
Summer bride check''s it going?

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Dec 29, 2006
I just thought I''d check in on the other summer brides. How are things going?
I''m down to all the total PITA bits at the moment.

Have a meeting with the venue next Friday when I intend to tell her that I will not be putting up with the upturned tables hiding crap in the window bays (old thread of mine).

Also seeing the friend who''s doing my flowers.

Dress still at toile stage.

Basically, most things are 2/3rds done.

At some point I will do a thread with everything in - hopefully not the morning of!
I just had to ditch a bridesmaid and still haven''t heard from the flowergirls'' mom. Other than that, I''m doing pretty well. Just need to finish paying for everything and get something for the toss after the reception. Anyone used ecoparti confetti?
Hey Zoe!

It''s going well... I think. I haven''t been doing a lot of wedding stuff for the last 4-5 weeks or so because of my finals coming up, with the term papers and the presentations and everything... Eep!

Anyway, we''re at 4 months today (did I say eep?), and the things that are getting a bit more urgent are some legal paperwork stuff that we need to get to our officiant, and putting together the invites. We''re going to a conference for the legal stuff next week and my mom''s in charge of the invites (she just called me to tell me they''re printed, now they have to be assembled and addressed), so it''s pretty much taken care of. I had a bit of a ceremony music and wedding cake crisis last month but I was thankfully able to straighten it out.

What else... FI''s mother is demanding a "morning after brunch". I swear that woman is never satisfied... J and I will be leaving for our mini-moon immediately after the reception, so we''ll just have to tell her that if she wants one she''ll have to take care of it herself. I''m sorry, but I think we''ve been more than accomodating, and enough is enough.

Oh, and one last thing. Even though our invitations are not out for another 6 weeks, we were told of two people who have decided not to attend. It''s kind of sad for FI since one of them is his grandmother/Godmother, but if she is unable/unwilling to make the trip (6 hours by car), there isn''t much we can do. Problem is, apparently one of his aunts decided that since they''re not coming, she''ll bring her two youngest (underage) daughters along! Erm... I have a few problems with that. One, we''re not inviting any of our cousins. Two, we''re not inviting anyone under the legal drinking age (18). Three, apparently she has no idea how much trouble she''d be putting us in... FH''s mother has 11 siblings and they''re all alike! If that one decides to bring her daughters, then they''ll all want to bring their kids... but we can''t accomodate or pay for all these people, neither do we want them there. And finally, she has to be preeetty presumptious to think she has the right to decide to replace our guests and with whom... The saddest part is that the two girls are probably going to be super disappointed... they''re little girls after all. The frustrating part is that I''m probably going to take the blame for it. Yay.
Hopefully, the invitations are clear enough to make her understand that it wouldn''t be appropriate (we''re going the "adults only", "two seats have been reserved in your honour", etc. route). I guess we''ll have to wait until we get her RSVP back...

Apparently, planning this whole shindig for them and paying for it isn''t enough. As a matter of fact, I doubt anything would be enough for those people. Sheesh. FI and I swore that we will never plan anything of the sort ever again.

Sorry I turned this into a rant! But that''s pretty much where I''m at right now. Couple of things to update on my registry, but that''s pretty much it. I''ll be taking care of the details (fittings, garter, decor thingies and the other minor stuff) and writing the ceremony (ok, that one isn''t minor, but I still have time) once I''m done with school in May. On a brighter note, our two most expensive items on the registry (Lagostina cookware set and Kitchen Aid stand mixer) have already been bought! We also have two other presents already purchased.

What about you?
I am less than 4 months away and still have a lot to do. Create my centerpiece, get FI''s tux, order my shoes, have my first fitting when my dress gets in, have it altered, hire a minister to marry us, ...

Ok now that I list it all out...holy moly. And there''s more!!
Date: 4/2/2008 7:43:07 PM
Author: Pandora II
I''m down to all the total PITA bits at the moment.

Have a meeting with the venue next Friday when I intend to tell her that I will not be putting up with the upturned tables hiding crap in the window bays (old thread of mine).

Also seeing the friend who''s doing my flowers.

Dress still at toile stage.

Basically, most things are 2/3rds done.

At some point I will do a thread with everything in - hopefully not the morning of!
You''re STILL dealing with that??
This thread is likely to give me hives!

We finally have all of our vendors secured for our July 4th wedding, but, well, that''s it. What else should I be doing? AAAAAAAAAH!
When in doubt...drink a glass of crushed grapes
Hehe totally time to vent. know what really bothers me? FI''s family. lol
We''re only supposed to pick one entree at our resort but our wedding planner is allowing us to pick two. I tell everyone on my side to choose between fish and chicken, and I get all of my responses IMMEDIATELY. I email FI''s side.....ignored. Even though I asked them very nicely to get back to me as soon as possible.

Speaking of, four out of the six STRANGERS (FI''s aunts and uncles that I''ve never met and he hasn''t seen since before he graduated highschool) won''t be able to make it. Thank goodness. But apparently two of them are still *thinking* about coming. GRRRRRRRRR Same thing with my brother and his wife. What''s to think about people? The wedding is in two Jamaica....if you haven''t asked for time off yet/booked a resort/booked a flight then can I go ahead and assume you aren''t coming? Why do you have to put the "maybe" in there? Just say no!! Geeze.

Phew. I feel better.

Also, as it turns out...we are SERIOUSLY getting ripped off at this Sandals. Everything...and I mean EVERYTHING costs money when it comes to the wedding. Things that you would expect to be free.....nope, not according to sandals! I''ll let you know if it''s worth it.
Still have Shingles, not feeling great and not getting much of anything accomplished.
Hopefully things will start to improve soon with less than 4 months to go, as well. I knew this would be stressful, but this is getting ridiculous! SIGH...

Best of luck to the rest of you and I hope things go smoothly up until your wedding date!
I''m three months away, and wish we had eloped

I just keep thinking of little details that need to be addressed, and wondering if anyone will actually notice the escort cards. Am most focused on seating chart though: arranging the ballroom will be like navigating a WWII battlefield: between remarriages, family feuds, and not-speaking parents, we''ll have our hands full.

I''m really glad we opted for the all-out open bar
add me to the list of rants. all i can say is that my parents are annoying and i''ve told them not to talk to me about the wedding until july, haha. it is one request after another, you''d think this was their wedding or something. i''ve been taking a break from the wedding planning stuff. but can''t believe it is just 4 months away...i can''t wait!
Pandora -- I know I''m not alone when I say that I''d love to see what you''ve put together so far.

Oobiecoo -- We''re not going to have anything tossed as we leave so I can''t help you with the type of confetti you''re looking for. Sorry!

Anchor -- Hi there! I wish we could meet while I''m in QC this summer. I know things haven''t been all roses during your planning but the most important thing is that at the end of it all, you and J. will be married and THAT''S the most important thing.

Harleigh -- I''m SO SORRY you''re still not feeling well. Ugh. I hope you get better soon so you can enjoy these last few months before your big day.

Haven -- I hope hives don''t kick in! It will all get done. It really will. I love your new house by the way. How exciting!

Lucky -- It sunds like you made the right decision for you and your FI by going to Jamaica. I just wish it were easier for you -- I know you''ve dealt with your share of drama. Again, at the end of it all, you''ll be married. That''s what counts.

Justwondering -- we''re not at the seating chart stage yet. It sounds like an overwhelming chore though. Can''t wai!

Teetee -- Taking a break is often a good thing. I''ve certainly had those weeks.
Date: 4/2/2008 9:23:53 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett

Date: 4/2/2008 7:43:07 PM
Author: Pandora II
I''m down to all the total PITA bits at the moment.

Have a meeting with the venue next Friday when I intend to tell her that I will not be putting up with the upturned tables hiding crap in the window bays (old thread of mine).

Also seeing the friend who''s doing my flowers.

Dress still at toile stage.

Basically, most things are 2/3rds done.

At some point I will do a thread with everything in - hopefully not the morning of!
You''re STILL dealing with that??
I haven''t spoken to her about it yet - I prefer to confront in person (with photos) than over email or telephone.

My mother has been very ill recently (she has MS plus some other things) and so it hasn''t been easy finding a time to see the woman since she''s only available one day a week.

It''s quite good actually as I''m past the super-angry phase and can be calm and moderated (hmm, that is the plan anyway!)
As for us, like Anchor, our invitations are ready to be addressed, stamped, and mailed. We probably won''t mail them out until May 1st though. That''s almost exactly 10 weeks before our wedding. We''re planning on beginning to write the addresses and stuff the envelopes this weekend, WITH the help of my FMIL. Yay! I''m not sure if they''ll all get done this weekend but we''ll do what we can. I know I''ll want to mail the invitations out immediately after, but sending them out before the beginning of MAy seems way too early.

The latest thing we''ve done, which I wrote about before in my last, rather LONG venting thread, was plan the ceremony and the RD menu. We still need to find readers and decide on who will act as ushers and/or program passer-outers. We also need to change one thing on the RD menu.

Our DJ called and we need to set up a meeting with him to go over the music. We''re having a family friend play the harp and I really need to check in with her as well.

We picked up a lot of travel brochures the last time we went to our venue''s area, and they''re sitting in a bag, waiting to be placed in the welcome bags we''re going to put together.

We decided on flowers also. Yay!

I''m having two showers, both at the beginning of June. They should be fun.

Things I need to do, that I haven''t mentioned yet:

-- think about a program for the ceremony and put it together
-- dress fittings (my first one is scheduled for next week)
-- pick up my wrap/shawl and my sister''s wrap when they come in and take mine to the seamstress to get altered a little
-- my hair and makeup trial is set for Memorial Day weekend. I''m looking forward to it but I have no idea what I want or what would look good. I might just see what the hair stylist can do. I don''t go to this particular salon but I''ve heard they''re really good. Apparently everyone getting married in this area goes there, so I''m sure it will be fine.
-- make an appt. with my eye doctor to get contacts to use for our wedding day. I typically can''t wear contacts but I don''t want to wear my glasses (which I need to see -- can''t do without).
-- return the many, many pairs of shoes I bought before I found the two (or three) that I''m going to hang onto.
-- seating chart (which obviously can''t be done until the last minute)

Ummm, I know I''m probably forgetting a lot but that''s where I am right now. Sorry it''s so long. Writing everything out keeps me in check though.

Question: My mom found one dress she may wear. She''ll likely continue shopping and find other outfits, so I won''t set this particular one in stone yet. Should I try to have my FMIL coordinate with my mom (when her outfit is finalized)? I know that''s usually how it''s done but my inlaws are a tad clueless when it comes to weddings, and I know my FMIL doesn''t know about this coordinating business. Should I even bother mentioning it to her? She doesn''t go out much, so I doubt there will be a big trip to Macy''s or the like planned.
I''m the other July 4th bride, and tomorrow is exactly 3 months from our wedding (OMG). My dad got unexpectedly ill in January and I''ve been traveling quite a bit for work so to be honest, not much got done that was wedding related in January or February. I got a lot accomplished this past week:
-I had my first fitting (which was awful- see other thread)
-I found a new seamstress
-We picked/booked a rehearsal dinner location
-We met with the florist and saw our centerpieces (see other thread)
-I almost finalized the invites (I''m just waiting for another proof to approve)
-We picked out wedding bands (we still need to go buy them though)
-We had our tasting
-Filled organza bags for the lavender toss.

Yesterday we finalized FI''s and the GM''s clothing and I bought bridal shower hostess gifts. Still trying to figure out the clothing situation for our fathers, grandfathers, and my brother though. On Friday I have my first fitting at the new seamstress and on Saturday I go for a hair trial at my normal salon after having a really bad hair trial in January (see other thread). This week I also want to book our ceremony music, book a videographer (last minute addition- now that my dad is pretty ill I want to capture every memory in every way), and create tags that I am going to attach to the flip flips that I''m leaving out for the ladies. I also need to buy shoes for the wedding and figure out my veil and jewelry. If I can get all of this done I''ll be in good shape I think to enjoy all of the bachelorette parties and showers I have coming up (two of my close friends are getting married in May, so we''re all having events coming up).
I also need to make programs (I''m thinking about maybe not doing them... do you think people will really mind?), pick up my altered dress this Saturday, buy FI his wedding gift. And I STILL need to send out "thank yous" from my shower. We''re also having a winery tour/tasting as part of the wedding festivities April 12 so I have that to look forward to. Is anyone not having ushers? I''ve heard of the groomsmen doubling as ushers and was just wondering if it is common. If so, I think that may be my best route because I''m having too much family drama to worry about choosing ushers. FI and I think we will probably just give our parents a wedding album or nice framed photo for their gift... is it weird to wait until after the wedding to give them that though once the photographer puts up our proofs and everything? If we have to give them a gift before the wedding then it will probably be a framed engagement photo.
We''re about 4.5 months away (August 22) but I feel like there''s so many little things left to do and FI KEEPS PUSHING IT ALL OFF!!!! ARGH! He still needs to go in to have his tux made, and pick out the groomsmen tuxes. he also hasn''t figured out the gifts.

I still need to:
-finish designing my invitations and get them printed by 5/1
-assembly of said invites will be from 5/1 - 5/15, to be sent out 6/1
-first dress fitting 5/22
-tasting 6/14
-just started planning bridal shower w/ one of my bridesmaids last night
-have to revise registry
-have to finalize DJ w/ management group
-figure out tablescapes, including runners & chargers (centerpieces were finalized last week, YAY)
-our website with travel/accommodation info has to be put up

And both my parents and his parents are killing me!
-my parents have now decided they don''t like my colors (black, white, red accents) b/c black & white is too funeral-ly, especially in Chinese culture...and they want to add a ton of red.
-his parents (actually just his mom) is pissed we''re not doing a religious ceremony
-She also has a guest list of over 100 people (70 being "family friends). She expects between 65 and 95 of them to attend. WHAT THE?!? How the heck do I account for that in my budget???

OH not to mention from 7/1 until 7/27, I''m COMPLETELY out of pocket b/c I''ll be studying for the NY State Bar exam. Good lord...
Date: 4/3/2008 1:06:50 AM
Author: Harleigh
Still have Shingles, not feeling great and not getting much of anything accomplished.
Hopefully things will start to improve soon with less than 4 months to go, as well. I knew this would be stressful, but this is getting ridiculous! SIGH...

Best of luck to the rest of you and I hope things go smoothly up until your wedding date!
Oh Harleigh shingles are awful! Two years ago I got my first case of it and didn''t know what it was so I missed the 48hr mark for the drugs. I was SOOO sick, missed a couple weeks of work, couldn''t go near my FI sister who was pregnant and everybody treated me like a leper!! After 6 weeks it finally went away. not a month later, I was at my parents house and my dad noticed me scratching my stomach a lot (he''s a physician) so he checked it out and saw that i was starting again. He went and got me the prescription right away so I was fine that time..sheesh awful awful stuff!!

As for wedding planning, I think i''m doing ok, especially since we''re not hitching up until August 23rd. I''ll be posting a story of the wedding hopefully in the next few weeks when I get a second to relax!

Done: Venue, Caterer, Flowers, Cake Topper (my sister-in-law made it..awesome!!), Dress, First Fitting (it can be fixed...phew!), Officiant, Photographer, Videographer, Hotel Block Booked, Shuttle booked, Cake booked, Jewelry, Shoes, Centre Pieces, Invitations Ordered, Band Booked, Garter, Hair/Makeup booked for Me and the Girls, Facial and Mani Pedi Booked, Massage Booked, Rehearsal Dinner Booked, "Morning After" Brunch Booked, Favour Boxes

Still To Do: Tissue Paper Pom Pom''s DIY (this saturday, wine, the girls, FI and Best Man..should be fun!), Wedding Bands, Tuxes, Sand for the ceremony, License, Engagement Photos, FI''s gift (sexy time naughty pics hee hee), Sending out Invitations, Donation Scrolls, Programs and Map, 2nd Fitting, Knitt Throw Blankets for my girls and whatever else I forgot

I think I''m doing pretty good if I say so myself!!
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