
Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the film?

Do you support allowing texting during movies?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • No

    Votes: 30 93.8%
  • Other, please explain

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters


Apr 30, 2005

What say you?

Personally, I don't care as I haven't set foot in a movie theater in 15 years and never will.
But I do find social changes fascinating.
I see this as a symbolic landmark of a generation being replaced.

All customers are not equally important.
Why should a for-profit business alienate the very people they want/need/hope to attract and serve for the next 60 years?

When texting finally is allowed what percentage of theater-texters would you guess will be bothered when someone ELSE in front of them texts in a dark theater?


US cinema chain AMC set to allow customers to text during films.

Most cinema chains ask people to switch their phones off during a film.

One of the largest cinema chains in the US is considering letting customers use their mobile phones during films.
AMC chief executive Adam Aron said he wanted to encourage so-called millennials to visit the cinema.
He told Variety magazine: "You can't tell a 22-year-old to turn off their cellphone. That's not how they live their life."
But he said he would have to find a solution that did not disturb other movie-goers.

AMC operates almost 400 cinemas in the United States, with more than 5,000 screens. The chain also has a UK multi-screen complex in Manchester.
In February the firm announced its intention to buy rival Carmike, which will make it the largest cinema chain in the US.
But Mr Aron said young adults today were not visiting the cinema as much as their parents did when they were young.

"We need to reshape our product in some concrete ways so that millennials go to movie theatres with the same degree of intensity as baby boomers went to movie theatres throughout their lives," he explained.

Many cinemas display messages before films asking people to switch off their mobile devices.
Mr Aron suggested that allowing mobile phone use during a film might appeal to young adults.
"When you tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone, don't ruin the movie, they hear please cut off your left arm above the elbow," he said.
But he admitted: "Today's movie-goer doesn't want somebody sitting next to them texting or having their phone on.
"What may be more likely is we take specific auditoriums and make them more texting-friendly."
Elaborating on comments on Twitter, he wrote: "If ever, we only would pursue in a way we'd be totally confident all our guests will fully enjoy movie-going experience."
The UK Cinema Association, which represents a majority of operators in the UK, said its members wanted audiences to enjoy the "immersive nature of the big screen experience" and said switching phones off helps to "avoid distracting others".

Vue UK said it discouraged audiences from using phones in the auditorium to avoid distracting others.
In 2003, a cinema in Ireland was told it broke the law by installing a signal blocker that prevented people using their devices.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

I'm not much of a movie theater-goer, either. But I do support allowing texting during the film. Social etiquette just changes, that's a fact of life. To answer your question, I think probably 50% of people would be bothered by it in the beginning. As time goes by, though, either those people will adapt or stop going to the movies.

I said in the Ghostbusters thread today that I was interested in seeing it at one of the local drive-in theaters. Talk about distractions! Kids running around, people milling around to and from the concessions area, teenagers being teenagers, etc. How in the world did people ever focus on anything when drive-ins were everywhere??? :lol:
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

I didn't read the whole article...

But in general...

It's kind of annoying to have someone next to you texting - especially if their keys make noise and/or their screen is bright.

It's distracting.

I feel like unless it's an emergency, no, don't text/use your phone. Get up and go outside unless it's really quick.

I paid for my ticket, I want to see the movie without distractions.

Wow do I sound old. ;) But I really feel that way! :lol:
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

I'm not big fan of engaging in annoying behaviors in public spaces like restaurants, movie theaters, etc. Texting in a movie theatre is not just annoying, but it can be really distracting mostly because of the light/brightness of the cell phone. Since I have young children, I might text in a movie theatre if it was babysitter/childcare related - otherwise everything else can wait (unless of course it's some sort of emergency - in which case I'd probably leave the theatre). In those cases, I actually text with my cell phone and my hands down inside my purse to minimize the disruption. Just because times are changing, doesn't mean that common courtesy should be sacrificed, so no, I would not support texting freely during a movie.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

especially if their keys make noise and/or their screen is bright.

It's distracting.

Exactly. Try sitting behind these people with the bright light from the phone glaring in your face.

And to another poster, why the anything goes, and everyone else should adapt or stop going to the movies.

One would think if all you have to do during it is text, then why are you even there?

What next? If the people around you want to have an animated conversation with each other, should we put up with that as well, and pay $10 a ticket for the privilege of it.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

How in the world did people ever focus on anything when drive-ins were everywhere??? :lol:

It was a lot cheaper then. Now with a ticket at $10 and snacks another $20, if I go to a movie, I want to be able to actually see and hear it.

And to be clear, I am talking about adult themed movies during the evening, not matinees or those geared toward children.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

I am absolutely against allowing texting in movie theaters during the film. You are not in your own living room and it is not acceptable IMO to be texting/reading your phone and distracting others who are trying to enjoy the film in peace.

Yanno, it's all gotten out of hand IMO. To even be considering this is ludicrous and I rarely attend movies in the theater nowadays anyway just because I do find people can be rude. Chatting with their friends during the movie and texting etc. Just like they are in their own personal living room. But they aren't and that's the kicker.

Thank goodness for Netflix, Cable and enjoying movies in the comfort of my home because going to the theater these days is not the lovely experience it used to be when people were courteous and respectful of others who shared the theater with them.
Why pay $20 a ticket (NYC is expensive) if I cannot enjoy the film in peace and quiet. The way a film is meant to be enjoyed.

FYI Broadway theaters always have someone make an announcement before the show to please not use their cell phones or talk during the show. Thank goodness for some common sense. :appl:
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

The theater manager here in town comes down to the stage and tells everyone she will take the phone or you will be escorted to the door. Common courtesy to exit the theater and stand outside the door if you need to text. We all pay the same amount for the privilege of watching the same movie and she expects everyone to extend common courtesy to everyone else there with us. The theater has three screens and she gives that speech before every movie.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

A definitely NO, as I find it very distracting.

And it is also a NO for theatre and concert.

DK :))
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

I'm against it but let's face it, I'm pushing 60.

Young people are (potentially) 60-year customers.
We are just 20-year customers.
When a policy pleases one group but alienates the other, which should a for-profit business cater to?
(Hint: Follow the money.)

There are many other entertainment options today.
As AMC has demonstrated operators of movie theaters know if don't get those millennials into those seats now they'll never get them.
Like cigarette companies and religions they know it's best to get people before they fully mature.

I predict eventually 98% of the seats in movie theaters will hold an illuminated 'smart'phone or iPad.
The theater will be so bright that it will be hard to see the movie screen.
Of course the solution will be LED/Plasma (or the next thing) screens that are as bright as the sun.

Ah, progress. :appl:
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

monarch64|1460656447|4019300 said:
I'm not much of a movie theater-goer, either. But I do support allowing texting during the film. Social etiquette just changes, that's a fact of life. To answer your question, I think probably 50% of people would be bothered by it in the beginning. As time goes by, though, either those people will adapt or stop going to the movies.

I said in the Ghostbusters thread today that I was interested in seeing it at one of the local drive-in theaters. Talk about distractions! Kids running around, people milling around to and from the concessions area, teenagers being teenagers, etc. How in the world did people ever focus on anything when drive-ins were everywhere??? :lol:

I'm not speaking for myself of course, but I had "friends" who went to drive-in theaters to make out. We (I mean they) didn't have an empty house all day to do such things in.

I don't like texting in a theater. I think it's distracting.

The last time I saw a movie in a theater it was a horrible experience and I haven't been back. We went to see "Lawless" on a Saturday night. It was a very violent movie, rated R and of no interest to children. The people that sat behind us had two preschoolers with them that cried and talked loudly during the entire film. They also kicked the back of the seat that I paid $12 to sit in. Never again.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

Millennials' preference isn't for TV or traditional movie theaters. They use their smartphones, tablets, laptops for most of their entertainment needs. Trying to get them into movie theaters may be a moot point. Movie theaters may go the way of drive-ins and print media. I do think there will come a time when the millennials get tired of all the simultaneous sensory input they favor at the moment and go back to older methods of entertainment. It will become quaint and trendy someday for them to go to a theater and actually watch the film without their gadgets.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

Would never be a fan. I don't go to the theater much anymore but when I do, I don't expect to be distracted by phones and such. I would not do it so I expect others to respect my right to enjoy the film to the fullest as well.

Technology is such a double edged sword. It allows us so many conveniences but the lure of the phone for so many means no conversation, no complete attention paid to much of anything and instant entertainment for every second that proves boring - even in a movie theater it seems.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

I could care less what millenials want (and I have 2)... it will be distracting. But we rarely go to the movies anyway.. Popcorn what 12.00$, a soda that could be shared by 20 people is 7.00$, tickets 10.00$... Redbox! Texting would mean a lit screen, meaning annoying to me and others. Mine vote was no.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

Nope. Just nope. I agree with Missy. You can shut the damned thing off for 2 hours! If you can't you've got a problem. But don't make it MY problem by allowing the addicts to text in the theatre.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

I'm not speaking for myself of course, but I had "friends" who went to drive-in theaters to make out. We (I mean they) didn't have an empty house all day to do such things in.

We know it was you!... :lol:
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

kenny|1460654157|4019291 said:
Personally, I don't care as I haven't set foot in a movie theater in 15 years and never will.
The last movie that I watched in a theater was Titanic... :oops:
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

Dancing Fire|1460706509|4019584 said:
kenny|1460654157|4019291 said:
Personally, I don't care as I haven't set foot in a movie theater in 15 years and never will.
The last movie that I watched in a theater was Titanic... :oops:

Did you want to jump into the ocean to get back that blue diamond the old gal threw away? :naughty:
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

kenny|1460707432|4019586 said:
Dancing Fire|1460706509|4019584 said:
kenny|1460654157|4019291 said:
Personally, I don't care as I haven't set foot in a movie theater in 15 years and never will.
The last movie that I watched in a theater was Titanic... :oops:

Did you want to jump into the ocean to get back that blue diamond the old gal threw away? :naughty:
I did it is in my collection now... :wink2:

Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

Good news ... well, for 91% of PS members. :wacko:
AMC has dropped the idea.

"Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of irate film audiences who don't want phone screens lighting up all around them?

AMC revealed earlier this week that it was considering a pilot program that would allow texting in certain movie theaters. Audiences and media outlets responded with swift, near-universal anger. As a result, AMC has now declared that texting is not and will not be allowed in its theaters.

In an official statement, the theater said this:

Unlike the many AMC advancements that you have applauded, we have heard loud and clear that this is a concept our audience does not want. In the age of social media, we get feedback from you almost instantaneously and as such, we are constantly listening. Accordingly, just as instantaneously, this is an idea that we have relegated to the cutting room floor.

The decision came days after AMC Entertainment CEO Adam Aron first explained that the chain might experiment with texting-friendly theaters.

"You can’t tell a 22-year-old to turn off their cellphone," Aron told Variety. "That’s not how they live their life."

Similarly, sharing a theater with people who can't be separated even temporarily from their cell phones is not how movie-goers spend their lives.

The quick turnaround since AMC's initial announcement shows how receptive large companies can be to their customers, provided the outrage is strong enough. Now, if only other companies and filmmakers could be as attentive."
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

I think it's so sad that people are so addicted to their phones these days. They can't even put them down for two hours? :roll:

That said, Redbox is where it's at!
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

Good news indeed. Probably the idea was put forward by a millennial to thier AMC VP parent and the VP decided it was a good idea just because the fruit of their loins (doesn't that phrase just creep you out?) cane up with it. That or a millennial focus group (*shudder*).
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

Hahahahaha OMG! "You can't tell a 22 year old to turn off their cell phone" how many eye rolling faces can I put in here? Wahhhhh I'm a whine baby pee pants and I don wanna turn off my cell phone waaaaah you can't make me! Yer not the boss of me!!! Omg I'm hyperventilating I need a safe room! I'm traumatized bc someone told me noooooooo don't you know I'm special and I can do whatever I want?!?!?

I want to scratch my own effing eyes out anymore bc this country never ceases to make my hair stand on end.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

packrat|1460762544|4019827 said:
Hahahahaha OMG! "You can't tell a 22 year old to turn off their cell phone" how many eye rolling faces can I put in here? Wahhhhh I'm a whine baby pee pants and I don wanna turn off my cell phone waaaaah you can't make me! Yer not the boss of me!!! Omg I'm hyperventilating I need a safe room! I'm traumatized bc someone told me noooooooo don't you know I'm special and I can do whatever I want?!?!?

I want to scratch my own effing eyes out anymore bc this country never ceases to make my hair stand on end.

Word, Packie! Let's move to Canada. Course they prolly have entitled millennials there too.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

Dancing Fire|1460706509|4019584 said:
kenny|1460654157|4019291 said:
Personally, I don't care as I haven't set foot in a movie theater in 15 years and never will.
The last movie that I watched in a theater was Titanic... :oops:

Did you catch the 3D version in 2012 to mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking? Titanic in 3D was amazing - it was as if all the water was swirling around your waist! It was incredible! :appl:

My three favorite movies of all time are Titanic, Frozen, and the 1949 version of Little Women with Elizabeth Taylor and June Allyson.

Yeah. Don't look at me for anything cult or pop or fringe or underground!

So like many others here, I don't go to the cinema because what's on doesn't interest me. I went to see Public Enemy a few years ago because the cast was so stellar I thought I couldn't go wrong, and it was a terrible movie. The two main stars were Johnny Depp and Marion Cotillard.

I don't support texting in cinema because if everyone did it, the place would be full of bright blue blobs of light which would be horribly distracting. I understand the movie executive's point about wanting to keep the young customers happy as they are the future, but in this case I think he's wrong. Turning off their phones for two hours is, quite simply, not going to kill them, and they should learn that.
Re: Support allowing texting in movie theaters during the fi

I only go into a movie theater if its a weekday showing. I never go at night or on the weekends because I find the public to be annoying. Now that I stream Netflix and Amazon at home, I don't 'need' to and my husband hates being on anyone else's schedule for any reason once he's left the office.

I still like the movie theater experience in controlled scenarios---it reminds me of my childhood and teenage years when a date was movie and dinner.