
Taking my final exam on Friday...


Nov 10, 2009
For my Gia graduate diamonds diploma.

I'm nervous because I still ahold gotten ahold of the math formulas yet. Will be studying my butt off!

Wish me luck and if you have any tips on remembering the formulas to measure angles, depth and ect, please tell me!
RockHugger said:
For my Gia graduate diamonds diploma.

I'm nervous because I still ahold gotten ahold of the math formulas yet. Will be studying my butt off!

Wish me luck and if you have any tips on remembering the formulas to measure angles, depth and ect, please tell me!

Good luck RH!!! I'm so thrilled for you!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Only 1 lab and 1 class till my graduate gemologist diploma!
I’m so excited for you! I can’t help much other than to encourage you to stay positive even though you are so stressed with worry at the moment.
Good luck RH! I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours, you're a quick learner and motivated. :appl:
team cheer for Rockhugger: go Go GO!

Good luck with studies!
Good for you! You will do great! :appl:
I dont think there was much math questions on my final for that. Just reread the questions from the end of the chapters that will help a lot and will compose a majority of the questions.
Oh thank goodness. When i was taking the tests, i retook them till i got 100%. then I printed them out so I can study them for the exam. There were 22 tests with 20 questions each, so my guess is they will rehash the questions, or reword them. So I'm thinking it's a good study guide.

I have the formulas written down but Gia won't let you have notes. I hope they still keep it math free. I hate math.
Good Luck RH! May the math be nill and the knowledge flow freely
Hi Rockhuggar,

Good luck/ Study, study , study, and then get a good nites rest. Plan a nice dinner out for after, or if you didn't get a good rest, take a nap.
Good luck again.
Good luck RH! You'll do great! :appl:
Good luck!!
Fantastic ! Do you do this online or do you have to go somewhere?

Best of luck.
You can do a lot via distance education. I know some of the lab work must be done on a campus...but there may be locations closer to you than just the campuses if I understood my recent discussion with a G.G. about how that works. I'm getting ready to get started on the Colored Stones program...starting with the Colored Stones Essentials, via distance education. With the initial application fee, tuition and books, that course will be a bit over $300. The others are in the thousands, but there are apparently payment plans you can do if you wish. For the graduate diplomas, there are some courses with lab work that are also required and you need to have equipment for the identification course, which I am beginning to collect now. If you are interested, just give them a call, the people I spoke with are all very nice. There are some scholarships available for those with funding challenges. ... index.html
Yes, the test can be done online. I am doing it with a proctor at sylvan learning center, as the tests for the graduate programs can't be taken at home. You can also go on campus if you want but campus is 1000 miles away from me :).

The first 3 classes are about 300 each, but the graduate classes and labs are about 2k each. The whole GG program is about 18k.
Not bad IMO as my associate in applied science degree was well over 30k from a small unknown school.

Thank you all! It's nice to have someone rooting for me! Lol.
Good luck RH! :appl: I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors!
Good luck!!
Oh wow, how exciting!!!! Congratulations!!!
Good luck!
Good luck today, RH!
Thanks! I'm leaving in an hour. My stomach is in knots!!!!
I missed all threads, but tell us about the exam (when you recover), please!

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