
stone recut advise from experts pls

Tariq wali

Jul 15, 2009
HI , i am not cutting expert , so i am posting some pictures of this stone and expert can better understand what was the reason for too shallow culet portion , it can be recut ?


Tariq wali


It was likely cut from a piece of rough that happened to be wide and flat.
To maximize profit it was cut to save weight and face-up size.
I can't really blame them since most buyers know nothing about good cut but just want a stone that looks large in the top view.

I wouldn't buy it.

Of course it can be recut but recutting it so it had no windowing and better light performance would mean a greatly reduced diameter.

Do you own it?
Are you considering buying it?

What kind of stone is it?
Natural? Treated?
Does it have a grading report?
Shallow stones like that are poor candidates for recuts. There just isn't enough depth to cut a well shaped stone.

Kenny explained everything well. I definitely wouldn't buy it either.

It always makes me smile when I see flat stones being called pancakes here =)
LoversKites|1391978506|3611545 said:
Shallow stones like that are poor candidates for recuts. There just isn't enough depth to cut a well shaped stone.

This, unfortunately. :(sad
kenny|1391976299|3611518 said:
It was likely cut from a piece of rough that happened to be wide and flat.
To maximize profit it was cut to save weight and face-up size.
I can't really blame them since most buyers know nothing about good cut but just want a stone that looks large in the top view.

I wouldn't buy it.

Of course it can be recut but recutting it so it had no windowing and better light performance would mean a greatly reduced diameter.

Do you own it?
Are you considering buying it?

What kind of stone is it?
Natural? Treated?
Does it have a grading report?

thank you for reply, i want to go to major lab for this stone , so before to go i want to know , the aproximate weight losses if stone will recut?

If that stone were 1ct, you could maybe MAYBE expect .10ct. A VAST VAST VAST majority would have to be cut away.

That is NOT a good candidate for a recut.
A very quick and dirty estimate: measure the depth of the stone. Multiply by 1.5 and you will have an approximate idea of diameter.
Lady_Disdain|1391986110|3611593 said:
A very quick and dirty estimate: measure the depth of the stone. Multiply by 1.5 and you will have an approximate idea of diameter.

thank you very much for your estimate calculation.

stone depth is 5 mm , width is 10-1/2 mm , length is 15- 1/2

so accoeding to your given formula 5mm x 1.5 = 7.5 ?


If you'd want precision cut with a pointed culet and a decent crown, I'd estimate more like 6.5mm
I guess how it was cut would depend upon how high the quality of the stone is. For example, what is the clarity of the stone? I ask because it looks almost opaque in some of the photos, and I wonder if that might account for its cutting as well. While we can give you estimates of cutting depth percentages and length and width based on high clarity colored stones, you would really need to speak with a lapidary to get an idea of what would be possible for your stone. A more typically cut corundum of those dimensions would weigh over 8 cts, due to a significantly deeper depth ratio than yours possesses. You would lose considerable weight if you were to cut it to have a more typical depth. I am no cutter and these calculations are imprecise at best, but it would end up being closer to 3-4 cts. It looks to have pretty color.
If this stone was mine, and it was great in every way except a shallow cut, I'd recut it into a rose cut and keep the face-up size. Rose cuts are not very popular, but I personally like them. Here's an example for inspiration.

Tariq wali|1392061737|3612042 said:
Lady_Disdain|1391986110|3611593 said:
A very quick and dirty estimate: measure the depth of the stone. Multiply by 1.5 and you will have an approximate idea of diameter.

thank you very much for your estimate calculation.

stone depth is 5 mm , width is 10-1/2 mm , length is 15- 1/2

so accoeding to your given formula 5mm x 1.5 = 7.5 ?


That is a rough estimate based on 60% depth (this will vary depending on material, cut, etc but it gives an estimate). It assumes a pavilion recut, maintaining the current girdle (so the low table would remain). Now, look around your stone at roughly that size: are there inclusion that would compromise the cut (they may have to be cut away)? Also, things can go wrong during recutting.

I think 1001smiles suggestion of a rose cut is excellent and the safest path. But a good answer will only come from a lapidary with the rough in hand.
facing error to sending more pictures of its clearity ,sending one by one,

At this point, I'm not sure what you're asking for. Yes, it can likely be recut, but you will lose a significant amount of weight.
very helpful informations for me , thanks to all for replies .

Tariq wali
A significant weight and size loss often equates to significant colour quality loss as well, which you may want to consider.

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