
Stone orientation


Jul 23, 2012
So I had the idea of setting my chryso in a custom setting. But as I'm cheap I could justify so much money on a $50 stone, I bought an eBay setting and plan to get the peg head replaced. What do you think is a better orientation. The photos make it look terrible but I swear it's not! Lol. I've attached a few others just to save the poor girls reputation! (Shows yellow in one pick but green IRL, but the saturation is accurate so it's included. My hubby and my BF like e/w, but I'm getting a lot of n/a positive feedback too



The traditional NS looks more elegant to me and fits the flow of the ring design.
That's a nice chryso you got for a good price.

NS is more classic but I prefer WE just because it's less common. I agree with Chrono that NS suits the setting more.

Me too. Nice chryso.
OTL....$50? :(sad I feel sad for the chryso that's on the way to me now. I dislike it already :((
I usually like n/s better, but I think in this case I like the E/W - to my eye it flows better with the side stones.
OTL|1393270708|3622046 said:
OTL....$50? :(sad I feel sad for the chryso that's on the way to me now. I dislike it already :((
Ha! Don't feel bad it was from that the end of the year finewater sale.

My SIL just bought a 1ct one for a little more tha that.
I love east west generally, but on this stone in this setting it just doesn't look right.

I vote decisively for North-South.
I like e-w on the ring.
corundum_conundrum|1393272730|3622074 said:
I love east west generally, but on this stone in this setting it just doesn't look right.

I vote decisively for North-South.

Me too!
"I love east west generally, but on this stone in this setting it just doesn't look right."


Great stone, btw.
Lovely gem! :love: I generally prefer smaller ovals E/W and larger ones N/S. Personally, I'd say N/S for this one, especially with that setting.
N-S for the setting, but in general, I think this size stone can look great E-W.
pregcurious|1393283875|3622245 said:
N-S for the setting, but in general, I think this size stone can look great E-W.

Agreed! Usually, I like N-S in similar settings, but that stone looks awesome E-W - Either way, it will turn out fantastic!
Thanks everyone!

I wish E/W got more love as my marquise is a normal n/s setting with baguettes, so if i set this N/S they will look similar.

But Im not sure, the N/S DOES make it more obvious its an oval, E/W almost just makes it look like a wonky round.

And if i did set it N/S, the double baguettes does make it look a little bit different from my MQ.

hmm :confused: :confused:
I wish we were allowed to post double threads, because it would be great to post this in RT and see if you get a completely different set of answers :praise:
minousbijoux|1393296383|3622398 said:
I wish we were allowed to post double threads, because it would be great to post this in RT and see if you get a completely different set of answers :praise:

Right I had considered posting it there just because of all the traffic. But I wanted the CS perspective because it really does change the game gavin a CS center.

But also I'm still a diamond gal at heart. Had this been a diamond it would have been ew in a solitaire, but I couldn't bring myself to put this in a solitaire.
I like N-S for this setting, but the E-W also looked nice!
E/W for sure.
Apart from a Gypsy setting, I prefer N/S for oval cuts.

DK :))
A vote for E-W here.
That is a really pretty stone! Normally I'm an E-W fan but in that setting I think it looks better N-S.
I went with n/s. Pics to follow ;)
Niel said:
I went with n/s. Pics to follow ;)

Just one till I get some good ones for a SMTB


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