
Strong Blue Flor in Fancy Yellow Diamond?


Mar 22, 2010
I do recall this being discussed before, so I apologize. I can't find the thread.

I found a 2.5 ct FYR with strong blue flor

The pic is not overwhelmingly beautiful, but I noticed the pics on their site are kind of blah. I guess that is better than fake razzle dazzle. Anyway, I got off topic.

What will strong blue flor do to the yellow? Make it cloudy? Or (wishful thinking) a nice little greenish tinge?

Thanks for any input
So etimes strong flour will make it cloudy. Also a strong blue will wash out the yellow a little in natural light. I doubt you will get green out of it.
Itzik and Mali are great about answering questions about their stones. Their customer service is great. I'm sure they'd be glad to tell you how the fluor effects the color. I've been curious about that too. I love fluor in FCD's as it adds a dynamic quality to the color. If you do find out from the site please let us know how it works :D
I'll give a general remark on Fluorescence influence on diamonds color and not a specific to remark on the 2.50ct (I believe it is against the forums rules to revert to one of my stones).

Fluorescence can come in different colors, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Pink and white.
I will only revert to how they affect Fancy colored diamonds, not white diamonds.

Different colors react differently for Fluorescence, for example Pink diamonds, the majority of the Argyle diamonds are with Fluorescence and in most cases it doesn't effect neither the color.
There are certain colors that receive their special hue only due the Fluorescence, for example, Intense and especially Vivid Yellow-Green with Strong or very strong Yellow Fluorescence look "Glowing" due to its Fluorescence.
I have seen a few month ago Fancy Intense Pinkish Orange with Red Fluorescence, (a very uncommon Fluorescence), the stone was amazing due the Fluorescence, It added substantially to the color.

In Yellow Diamonds its simpler, the Fluorescence will usually be Blue Fluorescence and the effect will be individual per stone, which means not every stone will have "side effects".
The main effects are usually the two following: the good effect is it may increase the color of the stone, which means it will have stronger intensity. On the other hand the bad effect, and from this stones you should try to avoid are stones that the Fluorescence gives the stone a Brownish appearance in color. Not all stones have this effects (they can perfectly regular stones). In most cases what you see is if you take your diamond to a night club or a place with UV lights, you will be able to see the Glowing of Fluorescence.
I can say about us personally we never buy the stones with the Brownish tint due to the Fluorescence, we don't like it at all.
So basically before buying a diamond with some kind of Fluorescence ask the vendor if the Fluorescence effects the stones color in any way.

Here is a picture of of Blue Fluorescence in different strength, None, Faint, Medium Blue and Strong Blue in Pink diamonds and below is Fluorescence of Very Strong Yellow all under Fluorescence light.

Hope this helps,

I want to wish you all Happy new year and Shana Tova!!!


Thanks Itzik, Shana Tova Umetukah!
Leibish & Co. said:
So basically before buying a diamond with some kind of Fluorescence ask the vendor if the Fluorescence effects the stones color in any way.

Happy New Year Itzik! Thanks for the informative post.

I think this is something anyone should ask any vendor of FCD's when considering purchasing one.
petrock<3 said:
I do recall this being discussed before, so I apologize. I can't find the thread.

I found a 2.5 ct FYR with strong blue flor

The pic is not overwhelmingly beautiful, but I noticed the pics on their site are kind of blah. I guess that is better than fake razzle dazzle. Anyway, I got off topic.

What will strong blue flor do to the yellow? Make it cloudy? Or (wishful thinking) a nice little greenish tinge?

Thanks for any input

The type of fluorescence most common in Fancy Yellow diamonds is Blue Fluroescence.
Diamonds that have blue fluorescnece absorb UV(colorless high energy light) and emit (blue lower energy light).
Fancy yellow diamonds absorb blue wavelengths from white light thus reflecting yellow light.

When you add yellow and blue light in equal intensities you get white light. Fancy yellow diamonds with Strong Blue Fluoro are significantly discounted because the color can be washed out to more white especially when the source contains a lot of UV.

That is part of the reason why this 2.5ct diamond is priced as low as it is. The other may have to do with the cut, this colored diamond has a huge table and shallow crown, and this may lead to a lack of life.
CCL does blue fluor occur in pink/red diamonds? Or does it only occur in the more nitrogen rich colors?
davi_el_mejor said:
CCL does blue fluor occur in pink/red diamonds? Or does it only occur in the more nitrogen rich colors?
Yes they do, the pic of the 4 stones in line with Blue Fluo are all Argyle pinks...
D'oh! I should have re-read your post. Thanks Itzik.
I had a natural yellow diamond with strong blue fluor. The effect was that in sunlight the yellow diminished and the stone appeared paler and whiter. Actually (and I'm a big fan of fluor), this wasn't great for this particular stone. It didn't affect the look but it certainly affected the colour. As I had bought a yellow diamond, I wanted to see yellow! I traded it in and bought a Chameleon diamond so it actually worked out well for me!
LovingDiamonds said:
I had a natural yellow diamond with strong blue fluor. The effect was that in sunlight the yellow diminished and the stone appeared paler and whiter. Actually (and I'm a big fan of fluor), this wasn't great for this particular stone. It didn't affect the look but it certainly affected the colour. As I had bought a yellow diamond, I wanted to see yellow! I traded it in and bought a Chameleon diamond so it actually worked out well for me!
I think it is very much related to the stone, in certain stones the fluo effects the stones and in others it doesn't/ there is nor rule, it's individual to the stone.
The Chameleon is a good example also, All chameleons have Fluo, it is part of their nature, and as assume from what you wrote you are happy with this stone although it has Fluo?
my point it is each stone should be examined by itself if the Fluo effects the stone or not.

Thanks Itzik for such an informative and interesting post and photo of the fluorescence.

Leibish & Co. said:
LovingDiamonds said:
I had a natural yellow diamond with strong blue fluor. The effect was that in sunlight the yellow diminished and the stone appeared paler and whiter. Actually (and I'm a big fan of fluor), this wasn't great for this particular stone. It didn't affect the look but it certainly affected the colour. As I had bought a yellow diamond, I wanted to see yellow! I traded it in and bought a Chameleon diamond so it actually worked out well for me!
I think it is very much related to the stone, in certain stones the fluo effects the stones and in others it doesn't/ there is nor rule, it's individual to the stone.
The Chameleon is a good example also, All chameleons have Fluo, it is part of their nature, and as assume from what you wrote you are happy with this stone although it has Fluo?
my point it is each stone should be examined by itself if the Fluo effects the stone or not.


Itzik I totally agree. I apologise if I appeared to be saying that "all" yellow diamonds with fluor would react in this way. I most certainly agree that they do not. Fluor affects diamonds in so many different ways and, as you say, you need to see the stone in all lighting conditions to see what it does. I was very badly trying to say that this is what happened to one diamond that I owned!

Yes, you're also correct that my Chameleon has strong yellow fluor and is all together a completely different animal from the natural yellow. I adore my Chameleon because it changes from green to orange to yellow (not in that order) and is fascinating. It's difficult to know exactly how the fluor affects it because it looks so different in all lights and of course heat (when it goes bright orange!).
Thank you so much, Itzik, CCL and Loving Diamonds for sharing your first hand experience and expertise with yellow diamonds! It is so helpful. I am in Mexico right now and hope to see some of these pretties IRL in a few weeks. I will have to see for myself.

Too bad yellow stone + blue flor does not equal green! If it did, I'm sure the price would be different!

It would be really neat though to have a stone flores like that, Itzik, cool photos. Thank you for posting them.
I am so glad that response worked, I have been trying to reply for a few days now! It must be my connection here, I don't know. Sorry it took so long to respond!
petrock<3 said:
Thank you so much, Itzik, CCL and Loving Diamonds for sharing your first hand experience and expertise with yellow diamonds! It is so helpful. I am in Mexico right now and hope to see some of these pretties IRL in a few weeks. I will have to see for myself.

Too bad yellow stone + blue flor does not equal green! If it did, I'm sure the price would be different!

It would be really neat though to have a stone flores like that, Itzik, cool photos. Thank you for posting them.

With pleasure, i hope it helpped.
Enjoy Mexico, and i want to wish all of you again a happy new year!!!


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