
TECHIE question! Which settings to use for Digital Camera???

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Feb 12, 2004
Oh Gosh ... I need help!!!

I am so confused by all this stuff!

Ok, which setting should I choose to take pictures with so that I can upload/download/transfer or whatever you call it ... to PS??

My new camera will let me shoot in these different settings. Which one is for what???

Large: 2816 x 2112 pixels
Middle 1: 2272 x 1704 pixels
Middle 2: 1600 x 1200 pixels
Small: 640 x 480 pixels
Wide: 2816 x 1584 pixels

Thanks for any help!

All of those measurements express how many pixels will be contained in each picture. The larger the pixel count, the better the detail and saturation.

Think of it like thread count in sheets - the higher the count, the softer the sheet.

For the sharpest results, you'd likely want to use the large or middle1 setting (not a huge difference here), and then you'd crop the picture (if cropping required). Then size it down to the proper size file that will fit on PS (100K or less), and post.
small might let you upload them directly but if your going to use them for anything but the net you should shoot in the highest resolution the re-size for posting while saving the original.

If small doesn't get them small enough you will have re-size them anyhow...
which camera did you end up getting? that will help with recomending settings. I pretty sure you have posted the info but im drawing a blank.....
i would use large or middle 1 for print pictures, aka if you intend to use digital files to print from home or through kodak or something to physical pictures. for small it would be for internet or email use mostly, but i tend to just leave my camera on the large setting and then i upload all the photos, open what i want to use for PS or whatever in photoshop and then crop and resize the picture to what i want it to look like, then save it to a level appropriate for PS (under 100kb). so all my photos are in large basically and i play with the ones i want to post, to make them smaller. wide would be if your camera has a landscape or panoramic or a wide setting in order to take a wider picture (sometimes you take two pictures and the camera merges them).
Hi everyone ~

... Thanks for the refering to the sheets! Sheets I understand ... all this new techie stuff ... is hard on my brain!

... I have photoshop and have tried to play around with it a little ... I can do basic stuff like crop, and add frames and cutouts to pics ... still trying to figure out how to take just part of the picture out of one shot and paste it into another blank page ... I need to find a class!

I was hoping you'd stop by for some coffee
& pie!

I am getting the Canon S3-IS. After spending much time at steve's digicam website ... today I ordered the batteries ( [8] 2700 mah) and charger. They are throwing in a free charger bag & battery holders. Tomorrow, I am ordering the camera from, they weren't the very cheapest I could get, but this company vouches that it is a USA model & USA warranty, new sealed in box, and while supplies last, they will throw in a camera bag & 512mb card. Shipping included came out to $393.99. They had one of the best customer reviews too by pricegrabber. Every shop that I went to around town and the next city wanted $499.99 for camera only.

I still need to get the reader ... have any idea on what kind I should get? I think that a little down the road I want to get the 2gb or 4gb (I don't know what it can handle) card so I can record a movie on my camera or something like that. A sales guy was telling me about the San Disk extreme cards ... I was totally confused ... something that they are faster or record faster or some kind of quick recovery.

I want to get a reader that will work with things I need.

I would be most grateful for any other advice or suggestions!

Thanks and have a wonderful week!
p.s. This camera has two macro modes! Macro & Super Macro! I should have no problem with close-ups!

funny thing is iv been looking at the same camera at the same place LOL - not that I can afford it right now.....
Its nice and newegg is a good place I buy computer parts there all the time.

2GB min on the card is what im getting and likely a 4GB depending on prices.
If your computer doesnt have a card reader you might want to get one it is much better than transfering from the camera directly.

My advise is always shoot the highest reslution available you can always make them smaller but you cant go up once you press the shutter.
sandisk - is a brand they make various speed cards the faster the better if the camera is up to it.
They do make some of the fastest in their high end cards.
i have the S2 IS and it too has two macro will have no problem with close ups! however, the 2nd micro doesn''t work on the auto least on the S2 it doesn''t.

movie zombie
Date: 8/21/2006 3:30:18 AM
Author: strmrdr
In a 4GB id likely snag this one:

Hi Storm ~

Hey ... thanks for all the links!

Do you think the Canon S3-IS can handle the 4gb card???

If so ... this is such an excellent price with the rebate. Have you ever bought thru them and used the rebate? Did you get the rebate, or was it lost in the mail? I am always a little leary with rebates that you have to mail.

Thanks & have a super day!
iv been looking around and some places are saying the s3 cant use a 4gb card and others are saying that it can....
might want to check with canon or stick to the 2gb cards.

I have no experience with that companies mail rebates.
Has anyone ordered previously from I''ve been looking at a camera there, too, and very reasonable prices....just wondering about their credibility, etc.?
Date: 8/22/2006 10:32:32 AM
Author: aljdewey
Has anyone ordered previously from I've been looking at a camera there, too, and very reasonable prices....just wondering about their credibility, etc.?
They rock
Iv ordered well over $50000 worth of computer stuff from them over the last few years for work.
Their prices are very often better than the wholesale prices I can get from our suppliers.
The very few times we got something that was doa they were very good about replacing it.
Newegg is good. also has great sales. has a lot of accessories.

For the card reader: any of the "multi-card" ones will be fine.

For the cards: Yes, SanDisk is a good brand. Frequently on sale on-line or at Best Buy. Don''t know if you need the SUPER-DELUXE XTREEEEEME type, though.

For publishing pictures: Shoot at the highest setting ,then crop to what you want, then resize. Pics on the Web should really be 320x240 or so. To put in perspective: most monitors are 1024x768 (or higher). That means there are 1,024 pixels accross by 768 pixels down making up your screen. So a 320x240 photo will take up about a third of the screeen.

For Copying: Usually there will be a Select Tool, like a dashed line. Select the area you want to copy, then R-click, then look for Edit -> Copy. Open a new blank screen, then Edit -> Paste onto the new canvas.
on the card thing, i have a 1GB card and i have never filled it up, not even on our super duper WF trip where i was snapping like a fiend. the 1GB card can hold up to something like 400-500 of the 2nd highest resolution images, which is more than enough for what i use it for and that reso is fine for prints too.

so i''d say a 2GB is definitely fine unless you are going to be taking 1k or 2k of pictures. you can also get 2 2GB cards so you have one for vacation or whatever. next time we travel somewhere cool i will probably get another card just to keep handy.
Good choice on the Canon Ms. Darlin
My daughter has one and the pictures from it are incredible. When shooting pix of a ring or jewelry try using the "flower" setting on top of the dial.

Photoshop is a great program but IMO comes with a very steep learning curve. If you know how to use it then stick with it. It is powerful. Adobe does make a very powerful yet more user friendly program called Adobe Photo Elements. Then there is also Microsoft Digital Image suite or Ulead PhotoImpact which are nice easy user friendly programs that have more features you''ll know what to do with. The Microsoft one is probably the most user friendly but then sometimes the best option is the one you already own.

The one feature you will want to learn about in any of these programs, if you''re going to shoot hi-rez shots is the "resample" or "resize" option. This allows you to take a picture ... say you''ve shot it at 2816x2112 and scale it down to web friendly sizes (300-600 pixels wide) and still maintain excellent quality even if you crop it.

Do you know what version of Photoshop you have Darlin?

Kind regards,
Alj.. I'm not sure why you edited out your post but ill answer the question anyway because its a good one.

1: card readers are generally faster than reading from the camera
2: no extra software needed.
3: doesn't use battery power.
4: the camera doesn't have to be on saving wear and less risk of it getting knocked around, its nice and safe in its padded case instead of getting knocked off the desk by cats, dogs and kids.
5: if you have more than one card its easier to swap them in a reader than a camera.
6: xp thumbnail images make it nice when your looking for a specific picture to copy off.

edit: also the reader doesn't store them its just a way for the computer to connect to the card.
There are however hard drive based devices that will copy the contents of a card to themselves without a computer but they are expensive and fragile so a couple extra large cards is a better solution.
Hi everyone ~

Thank you so much for replying ... and helping!

Aljdewey ~ I know Storm has ordered and has had much success ... I will let you know how my purchase goes ... so far so good, hopefully I''ll recieve the camera on Weds or Thurs. I went thru about 20 online vendors sites, and I personally liked price wise and selection wise overall what I saw on the newegg site, and I thought that the positive feedback was very reliable as it is verified thru pricegrabber.

Buy . com was also ok ... quite a bit more expensive and I don''t like the fact that there is no phone number to call with questions or concerns, especially after you get the product, if something is wrong, no live person to chat with, so your at the luck of if they respond to email, for me I didn''t want to pay more and also take a chance on the no tele#.

Michael ~ Yes, I think that the extreeme cards sound great, but I don''t know if I will really need them for my level of photography at this point. And as Storm pointed out above ... I probably will stick to eventually getting just a 2gm.

Mara ~ Thanks for the insight ... I will be getting a free 512mb card and I am sure that will be good for now, but thinking ahead ... I am sure I will get another card, and that way I can shoot more, or basically fill it up with movie footage!

Date: 8/23/2006 12:45:35 AM
Author: strmrdr
Alj.. I''m not sure why you edited out your post but ill answer the question anyway because its a good one.

1: card readers are generally faster than reading from the camera
2: no extra software needed.
3: doesn''t use battery power.
4: the camera doesn''t have to be on saving wear and less risk of it getting knocked around, its nice and safe in its padded case instead of getting knocked off the desk by cats, dogs and kids.
5: if you have more than one card its easier to swap them in a reader than a camera.
6: xp thumbnail images make it nice when your looking for a specific picture to copy off.

edit: also the reader doesn''t store them its just a way for the computer to connect to the card.
There are however hard drive based devices that will copy the contents of a card to themselves without a computer but they are expensive and fragile so a couple extra large cards is a better solution.
Not sure what the ? was, but I think based on Storms answer ...

Yes, get a card reader ... I wasn''t sure what one was either, but storm filled me in back in June. Basically, I like the idea of saving my battery power to take pictures or movies on my camera & not running the camera for processing purposes unless I had to.

Todays fancy dig cam''s use so much energy with processors, leds etc ... a memory card (I am getting a free one 512mb, and I will buy a 2gb soon) just slips in the camerera and the pics you take get put onto it, you then take this memory chip card out and put it in the "Reader" that hooks up to your computer ... your computer will recognize that it is a reader and a memory chip card has been placed in it and it will transfer your pics into your computer, I believe onto your hard drive or wherever you tell it to save them, maybe a special file in photoshop. Your camera isn''t on, and isn''t involved if you have a reader, so you save your camera on wear and tear from the motor not running, and also on battery power. I got mine thru newegg for under $20.00 w/ free shipping.

Also, one thing that storm pointed out to me was about batteries. I have come to learn they aren''t what they used to be! I had no idea about Mah ... here is the link to my other thread where Storm explains to me about mah and batteries.

I really learned alot from Storm providing me with the steve''s digi cam website ... here is the link.

Date: 8/22/2006 9:52:44 PM
Author: Rhino
Good choice on the Canon Ms. Darlin
My daughter has one and the pictures from it are incredible. When shooting pix of a ring or jewelry try using the ''flower'' setting on top of the dial.

Photoshop is a great program but IMO comes with a very steep learning curve. If you know how to use it then stick with it. It is powerful. Adobe does make a very powerful yet more user friendly program called Adobe Photo Elements. Then there is also Microsoft Digital Image suite or Ulead PhotoImpact which are nice easy user friendly programs that have more features you''ll know what to do with. The Microsoft one is probably the most user friendly but then sometimes the best option is the one you already own.

The one feature you will want to learn about in any of these programs, if you''re going to shoot hi-rez shots is the ''resample'' or ''resize'' option. This allows you to take a picture ... say you''ve shot it at 2816x2112 and scale it down to web friendly sizes (300-600 pixels wide) and still maintain excellent quality even if you crop it.

Do you know what version of Photoshop you have Darlin?

Kind regards,
Hi Jonathan ~

It is so nice to see you here!

I used to have an old Canon SLR back in the late 80''s ... and it was a good one, I am hoping that the reviews on this particular camera will ring true & the end result shall produce awesome quality pics! {{{Let''s hope the user knows what she is doing!}}}

This camera has so many buttons, and a little tiny computer led screen to scroll thru ... and has two types of macro buttons ... let''s hope I can figure it out! {{{

As far as Photoshop ... It might be a 4 ... I am sure it''s not the most update version. I can do basic things on it like edit, crop & resize ... just figured out how to take a picture of a ring and cut it out of one picture and paste it onto a different one ... still very simple things!

I also have something called PhotoImpression, and a funhouse program. These programs came already equiped on my computer. My sister also has downloaded something called Corel Photo Pro ... I have yet to attempt to figure that one out. She will have to do a hands on for me to understand!

I will remember to just shoot with high ... and then crop down. Definately am wanting high rez ... esp. in conjunction with the "super Macro flower" button!

P.S. I would love to be able to figure out how to do a pic of me as "cat woman" or "bat girl" like you did yourself in the batmobile!

Everyone have a super day!

Date: 8/23/2006 12:45:35 AM
Author: strmrdr

Alj.. I''m not sure why you edited out your post but ill answer the question anyway because its a good one.
Eh - I edited it out because I realized I should just go do a little homework myself instead of imposing on all of you!

Thanks for answering anyway - really appreciate it.

Ok...NEW question, though: Has anyone heard of/dealt with They are listing the camera I want for considerably less than most others, and they claim everything is brand new and has US warranty.

Anyone? Thanks in advance.
Hey Ms.Darlin!!!

Yea ... I don''t come to the hangout as often as I''d like. I do like it here. :) Comfy!

I''m going to tell ya ... I''ve been wanting to put a face to our transaction for a long time.
If you forward me a pic in email I''ll put ya in the BatMobile right next to me and we''ll take a cruise together.
I''m heading to San Diego tomorrow morning so it might be a bit before I can do it though.

Seems like you''ve got things going well in Photoshop. Biggest thing with web graphics is that crop and resize. If you got that down no need to necessarilly buy a new program.

One feature though from PhotoShop 4 that has changed in many of the newer programs (if memory is serving me well here) is that you can take any graphic and after resizing it can view before and after appearances after compressing. Sometimes when you compress an image too much it looks pixelated and it''s good to see that before/after before actually saving the graphic. Adobe Photo Elements has this feature as well as the Ulead PhotoImpact program. Not necessary but nice.

Speak with ya soon.

Warm regards,
Date: 8/23/2006 9:55:15 AM
Author: aljdewey

Date: 8/23/2006 12:45:35 AM
Author: strmrdr

Alj.. I'm not sure why you edited out your post but ill answer the question anyway because its a good one.
Eh - I edited it out because I realized I should just go do a little homework myself instead of imposing on all of you!

Thanks for answering anyway - really appreciate it.

Ok...NEW question, though: Has anyone heard of/dealt with They are listing the camera I want for considerably less than most others, and they claim everything is brand new and has US warranty.

Anyone? Thanks in advance.
Never dealt with em before Alj. Before purchasing with an Internet camera company I'd just suggest a little research into their customer service but i'm sure you're already on top of that. Online camera equipment I do highlly recommend B&H Photo. Also I am personally friends with the owners of 2 companies that sell cameras on the net. One is Berger Brothers and the other is Cameta Camera. Cameta has a HUGE ebay following but both are excellent reputable. The sites if you want to check em out are ...

If either of them gave you any trouble I'd personally pay them a visit as they are literally about 5 minutes from my store.

Since I'm around that area often I could even stop in and do a physical inspection for ya before they shipped it. I have good friends at both places.

Kind regards,
Date: 8/23/2006 1:49:21 PM
Author: Rhino
Hey Ms.Darlin!!!

Yea ... I don't come to the hangout as often as I'd like. I do like it here. :) Comfy!

I'm going to tell ya ... I've been wanting to put a face to our transaction for a long time.
If you forward me a pic in email I'll put ya in the BatMobile right next to me and we'll take a cruise together.
I'm heading to San Diego tomorrow morning so it might be a bit before I can do it though.
Yes, I know! I am just a little camera shy ...

Ok ... I will try to scan a pic of me this weekend ... so how small or big do you want this picture? Like 1" X 2"? Or, 2x3?

And I lost your email when my computer crashed and froze months ago ... Christen should have my email, just email me & let me know where to send it.

I hope you have a wonderful time in San Diego! That is where I grew up! {{I'm a Navy Brat}}I had such great memories of the beach, ocean and many cultural / social places to see! One of my favorites was Balboa Park, and of course Old town!

Take care and see ya soon!

Hi Everyone ~

I just wanted to let you know about and how my experience with them was.
I got my camera ... and it's kewl!

I found odering to be easy, and I took delivery 3 days after ordering. When you order, and you order a combo special ... just make sure that when you hit the order button ... to make sure the combo special was actually selected. Apparently I had selected it, and when switching pages back & forth, I must have lost the combo selection.

I thought I selected the combo special that they were offering, however, my free 512mb card didn't come witht the package. I called the company because it did say while quantities last ... so I just gave them a quick call to see if they ran out, and they hadn't ... and they appologized and said that it would be in the mail that very day! They were very polite, professional, and accepted responsibility incase it was their fault, but I think it was mine, and asked if there was any else they could do for me, I said "No, thanks" everything else is perfect.

I would recommend them.

If you are considering a camera, I would suggest you check the camera you want everyday for a few weeks ... I thought the price was awesome, and when I went to look the day I got my camera ... it was even cheaper ($20.00 bucks). Their prices do fluctuate ... and they do have daily speicals etc ... I just didn't want to wait any longer, and the price was A+ anyways!

Ok ... I am off to figure this Kewl puppy out! I am just amazed at what it can do! It also has this digital & optical zoom, shoot movies, record sound with stills, you can take several pics and it will merge them together, change the color of your pics by taking a pic of a color you want, it goes on & on! Holy cow, you can even edit stills & movies with this little thing!

ok .. off to play for a while ... I need to get really good so when my rings comes ... I'll know how to work it!

Everyone have a great weekend!
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