I've purchased enough from LOGR that I know which settings tend to be narrow. For the settings I have in this stone's size, I won't have any problems at all. I've bought one stone from Swala which it was a total match to my monitor and everything I expected (I calibrate my monitor as I work with Pantone colors a lot, I really have to be spot on.) My experience with Swala was stellar so I'm very jazzed to buy from them again.

Granted, I've done things bass ackwards for a reason....certain opportunities have opened themselves up, so sometimes you take them! This will also keep me from just buying stones because I fell in love with them but make me think long and hard about if it would fit the project I'm working on. I kinda need that intervention.

Being that I know this is not going to be a stone color that will suit everyone's taste, its the reason why I didn't ask about thoughts on the stone itself. I'm ok with that though because I have some stones in colors that would make folks retch :lol: This is truly one of those stones that will have to be put in the right color setting to make it sing.

So knowing that factor, I do want to play up the favorable attributes of the stone for sure, so getting opinions on what to set it in is what I'm after.

Then rose gold would be what I was looking at. I think it would be gorgeous with this stone, and bring out all its best!
I vote for rose gold.
ok, i looked at this stone and it whispered "green gold" to me........sorry but i can't help what your stone says! :bigsmile:

Just ask if the stone has a window though. It looks like it might have one. That might be a deterrent to you, I don't know.
movie zombie said:
ok, i looked at this stone and it whispered "green gold" to me........sorry but i can't help what your stone says! :bigsmile:


shame on you lol (I can see green gold myself :wink2: )

How about green gold?
Oops someone already suggested it.
Ok y'all need to stop with the green gold suggestions (I don't wanna buy another setting ;( (actually, yes I do :saint: :lol: )

It screamed green gold to me!! :love:
on one hand i'm disappointed that this stone was not whispering only to gold, green gold, green gold. on the other hand, i'm glad i'm not alone in invisioning this in a green gold setting!


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