
Tell me something good


Nov 2, 2012
It doesn't have to be any big whoopie deal. That would be okay too but just a lil thing that "sparks joy" to you will do!
A friend sent me flowers today and it really brightened my day. It’s amazing how kind thoughtful gestures can make a big difference. ❤️
Went bowling with a friend of my son and his mom today, had a great time and even won a game!

I had a bunch of errands to do today and met some of the most helpful and friendly sales associates ever! Safeway had 15% off and I got two rib roasts!! (buy one get one free!!!!!!) And I stayed upright on my bike despite some icy patches!!!

My son David said my pumpkin bread is delicious. He was using his finger to get all the crumbs off his plate. He’s autistic so he gets a pass for that. :lol:
Great. Now I’ve got that song running through my head. Inexorably. :P2

And in the spirit of sharing…

@VRBeauty i love that song, since childhood!

@seaurchin i drove Uber for a couple hours today and all of my riders were college kids getting from A to B. They are all always so respectful and kind, and it was a beautiful Midwest autumn day on the Indiana University campus. Imagine falling leaves, beautiful old limestone buildings, students crunching along sidewalks and crosswalks in sweaters and tights and jackets and jeans and boots, and a crispness in the air that makes one anticipate the next football tailgate and game, party, and Thanksgiving break to go home to family. :)
When I run my hand down my cats’ backs I don’t feel backbones jutting out any more. We’re getting control over Alex’s diabetes and Mina’s pancreatitis and they’re both gaining weight back nicely!
My DD who literally “scraped” into her degree course, along with a few “mean girls” who have at times enjoyed reminding her of that fact, found out today that she has been awarded a small scholarship and internship while the “mean girls” with the “higher school marks” missed out.
My 17-year old who has been dealing with depression and anxiety for years, actually started College applications yesterday!

My DD totally tanked her final school year due to extreme anxiety. She barely made it into her very competitive and demanding degree course. I was very worried for her.
She has found her way and is now powering ahead so hopefully your 17 year old will find his/her stride and keep moving forward.
I am having a cuddle with my dog, and my latest purchase from Ouros which is yet another pair of earrings are winging their way to me.

DK :))
It doesn't have to be any big whoopie deal. That would be okay too but just a lil thing that "sparks joy" to you will do!

Hope all is well BTW.

DK :))
The police found the wee girl missing in Western Australia Cloe Smith
she is safe and now back with her parents

I sobbed with joy for an hour when I heard this morning. She is so close in age to my daughter, what her parents have been through must be soul destroying. I then spent the remainder of the day completely euphoric!
One of my jewelers just went viral for supplying a World Series winner with this famous pearls! Shout-out to Happy Jewelers!