I know I haven't been on here much but that is because I have been busy designing a ring with my now fiancee! Wow I like how that sounds. The ring was ready on Sat so my-at the time bf-went to pick it up and pay for it, well, that night he asked me if I wanted to go stargazing, it was pretty late, but I said okay anyways. I always love spending time with him! So we drove up a skiing hill here called Bogus Basin, and found a nice outlook, well I think the outlook ended up being someone's private driveway but the view was nice. The evening was a bit stormy, but I thought we were just gonna sit out and watch the storm..well I got out of the car with the bionoculars to look at a fire burning in the distance, and before I knew it there was my FI, on one knee asking me for his hand