
Tanzanite -- Color Grade

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Nov 5, 2004
I am so delighted to have come upon this site . . . entirely by chance. I am consdering purchasing a taqnzanite ring, 6.35 carats, with diamonds, set in platinum and yellow gold, but I have been reading the information on this site and am now soncerned that "dark" is not best.

Please tell me what you think about this ring -- price $7800. I am worried that the brilliance might be lssened by the fact that the color is described as dark. But the pictures are gorgeous, and the ring is what I have been looking for. If this is not "the one" I will probably go to the San Francisco Jewelry Mart, find a stone, and then select a setting in platinum. Thanks for anyting you can offer. Here''s the description:

Dark,Strong,Violetish Blue (Vb7/5). Clarity VVS1. Cut- rectangular emerald cut - step cut. Excellent USA cut by master cutter in NYC . Excellent proportions and sparkle!,.. Actual measurements are 11.91 x 9.28 x 6.80mm . Weight 6.35ct

Thank you. C
Based strictly on the numbers alone, the GIA Colored Stone Grading charts assign a 6.4 out of a possible 10 for a vB 7/5.
Had it been a tad lighter in tone (medium dark instead of dark), then a vB 6/5 would be a 10 (the highest color grade).

For colored stones however, color is difficult to convey by the numbers alone. You really need to see the stone in person to let your eyes be the guide.

I have a situation where based on the numbers, my concave faceted sapphire by Richard Homer is a 4.5 out of 10, but in person, I think it is a beautiful stone. What I am trying to say is that the numbers are a guideline, but don''t get TOO hung up on them. Just my opinion.

Please post the pictures you are looking at so that we can give you a better response. Even though this will not replace looking at the stone with the eye, it should give us an idea. Can you not get the stone sent to you for inspection and then send it back if not acceptable? (If not, that alone is reason to keep looking!)


Hello Cheri,
Buy what you like, not what everyone else says is best. I ussually first buy the center stone I like the best and then give it to someone to make the piece. I buy stones when they are cheap with an abundance of them around. I bought a ton of tanzanite a couple of years ago when most of the major jewelers stopped selling it. From my sources tanzanite had nothing to do with funding terrorism. So I bought over 100cts of the very best I could find very cheaply. Now, when I want to give a present, I take one of the stones and have a piece made. I know a few people that have top tanzanite stones at a reasonable (to me at least) price. You should look at different stones side by side not go to one place and then another. You forget the actual color. I would buy a stone I liked and then contact a good jeweler (like Wink) to make the piece up for me. The more input you have on the finished piece the more it will be exactly what you want and the more you will love it. Attached is a picture of the enhancer I had made for my wife. The tanzanite is 20cts. Also are pictures of numerous AAA+ tanzanite. As you can see together some colors do look better than others but separately each would look great.


Wow! That is a nice collection of tanzanites.

Thaks for sharing!


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