
Suggestions for decorating a

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door knob solitaire

Jun 26, 2005
Title should have read: Suggestions for decorating a "BIG HONKIN" Christmas tree?

YO Buddies,

This is my first year in a house with a high ceiling, 18 feet. We are trying to decide on a 9 foot tree or a 12 foot tree (seven feet in diameter...). Either choice it is going to require a different decorating attack than what I am used to.

On a shorter tree I use little things...and lots of them. Small to medium silver balls and small ornaments. Is it right to think the larger tree the decorations should be...larger and fewer? TO make a biger impact? You eye travels up the tree heigth...less is more?

The expense of the tree is such that Mr. DoorKnob will not be pleased with the expense for larger decorations. Therefore, I am considering using large white poinsettia flowers with a minimum amount of other things. My color theme is silver and white-Winter wonderland. I will be using lots of fluffy white cottony stuff and fake snow flakes in the room and on the stair case and balcony. There are lights lots and lots of white lights. My ribbon is a silver organza with snow flakes accented in glitter. Haven't decided on my tree topper, I prefer using a Whispy elegant angel. I could make a huge bow with ribbons of streamer ribbon coming down. On a 12 footer it is going to take a ton of ribbon. I would like to use grape vine...but is it too natural for my elegant color scheme?

Wonder if the tree should be decorated in a trail of decor starting at the bottom and circling around up to the top? Sorry for my rambling...any advice would be appreciated.

Tiffanys diamond by the yard... would make a fabulous garland...hmmm. Mr. Doorknob should appreciate just how frugal
I am.

I have no real suggestions as the thought of a 12 foot tree overwhelms me, but the one thing I will say is that you should go to the mall or stores, and look at their trees. Or an ipscale store like Bloomies and see how they decorate. What does Tiff put on their trees? hehee.

I love the store trees, they always look so beautiful, but whenever I think about replicating it at home I am like NEVERMIND. I collect a few ornaments a year and also have a few from childhood, and so I always add a few to the tree but the only real theme is that I love red, gold and 90% of the tree looks like that. Adore white lights too. I''d love to see your finished pictures!

Oh but I do like the idea of the big bow at top with streamers of ribbon, have seen that at local stores I am sure.
Our Christmas tree always gets wrapped in tulle and its gorgeous! The tulle is about 2-3 feet wide and very long and we just bunch it up and then wrap it in a spiral all the way down the tree. Then the white tree lights sparkle through the tulle and it looks great.
Poinsettias are a great idea to poke in the branches too. And how about those little birds that could sit on the branches! If you''re trying to go cheap try tying bows of pretty gold ribbon. Or go to Michaels craft store and get gold sparkly twigs to poke around the branches. hmmm, what else. We also hang ginger bread men cookies on our tree (just have to keep them away from the bottom or the dog eats them
Thanks Mara- great idea. I will go to the mall and look now with greater interest. We don''t have a Tiffanys...but man oh man what a great time to be in their store.

Sunkist-I think my ribbon is actually closer to a tulle than organza. The tulle you referred too, is it just fabric from a bolt? Or is it a more expensive trimmed ribbon? If it is the cheaper version...I think I will look into that. I know just what you are describing with the light showing through the tulle. I have the stairs all done and I placed the ribbon or poinsettia over a light and it too illuminates and adds such interest. I love your other ideas...I LOVE THE BIRD IDEA. White Doves! Great. But I can''t use the gold...I am trying to stay white and silver and whispy. Those stick things you mentioned I could get them natural and cover them in a coat of silver paint or white and add some glitter or something. I am not afraid to make the accents. I even considered getting about 12 large styrofoam balls and decopaging silver tissue paper in squares alternating with pearlized papers...and some pearls or silver dragees. I have small shiny silver cherub ornaments that could be attached to the foam and add dimension. Feathery stuff too. Hmmm. Probably would spend more making everything than buying it. You that use gold have sooo much more to choose from than silver. Silver is a tough find.

Ok so is the tulle on your tree the most prominent thing? Could you picture it working with only adding the poinsettia? OR do you think there needs to be other elements? When you say you bunch it up...does it look straight for about a foot and then a big poochy bunch and then straight again?

Funny about the gingerbread and your dog. Wonder what he thinks..."just a little lower and I am in! Food hanging from the trees. What a life!"
Hahaha, yes my dog loves that there are gingerbread men on the tree. No matter how we try to keep them out of his reach he always seems to get a couple throughout the holliday season! That sneaker!

Yes the tulle is just from a bolt of fabric. And when I said bunching, I just meant gathering in the sides, so take it from 3 feet wide to say 8 inches wide. You know just squash it together. Haha, I hope I''m making sense. It''s hard to describe these things without pictures and I don''t have a camera... Anyways, I hope you have the idea, it sounds like you do.

Then as you spiral it around and down your tree, make it kind of billowy by fluffing it out so it looks "winter wonderlandy" like your theme
So in response to one of your questions, No I don''t mean straight for a foot and then poof and then straight again. It''s all billowy the whole way around. But I''d play with it and see what you like.

On my tree this is kind of a base that I work around. It usually loaded with ornaments, but sometimes I get the tulle on and a few more decorative sprigs and think it looks the great just like that! If you''re adding poinsettias, maybe you could also add some white or clear globes ( you might be able to find those cheap somewhere). It sounds like your tree will be great!

And by the way your stairway sounds very pretty with the lights and poinsettias!
Sunkist-Thanks for your effort in the description. I got it now! You bunch your tulle like it is an accordian...great idea! I think I will do the tulle. I will make the tulle flow like a river in a spiral down from the top. Sprigs of something sticking out here and there and a group of say three poinsettias at the base of the sticking out thing. The tree has over 3000 lights and my living room is on the dark side or it will be when we gather Christmas late day. If my plan works...I mean YOUR TULLE plan...I hope to showcase the lights and display minimal decorations...I think it will work. I will know soon. As I plan to do the tree as soon as possible.

Sounds funny, but we don''t live in the house right now. It needs to be remodeled. But our family loves it the way the house is.... we have gathered there at least 6 times this year alone. So I guess my posting here is a way for me to vent my frustration in that I am not in the midst of getting it done...only in the planning stage. It does help to walk through the ideas. Thank you for your help.

I think I may consider an angel for the top and maybe a three other angels scattered in the river of tulle. If I can find the birds you suggested...oh my. So it would be 3 poinsettias...with the protuding sticks...tulle for a Angel....more tulle....and repeat. Birds scattered along the other areas. I have about 50 regular sized silver balls. They are soo shiny like a mirror. I might also place them in groups of three, as they are too small to be alone. You know I may just concentrate all the decorations in the river of Tulle. Nothing else anywhere. The 12 foot heigth...the bevy of lights...the luminated tulle...I think we did it! Except now I must add matching tulle to the stairs and balcony. And run a river of tulle down my dinner table. Thanks Sunkist-I would KIST you if I could!

Any other thoughts...go ahead...anybody? I haven''t started yet. I do feel much better though!
WOW>... Door Knob!! 12Ft. Wow.. "Mine says breathlessly" I would probably set up camp and want to hang out around it!

WOW!! good luck and please post some pictures of that bad boy!
Your interest is too funny. Did you read about my husbands yard equipment? You know I posted about all his latest toys and the infamous the leave blower. The one with the volkswagon engine...well....guess who is deciding on the tree? MR BAD BOY himself. Thats right. A tree has no it big...really REELLY big.

Yes, we will be camping under it. I think I am going to get a pair of the outdoor animated deer....and put those on the sides. In a sea of white cottony snow. The deer will be in motion all night. Cool huh?
Hee HEE yeh cool! You could have one of those fake snow machines.. the ones that shoot out white confetti stuff oohh oohh and a mini train that kids can ride on around it.. and a nature sound CD.. I am jealous!! LOL...
OH man...let''s hope Mr. DoorKnob doesn''t think of your train suggestion. The engine will have to be turbo charged and the wheels will have to be chromed....OH Mine. Shhhhhh. Some people are happy with a little 12" desk top tree.
Yes, Please post pics of your Christmas decorations when you''re done!
It sounds like you got a lot of great suggestions from Sunkist already.

My aunt has a 12 ft tree and she used to do the trailing wide ribbon starting the top. It was really pretty but she soon got sick of that so now she has poinsettas all over it instead of any ribbon or garland. The bought all the poinsettas dirt cheap from Michael''s the day after christmas one year. She also added extra lights, which she said really decreased the need to add a lot of ornaments. Because her tree is displayed in the middle of her foyer, she had to decorate all sides of it -- doesn''t sound like an easy task!

Sounds like your tree will be gorgeous! We would all love to see it!

Does your aunt cluster her poinsettias in groups? Or are they placed in singular fashion one at at time? Or they all one size? And is that size large? How many do you think it takes for her to achieve her tree?

Can you inquire of why she didn''t like the sweeping garland thing? Is she more traditional and need balance? You know like on the mantel there must be two of everything? This would really help me before I start. I am trying to convince my husband to get the 9 footer. I like to think of myself as contemporary...and then again when I see balance there seems more merit in the harmony. I wonder if that was why she didn''t like the sweeping one sided decor.

If you have time to address any of these many quesitons, I would appreciate it.

Date: 12/1/2005 1:27:17 PM
Author: door knob solitaire

Does your aunt cluster her poinsettias in groups? Or are they placed in singular fashion one at at time? Or they all one size? And is that size large? How many do you think it takes for her to achieve her tree?

Can you inquire of why she didn''t like the sweeping garland thing? Is she more traditional and need balance? You know like on the mantel there must be two of everything? This would really help me before I start. I am trying to convince my husband to get the 9 footer. I like to think of myself as contemporary...and then again when I see balance there seems more merit in the harmony. I wonder if that was why she didn''t like the sweeping one sided decor.

If you have time to address any of these many quesitons, I would appreciate it.

I''m sorry I didn''t get around to checking back on this thread until this evening.

My aunt has done the pointsettas both ways. The first year she had them in clusters of 3''s (I called and asked her
) but since then, she does them in singular fashion as you call it. They are all one size - the big ones. I asked her how many she uses and she didn''t know exactly but she said at least a couple of hundred.
She then has circling the bottom of the tree pots of silk pointsettas and I think she said she had 60 of those.

She said she started doing the pointsettas b/c she got tired of the trailing garland. She had a huge bow at the top and I think 8 stands coming from the top to the ground. She lives in a really expensive subdivision and you can see her tree if she leaves her front door open. She said her neighbors started copying her so she wanted to change it.
I asked if she ever did the sweeping tulle garland and she said she hasn''t tried it on the tree yet b/c she has tulle and mini lights drapped down the staircase and thought it might be too much if it were on the tree too.

She did say however, that this is the last year for the pointsettas. She''s done those like 5 or 6 years and wants something different. She said what she wants to do for next year is all glass ornaments.
The one''s that come in the jewel tone colors and have glitter on them. Her and my grandma and other aunt are planning on hitting the stores bright and early the day after christmas and buying every glass ornament they can. She said the pointsettas aren''t sparkly enough for her also.

She did say she wishes she got the 9 ft tree instead. But since they spend so much on this one my uncle does not want to buy another tree.
I love Pottery Barn ornaments...they are usually 40-60% off after Xmas and they normally have alot left from what I can recall, I have a bunch of glass ones from the previous years and also they have those jewel drop glass ones that I love, like teardrop shapes or like a bulb at the top then a small spindle etc. I love glass ornaments in silver, gold and red...balls and interesting shapes.

Thanks for all the great information and for calling your aunt for me. I really appreciate it. She shared insight that is most helpful. Problem is ...the 12 footer has landed.

I slid the thing in today. Then closed the front door and left it there all by itself. Intimated oh yeah. Your aunt and her 9 foot dreams...I should have told Mr. Door Knob there were no 12 footers. I stupidly found that HOme Depot offers a 13 footer. Mr. DK wanted it..."We shouldn''t leave a foot on the table..." uuuggghhhh!

I went to a interior decorator/flower shop today. Hoping they would have a 12 footer to look at. No chance. They did have a tree hanging upside down on the wall. Have you seen those? The garland hangs in the is elegant looking, yet strange. Anyway they had several tables set. One was white china and wine goblets filled with rolled red fabric napkins sticking out of the top. The red and white was sooo great. I am considering using red in my silver theme. I am reluctant to do it. I have always used a very modern metal look, but the red really pops! There are many RED poinsettias instead of the accents are easily to come buy...but oh...what is the right thing to do. My mother in law will definatley say Christmas is not Christmas without using red will thwart that comment. Do you think Red, White, Silver is too much?

Well again Pebbles, thank you for the time it took to question your Aunt. You are a

Ummm.... How about churches? My father is a minister and his church ALWAYS has a HUGE tree... And it is always so beautifully decorated.
Hey, no problem Door Knob! That''s what were here for!

My aunt used all red pointsettas the first time when she did the clusters of 3s. She wanted a very uniform look. But she thought it was too monotone so she bought a ton of white ones. I haven''t seen her tree yet this year but she said it''s red and white pointsettas with the red pots circling the base of the tree. The tulle draping the staircase is white with white lights. Most of her accents are gold because when she started doing this about 10 years ago gold was the "in" color. She said she would like to change everything to silver but that would be too expensive.

She wants to add more color so that''s why she wants to do the ornaments next year. I didn''t ask where she was getting the ornaments from, but she does shop at Pottery Barn a lot so that maybe where she''s getting them.

She also has a huge dining room table that she has set even though she''s not having a fancy dinner until next weekend. I didn''t ask her the color scheme but if I remember correctly from the last time I was there it is red and white and gold, similar to the tree.
Thanks again Pebbles and Mine and Mara

OOpps...Am I over my allotted QUESTION time on this subject?

If so...just ignore...

If not....everyone throw your opinion at me!

I just remembered I have the entire Its A Wonderful Life ceramic building villiage. They are lighted and average about 8 inches square...) I was planning on setting the scene either under the tree or over a buffet table table....but what if....bare with me...what if I used the villiage buildings in the tree? Same spiral effect. But white fluffy cotton bed to sit each building on....sprinkle the edges of the cottony stuff with sprinkle snow flakes...go about 2 feet upward and begin again. So there would actually be small lit scenes going up the tree.

Pebbles aunts poinsettias will still be there....maybe in the gaps of the village buildings. I just called on the tulle it is $1.20 a yard. I would probably need at least 20 yards. So another 20+ bucks...cotton purchase...and sprinkled snow purchase.

But this building theme isn''t going to look as elegant is it? More traditional. But the rest of the room will stil have the elegant winter wonderland them going on. once again...Poll time...stay with the elegant theme or try inserting the villiage?

Thanks to one and all...

Putting in the village pieces sound interesting. I would be concerned about securing them in there so that they don't crash to the ground. You could have the fabric be the "road" that goes between the buildings....

I do the bolt of fabric thing too. It does look very pretty scrunched up with the lights peaking through it. I have even wrapped the lightside the fabric. My fabric is more like sheer organza...think sheer window curtains.

Also, I have found that you can bunch ornaments in clusters on larger trees to give more impact than having them spreadh out. If you group 3-7 of them together in a cluster people's eyes are drawn to the clusters. I make my clusters color or by type of ornament etc. That way you can use the ornaments you already have in a new way.

Also, I some silver branches sticking out looks really nice. Go out in your yard and pick up some nice branches or buy cheap branches from Pier 1 etc. One can of silver spray paint later & you'll have great silver branches. For a more natural look, pussy willows can look cool.

Post a picture when you're done!
Thanks Island Dreams! Your advice is appreciated. Also your comments on the viiliage idea is encouraging. I plan to use wire ties to secure my coveted buildings. You know the plastic thing that has teeth or notches? I guess they are wire locks! I will run the tie through a back open window...

I just realized what ever I do can be undone and redone. Guess I just need a nudge.

Thanks again. Oh Hobby lobby has their tulle on sale for 33 to 51 cents a yard! Oooooh la la.
I vote the village... and the train.
So, when do we get to see pictures of this fabulous tree?

Thanks for your inquiry ID...

Mr Door Knob went to the house to see it yesterday...oh dear. He thought my ribbon was too dull. I said wait wait until the day gets darker into evening. The ribbon does look more white in the light of day...but the organza pops when it is night time. The lights show through the fabric and glitter snowflakes and it is lovely.

Then he said the spiral stair case is competing with the tree. He said it is TOO much. Ugghhh.

I didn''t put the villiage in the tree. Island Dreams you were right. It would be too risky...too heavy. I think I will build the villiage under the tree. I did find a lot silver balls than I thought I had. Plan to buy 5 more boxes as soon as I get to Wally world. Anyway, you see lots of silver...balls and music intruments and chubby little cherubs...then the loopy organza ribbon bows with downward 12 inch tails accented with a spray of red berries...of course the white lights...and then groups of 2 red poinsettias about 2 feet apart in placed in a pattern of triangles up the tree. No topper yet. Can''t decide on making a loopy large bow or buying the winter wonderland angel at Wally World.

Thought you guys may find this funny. I was on the BIG HONKING LADDER reaching to the top of the BIG HONKIN TREE...when...Poof...the electricity went out. This is an all electric house and out in the boonies. I had glass ornaments on the ground...twigs I had painted...chairs...clutter etc. I could not move! I froze. It was pitch black. When you are on a ladder in the dark you have no sense of up or are just lost. There I was all by power...30 degrees...NO PHONE....and stuck on a ladder. Well about 20 minutes passed I convinced myself it wasn''t a buglar turning off the lights...I finally had enough courage ro decend the ladder. Once at the floor I got on my hands and knees and felt my way through the sea of clutter. Finally made it to a window...pitch black still! Every once and awhile I could see a car light....I sat there for an hour. Finally decided to walk 1/4 mile to a neighbor to use the phone...the field I walked across was BLACK. No light to point of reference. I had neighbor (never met them before) make call to my husbands voice mail. I told him I was stuck as the garage door wouldn''t open to get car out...I had my husband car as mine is getting worked on...he called his hour later he was on his way to rescue me...ten minutes before he made it the power came back on...I took off as fast as I could to a phone...he had already left. (oh drunk dirver hit a pole and knocked out power to thousands of homes...)

Ok there is a point to this story...I want all of you ladies to ask your husbands to show you how to release your garage door in an emergency. I had no idea you just pull a cord and viola you are free. I don''t want any of you stuck like I thought I was. What a bone head! My freedom was just a yank away. Well, after this story you can guess I am not as pumped up about decorating that BIG HONKIN TREE as before...and pictures well...maybe soon.

It is beginning to look at lot like Christmas...well that is when the lights are on!

DKnob--Wow, what an event for decorating your tree. I don''t blame you for freaking out a bit in the dark, by yourself, in the boonies. My parents live in the boonies and I was a latch key kid. In winter, there were DAYS without electricity sometimes. I remember several Xmas breaks where my parents would go to work and leave me home the dark...with no power. I was 11 or 12 at the time. I had to feed the wood stove to stay warm. Having the power out when you''re out in the country can be very scary.

Also, good idea on the garage door escape option. If you have a detattched garage like me, and you install a garage door openeer you should pay extra to have an escape put''s a little hole with a key to unclock the handle. Inside is a chain connecting to the opener. Pull on the handle and the electronic opener is disconnected and then you can just pull it up like a normal garage door.

So, are we going to get to see this fabulous tree? I go tomorrow to buy my tree--then hide it behind the garage until Saturday. I like real ones. I''ve always made it just "appear" to my son. I have had a friend set the live tree up in my house and leave a trail of candy canes through the house to it. My son thinks Santa delivers his tree. It''s so cute--the friend does it while my son & I are out together so when we get back there are candy canes starting outside at the door.
Oh golly gee...or "jolly jee"...that is such a great idea! How did you ever come up with that? Oh how I love the suprise of Christmas. As a wee tot it is too much to your munchkin is going to do the same to his little one. I only have 4 legged babies. I thought they would be shocked when they saw the 12 foot monster...but no change. So is Saturday your big tree day? I love it. Is the tree decorated when you get home or just in place? Or do you decorate together? That is really special.

We got 4 inches of snow last I won''t be heading out to the Ponderosa until maybe tomorrow. I think I need more balls. Considering white ones to add to the silver ones. There is something missing. The silver balls don''t show up until you are right up to the tree. red would be optimum...but I won''t do red next year. I was thinking about wrapping a ton of styrofoam squares like they were gift my silver paper. Attaching to the limbs. But hubby said whoa hold back we want a contemporary tree. Sleek and modern not gaudy..."gee honey I think I have way surpassed the gaudy stage..." IT IS TWELVE FEET TALL. I tried and tried to use the toile. It takes a pro to get it to look right. It was beautiful in night lite...but in day...not so good. I bought 40 yards. $20 bucks. I think I will use it as a snow bed under the tree.

Your latchkey experience doesn''t sound like fun. Bet it made you fearless though.

About the garage door, I have seen those emergency pulls before, but for some reason it didn''t "click"...I can be such a duffus! Your advice is great!

Maybe a photo over the weekend.-DKS
Have been snowed in...going out today...taking about 100 more balls with me...maybe it may be picture ready after I throw them on! Sure would be simpler if the tree were velcro. Splat! Swoosh! the ladder oh the ladder....

thanks for your interest, Mara!
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